Even the most inveterate Muscovite is not able to name the exact number of monuments in the main city of our country. Sculptures of various sizes decorate or spoil our capital. They are dedicated to legendary personalities and great historical events. Their diversity is so great that it is impossible to describe them all. Famous doctors, pilots, composers, revolutionaries, scientists, sculptors, rulers and even the founder of this most beautiful city, which is our capital, look at passers-by from their pedestals.

Until the middle of the last century, various monuments of Moscow stood on Tverskaya Square, but their fate was not long until it was decided to celebrate its 800th anniversary on a special scale in the main city of the country. In the post-war years, this was the first large-scale holiday, which was also planned to be a dress rehearsal for another anniversary celebration - the thirtieth anniversary of the October Revolution. At the same time, the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky in Moscow was founded, which still stands here and pleases the eyes of guests and residents, beinglandmark of the capital.
A bit of history
It is generally accepted that the main city of our country was founded in 1147, but this date is only the first mention of it in the annals. In fact, even then, historians knew that a village existed on this site at least two hundred years before Dolgoruky, so the prince could not found it. The only mystery that has not been solved so far is the construction of the settlement: whether it was erected under Yuri, or before him. Nevertheless, this date has become traditional, and special attention was paid to the figure of the prince.
Creating a Monument

A year before the celebration of the anniversary, Stalin ordered an expedition to the Ukrainian capital to find the remains of Yuri Dolgoruky. It was headed by the anthropologist and archaeologist Gerasimov. According to the idea of the head of state, the reburial of the ashes was to take place at the celebration. But when studying this place, which is considered the official burial place of the prince, it turned out that it turned out to be false.
In the same year, a competition was announced for the best project, according to which a monument to Yuri Dolgoruky in Moscow will be made. Despite the participation of outstanding sculptors of the country, Orlov turned out to be the best, who then worked mainly with small porcelain plastic and did not at all engage in monumental sculpture. For this project, the sculptor was awarded the Stalin Prize, the highest award at that time.
Orlov's career rise. The legend of the origin of the monument

With the personal participation of the leader, the career of an unknown artist began to develop rapidly. It happened in a very short period between the end of the Second World War and the beginning of the Cold War. Legend has it that during the exhibition of folk art, the American ambassador liked the clay cockerel, the author of which was Orlov. Molotov gave him this toy, while the author promised it to the local Palace of Pioneers. At the end of the exhibition, Orlov decided to find out the fate of his creation and wrote a letter to the organizers of the exhibition, but this correspondence did not give any result. Therefore, Orlov sent a letter of complaint addressed to Stalin. These events coincided with the lowering of the Iron Curtain, and Molotov was given a big scolding for choosing an American diplomat over the Soviet pioneers.

After that, the leader suggested that the sculptor take up a project, according to which a monument to Yuri Dolgoruky in Moscow would be made. But due to the fact that Orlov had no experience, co-authors Stamm and Antropov were attached to him.
There is also a version that the author won the competition, and his project of this sight of Moscow (photo posted in the article) really turned out to be the most successful.
Approval of the final version of the monument. Another legend

After a close examination of the model, the leader had a question about why the prince sits on a mare, and not on a stallion, which would give the imagefounder of the capital of masculinity. As a result, the authors urgently made all the necessary changes. During the time of Khrushchev, this story received a kind of continuation.
Laying the monument
The monument to Yuri Dolgoruky in Moscow was laid during the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the founding of the capital. Despite the ceremony, the city will not soon see this monument, mainly because of the extremely quarrelsome nature of Orlov. His co-authors tried to convince him that the techniques of small plastic arts are not always applicable in monumental art. In addition, the sculptor was constantly in conflict with the authorities, who, against his will, wanted to mention the Soviet government on the monument, but here the author defended his point of view. Yes, and funding was insufficient due to several projects that had begun at that time, including the construction of Stalin's skyscrapers.
Monument to Yuri Dolgoruky. Opening
In a solemn atmosphere, only seven years after it was founded, the opening of the monument took place. It was made at the Mytishchi plant, and it cost the city budget five and a half million rubles. Since historians do not have reliable information about the appearance of the prince, thanks to the authors, he appeared before us in the form of a Russian hero, on whose shield is the sign of St. George the Victorious, and on the body is armor.
Kostroma. Founding History
The brightest and most beautiful city, one of the representatives of the Golden Ring of our country, which includes the most ancient cities of our country, is Kostroma. After just five yearsafter the foundation of the future capital, it was erected on the Volga thanks to Yuri Dolgoruky. This version was proposed by the great historian Tatishchev, who connected this event with the vigorous activity of the prince in the north-east of the country. He founded the city during Yuri's campaign in the lands of the Kazan Bulgarians. But there is no evidence pointing to these facts, and there is also no justification for other versions of the formation of the city.
Scientists still cannot agree on the origin of the city's name. Perhaps it came from the name of the Kostra River, on which this village stands. But along with this, there are other hypotheses.

Today, Kostroma is a small but fairly developed city, which is famous for its light industry, as well as other enterprises. This city is rightly called the cradle of the royal dynasty, and it was here that the Snow Maiden was born.
Monument to the founder of the city
In gratitude to its founder, after the celebration of the 850th anniversary of the city, a monument to Yuri Dolgoruky was erected, where the recently called Sovetskaya, and now Voznesenskaya Square is located. This truly solemn and long-awaited moment took place thanks to numerous sponsorships.
And this event was preceded by the visit of Patriarch Alexy II, who presented Kostroma with a capsule with earth taken from the burial place of the prince. On the site of the future monument, a solemn ceremony of laying the stone, consecrated by Archbishop Alexander, was held. After this event, manythe inhabitants of the city watched as the monolith began to stream myrrh.
What does the monument to the founder of Kostroma look like

The size of the monument is amazing. It weighs four tons, and the height of the monument is four and a half meters. The material from which it is made is bronze of the highest quality. The project, according to which the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky was created (photo on the left), belongs to the eminent Moscow sculptor, known for his work (restoration of the "Worker and Collective Farm Woman", a monument to F. Chaliapin) V. M. Tserkovnikov. Its co-authors were the artist Kadyberdeev and the architect Morozov.
A rather massive bronze sculpture, which is represented by fifteen parts connected by welding seams, was cast in the capital of Tatarstan. This work lasted more than two months.
The monument is presented in the form of the Grand Duke seated on the throne. Indicating that a new city will be located here in the near future, he extends his right hand in front of him. Like a cross, Dolgoruky holds a sword in his left hand, emphasizing that he came here as a conqueror, but not a warrior. Monomakh's cap adorns the prince's head. In the sun, the monument shimmers and shines, as if cast from gold. This effect is achieved thanks to a special sandblasting method, which consists in cleaning with special sand.
Today, the square on which the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky stands in Kostroma is the most popular place for both citizens and guests of this city.