The vast territories of the North American continent amaze the imagination with the diversity of the plant world. Each landscape zone has a certain number of rare, unique and relic plants growing on its land.
Subtropical deserts and semi-deserts in the south are quickly overgrown with thorny shrubs, various cacti breed everywhere, aggressively fertile prickly pear, slender idria reaching 10 meters in height, grow interspersed with stunted, but incredibly tenacious coryphant trees. All these plants are the true nature of America, examples of many years of evolution.

To the north, deserts of a more temperate climate begin, cacti gradually give way to bushes of sagebrush, quinoa and teresken. The wild nature of America is unique in its splendor. The territory of the United States, from the Appalachian mountains in the east to the rocky Cordillera in the west, is a succession of flowering valleys and barren plateaus, the richest pastures on the prairies and endless rocky plains. The whole nature of America is built on contrasts. Therefore, the most fertile and picturesque areas are reserved for national parks. MainUS nature reserve, Yellowstone Park, spread over a vast area of almost a million hectares.

The park was created one hundred and fifty years ago, despite its name - "yellow stone", is one of the greenest places on the planet. Yellowstone Park is famous for hot springs, geysers and an active, but still quiet volcano.
To the east, in Florida, is another national park, the Everglades. Rare plants, trees and flowers live in this park, about 2000 items in total. The park is the only place where all kinds of wild orchids grow. For a long time, they tried to ennoble the territory of the Everglades Park, drained marshy soils in every possible way, but in the end, by the decision of UNESCO, it was declared a wilderness area and left alone.

Another national park in the USA - Death Valley - there was no need to drain, since it is located in the driest place in North America, east of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, in California, where the nature of America is concentrated in its best forms. The park got its gloomy name during the gold rush on its territory, when the search for a gold mine was marked by several deaths. Giant sequoias grow in Death Valley, there are no such trees anywhere else in the world. The height of the giants is about a hundred meters, and the diameter of the trunk reaches ten meters. Every tree is considered an American public asset and is inviolable.

Fauna inNorth America is no less diverse than the plant world. The diversity of the animal world is due to several climatic zones. Reindeer, polar bears, wild musk oxen, polar wolves, arctic foxes are found in cold tundra forests. In the taiga zone, the climate is milder, which means that the nature of America is already different, different from the northern zone. American bison live in the taiga and fur-bearing animals, marten, sable, mink and weasel are numerous. Large animals are represented by brown bears and wolverines.

In the Mississippi River Valley you can meet unique alligators and no less unique Mississippian tortoises. Flamingos, ibis and pelicans live in huge flocks near the water. Millions of miniature hummingbirds have found shelter and food in the green splendor of the Great River basin. The Missouri River, a tributary of the Mississippi, is also rich in wildlife.
US nature abhors a vacuum. Some species of animals and birds of North America are disappearing, but in general, the ecological situation is conducive to the continuation of the life of predatory and herbivorous animals, birds, reptiles and insects. In place of endangered species, new populations appear.