The Kingdom of Morocco is a very colorful country. Its ancient history, unique culture and unique spirit attract tourists from all over the world. An interesting topic for study can be Moroccan national dances, which are very diverse. And besides, they are not limited to bellydance, contrary to the opinion that has taken root among Europeans.
In this article, you will not only learn about the Moroccan dance from Peer Gynt, but also get acquainted with the main dance styles of the North African country.
What, where and on what occasions do they dance in Morocco?
The culture of this region is a harmonious mixture of Arab and Berber traditions. Unfortunately, such a phenomenon as traditional Moroccan dance has not yet been studied enough. Dancers and dancers in other countries do not perform with him. But this part of the folklore culture is very popular among the locals.
Moroccans, especially villagers, dance at major holidays and important family gatherings. It looks like colorfulperformance accompanied by folk music and colorful costumes. A large role is given to traditional musical instruments: tambourines, rattles, castanets, drums, etc.

Each region of Morocco has its own characteristic dances. They are performed differently in the north of the country, in the mountains, in the south, on the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Let us dwell in detail on certain types of art of rhythmic movement.
The dancer, dressed in a long dress and covered with a wide cloth, makes smooth movements with her hands. The whole body is relaxed. The key components that this Moroccan dance has incorporated are the rhythmic movements of the hands and the shaking of the hair with the body swaying from side to side. Sometimes the dancer even goes into a trance during the performance.
The style has become known outside of Morocco due to its special purpose. This is a wedding dance and is traditionally performed by the women at the wedding, gathered around the bride. At the same time, they are dressed in bright straight-cut outfits, and a fringed belt is tied around the waist.

When moving, the emphasis is on the stomach, hips and chest. Rapid movements, shaking and flapping of hair are performed.
This Moroccan dance resembles a pagan round dance. It is certainly accompanied by singing to tambourines - musical instruments like tambourines.

Both women andmen. All participants make wave-like body movements. Haidus is used for various solemn occasions: congratulations to newlyweds, meeting dear guests, honoring warriors, etc.
Moroccan shaabi
It is characterized by rhythmic head movements with hair thrown down, as well as various types of shaking (shoulders, hips), accompanied by steps and stomping in place. The dancer is dressed in a traditional fitted caftan with long wide sleeves (it is called galabya).
Moroccan bellydance
Strictly speaking, the Moroccan belly dance itself does not exist. What is danced in this country as part of bellydance is a mixture of the Lebanese style (in which the movements are undulating and fast, the emphasis is on the hips) and the popular Egyptian style (fast, but at the same time smooth and relaxed). So belly dancing is not even part of the Moroccan culture. In this country, it is performed only for tourists, and not always at a professional level.
Moroccan dance in other cultures
Oriental dance is constantly evolving and often used in Western artistic productions. You can, for example, meet him in the play based on the play by G. Ibsen "Peer Gynt", the music for which was written by the famous Norwegian composer E. Grieg.
According to the plot, the protagonist, dreamy and cut off from reality, is forced to lead the life of a fugitive and wanderer. By the will of fate, he brings him to different parts of the world, including Morocco. Here a colorful scene is played out for the Western audience. The main character lies onpillows while Anitra, the daughter of a Bedouin chief, and a group of other brightly dressed girls make rhythmic movements to the music. The image of the main dancer has inspired many choreographers and artists.

Ahwash is the name of the Moroccan dance from Peer Gynt. It is popular, and is performed to drums and flutes, often accompanied by singing.
Moroccan folk dances are a bright, colorful, cheerful and dynamic spectacle that can please not only tourists who are keen on the exotic, but also the representatives of this culture.