Israel is a state located in the southeastern part of Asia. From three sides it is washed by the waters of the Red, Dead and Mediterranean seas. It borders on Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The territory of the country is distinguished by a variety of relief. It meets sandy wastelands and mountain ranges, water meadows and volcano valleys.
Weather conditions

The State of Israel is located in a zone of pronounced Mediterranean climate. Winters in these parts are mild and warm, but snow sometimes falls in the mountainous regions. Summer is hot and dry. On the coast, the humidity is slightly higher. Rare rains bring maritime monsoons.
At the beginning of spring and at the height of autumn, winds blowing from the Red Sea break through the country. They are saturated with warm moisture. They are massive clouds moving towards Mount Hermon. This peak dissipates the monsoons, which are evenly distributed and follow west and east.
July is the hottest month. Hot days last until mid-September. At this time, the thermometer is at 37 ° C. In January it drops to 20 °C, in mountainous areas it reaches 6 °C. Dead Sea water temperaturein summer it is 32°C, and in winter it is not lower than 20°C. The Mediterranean warms up to 31 °C, and the Red - up to 33 °C.
The hottest region in Israel is Tirat Zvi. In this province, temperatures reach 54 °C. The coldest place is in Merom Golan. Night frosts once amounted to -14 ° C. The maximum precipitation falls in the area of the village of Miron. The strongest gusts of wind were recorded on the slopes of the Knaan massif.
Israel area and population

Almost nine million people live permanently on the territory of the state. This figure does not include temporary workers, non-citizen migrants and illegal immigrants. The number of the latter is enormous and amounts to tens of thousands. At the end of the 2000s, the country received a large number of refugees from African countries.
Seventy-five percent of Israel's population are ethnic Jews. Their number exceeds 6,500,000 people. A large number of Arabs, Circassians and Druze have been recorded in the country. Their share is slightly more than twenty percent. The number of Muslims is 1,800,000.
Armenians, Copts, Samaritans and representatives of other national minorities account for five percent. The number of residents who do not consider themselves Jews is 385,000. Every year, the population of Israel increases by about two percent. The natural increase is 167,000 people. 83% of population growth is due to a high birth rate, far exceeding the death rate
Religious composition

BJews dominate the state. Their number exceeds 6,500,000 people. There are 1,530,000 Muslims. There are much fewer Christians. There are only 168,000 of them. 139,000 people were recorded as Druze. Tzibarim and Sabra make up 75% of Israel's population. Every second was born on the territory of the state. Twenty-five percent are repatriates. Most came from the republics of the former USSR.
Approximately half of the Jews identify themselves as representatives of secular society. Religious Jews are almost the same. Thirty-six percent follow Jewish traditions. The ultra-Orthodox account for 9% of society. Believers about twenty percent. The modern population of Israel is formed not only by the indigenous people, but also by visitors. In 2017, almost two hundred thousand foreign citizens were recorded in the country.
Over the past years, the proportion of the Jewish community has been gradually declining. The difference is already three percent. But the number of Muslims is constantly growing. Their number has increased by two percent. Israel's population density is 390 people per square kilometer.
Historical background
In 1948, 873,000 inhabitants were registered in the country. The share of Jews exceeded 82%. Their number exceeded 716,000 people. Arabs numbered 156,000 or 18%.
National division

The composition of Israel's population is heterogeneous. It is divided into native Jews, who call themselves Sabras and Tsibarims, as well as into repatriates and their heirs, who are called Olims. Every fourtha resident of the country speaks Russian. Natives of the USSR played an important role in the development of science and culture of the state. They have made a significant contribution to the total population of Israel.
The largest concentration of Russian-speaking citizens of the country is registered in Ashkelon and Bat Yam. The maximum falls on Sderot. In this part, every second is a repatriate.

Two years ago there were 1,770,000 members of the Arab diaspora in the country. There were 1,500,000 traditional Muslims or 84%. The Druze accounted for 140,000. There were also such Arabs who professed Christianity. They were in the minority. There were no more than 130,000 of them. At the moment, the population of Israel is actively replenished by Muslim families who are raising more than five children.
Christian Arabs occupy the northern territories of the country. Their representatives live in Jerusalem, Haifa and Jaffa. The highest concentration of druze is recorded in mountainous regions. They occupy the Golan Heights. Arabs are an important part of the Israeli population. How many are there in a group of ethnic Bedouins? There are 270,000 Bedouins in the Negev and Galilee.
Lebanese and Circassians are also included in the country's Muslim community. The number of the first does not exceed 2,600 people. The second occupy the northern lands of the state. They are the heirs of the Muhajirs and have minimal influence on the formation of the population of Israel. How many of them live on the territory of the state is not exactly known.
Ethnic groups
Short list of national minorities:
- druze;
- Circassians;
- Arabs;
- Bedouins;
- Armenians;
- Abyssinians;
- Bahá'í;
- Samaritans.
The number of Druze, according to various estimates, exceeds 122,000 people. A separate educational system has been created for these people. Males are allowed to serve in the armed forces of the country. The Arab population in Israel occupies regions with a mixed national composition. They prefer Jerusalem and its suburbs, Haifa, Ramla, Lod, Akko. Most Muslims are not required to serve in the military. But they can choose a military career. There are literally a few hundred Lebanese Shiites. Representatives of this ethnic group fled after Israel gained independence.
Samaritans living in Holon, as well as Baha'is, are allowed to serve in the state army. Some residents may serve in the police. In doing so, they must demonstrate loy alty to the policies of local authorities.

Which population in Israel faces special treatment from employers? It is not customary to ask this question in the country, but discrimination actually exists. Arabs and Muslims face it. They are denied employment, citing the inability to guarantee security.
Therefore, representatives of the Arab nationality are forced to be content with low-paid positions. They work in markets, shops, cafes and restaurants. But to enter the service ingovernment or large commercial entities they cannot.
In 2002, the authorities of the State of Israel imposed restrictions on the naturalization procedure. Previously, the status of a citizen was received not only by ethnic Jews who returned to their homeland from the republics of the former USSR, but also by their spouses who belonged to other nationalities.
After the change in the migration legislation, wives and husbands who could not confirm their attitude towards Jews issue only a residence permit. They can no longer go through the naturalization process.
Every second foreigner who crossed the Israeli border on a work visa sooner or later becomes a violator of immigration laws. Today, the low population density and the size of Israel allow locals to get along with visitors. But as soon as the latter break the law, they are subject to instant repatriation.
Most often, visitors work in the country's agricultural complex. They work in the fields and agricultural land. In the group of foreign specialists, representatives of Palestine stand apart. Most often they are illegal immigrants, and they crossed the border of the country illegally. According to law enforcement agencies, their number exceeds 50,000. Some come to the cities of Israel - the population of the country approves of this - and do the dirtiest and lowest paid work. Others become members of terrorist groups that recruit and organize attacks.
Recently, a new wave of migrants has covered the country. On thethis time, African states became its source. Most blacks live illegally. The stream goes through Egypt. Last year their number increased to 40,000 people. Since refugees do not have the status of citizens, they do not affect the population of Israel in any way.
To stop the massive flow of migrants, the country's authorities erected a barrier, which is located on the border with Egypt. Those who are lucky enough to move to Israel are issued a temporary residence permit. Illegals from Sudan and Eritrea are not sent back because they are en titled to refugee status.
The largest concentration of African migrants was recorded in Tel Aviv, Eilat, Ashdod, Arad and Jerusalem. To date, there are about 70,000 registered people in the country who claim refugee status. Of these, ten percent came from Kenya, Chad, Somalia, Ethiopia. Israel has a population of nine million in 2018, according to official figures. If we add all migrants and illegal immigrants, then this figure will increase by 1,000,000.
Protests and confrontations

In places where migrants gather, local residents are aggressive. They are not ready to put up with the theft and violence that flourishes in African neighborhoods. Citizens of the country are demonstrating and calling on the government to take action.
While the deputies are formulating new resolutions, the Jews themselves ensure the safety of their families. They are on duty in the streets at night. Real estate agents do not cooperatewith Africans. Police additionally patrol dangerous areas.
In 2012, the confrontation ended with massive local attacks on illegal immigrants. During the same period, blacks were expelled from the village of Kfar Manda, where the Arab community lived
Israel is considered the birthplace of houses. This is one of the branches of the gypsy diaspora. It differs from relatives in its closeness, therefore it has not yet been studied. Its representatives drag out a miserable existence. They don't work anywhere, they beg. Most have no education. They are unable to read and write. They profess Islam, less often Christianity.
Sometimes they become artisans. Trade in metal, leather and wood products. They work as musicians and street actors. Almost all families have many children. Houses are attributed to the Arabs. Many of them still do not have Israeli citizenship. The closest relatives are Roma.
Representatives of this ethnic group wear traditional clothes for the Middle East and profess Islam. In Israel, their number exceeds 150,000 people. They are divided into two branches. Northerners live in Al Ghaib and Zarzira. Southerners settle in the Negev desert. They still lead a nomadic lifestyle. Their main occupation is animal husbandry.
To legitimize the sedentary way of life, the government of the country strongly encourages those Bedouins who have decided to abandon their traditions. They are provided with benefits and compensation. Tel Sheva is the first village founded by nomads. It was formed in 1974. The population is several thousand people. Rahat is another successful project of Israeliauthorities. More than fifty thousand nomads live in this settlement today.
Sedentary Bedouin Military Service Places:
- state army;
- IDF;
- GADSAR battalion;
- elite police units;
- rescuers;
- intelligence departments.
Former nomads are clearing mines in the desert. They predict the location of ambushes and organize their own traps. They are trusted with complex and dangerous operations. Bedouins have a unique flair. They know almost everything about the desert.
Geographic distribution
24% of the population is concentrated in the Central District of the country. Jews are in the majority. Their share exceeds 28%. Muslims 11%. 16% of the country's inhabitants are concentrated in the Tel Aviv province. Jews represent the majority in them. 11% live in the Haifa district. The province has a high concentration of Druze, almost 19%.
13% of Israeli citizens are registered in the Jerusalem region. In the Northern District 16%. This is the place where the Druze live. Here they are eighty percent. The southern region has become home to 14% of Israelis. Only Jews live in Judea and Samaria. Their share in the total population of the country is almost 5%.
Judea and Samaria
Large population centers in the region:
- Ariel.
- Modiin-Ilit.
- Beitar Illit.
- Maale Adumim.
- Hebron.
- Gush Etzion.
The population exceeds 400,000 people. About 8,000 residents appeared in these parts in 2005 after they were evicted fromterritory of the Gaza Strip. To date, the number of Israelis who occupy unrecognized lands is about 500,000.
Gender and age structure
The basis of the country's society is a mature, able-bodied population. Its share exceeds sixty percent. The group of people under the age of fourteen accounts for 27.5%. In the category of the elderly, there are 32.5% of pensioners over 65 years old. Israel has a large number of centenarians, whose age exceeds 75. Their number is constantly growing. In 2016, the dynamics was almost 5%.
The average age of the male population is 29 years. The women are one year older. The difference between the number of representatives of both sexes is insignificant. In the group of people over sixty-five, it is more noticeable.
The number of marriages dominates the number of divorces. On average, one pair breaks up for every five hundred Israelis. According to accounting staff, the divorce rate has recently been on the rise. At the same time, marriages are postponed to a later date, which entails a reduction in the birth rate.
Early marriage is common in the Muslim community. Approximately 3,000 underage Arab girls are married each year. Jews do not practice such early marriages. Of these, one thousand women are under the age of seventeen.
There were 44,000 deaths in the country last year. More than 181,000 babies were born. For every thousand Israelis, twenty children are born.