Celts are a people of Indo-European origin, who in ancient times inhabited a large territory in the center and west of Europe. There are a huge number of legends about these people, many are interested in their culture. Parents today often give their children ancient Celtic names. As a matter of fact, why not? They sound good. Before considering these names, you should learn more about the Celts.
Celts are wonderful warriors
These people were famous for their fearlessness in battle.

They took the battles as a show, during which they could show off and demonstrate their strength. Before each battle, they taunted their enemies, such as singing mocking songs about them. They also frightened opponents with a howl. The Celts understood that if you piss off the enemy before a direct battle, then he is already practically defeated. All these points should be known to a modern person who is interested in Celtic names, female or male - it does not matter.
Intimidate the enemy
Their war cries sounded quite intimidating, perhaps becausemany of them were in a state of severe intoxication, it is also possible that they used some intoxicating substances. The Celts also had rather loud trumpets and bugles - it is quite clear that they aimed to shock the enemy. Celtic names were also sometimes intimidating.
Careful attention to physical form

The more successful a person was in battle, the higher the status he had in society. If the Celt wanted to achieve real recognition, he had to strive to become a brave fighter. They took their physical condition quite seriously. A kind of obesity test was regularly carried out: each community had a special belt, and if it was impossible to fasten it on a person, then everyone treated him with condemnation. Often, even small children sought to attribute good physical qualities. What were the Celtic names, feminine in particular? For example, Iris is cute or Aleena is charming. That says a lot.
Interesting tradition
To demonstrate their courage, many warriors fought naked. The bodies of some were painted with bright paint, which left an indelible impression on the Romans. It is possible that they fought naked because it had some mystical meaning. Perhaps it was some kind of ritual - you throw off everything and show the gods how you fight. In addition, the Celts, of course, wanted to impress their enemies with their powerful muscles and body designs. Andindeed, the opponents were in shock. Studying Celtic male names, you are surprised how many of them are related to the war.

Celtic culture
These people, who inhabited such different territories as Turkey, Spain and Ireland, most likely did not maintain contact with each other, but there were many common points in their culture. In addition, they spoke similar languages. Their art had a lot in common. The Celtic names were also almost the same.
Artifacts from these peoples, found in places as diverse as Hungary and Ireland, often feature almost the same style. How is this possible? Archaeologists still cannot unequivocally answer this question. However, they think that wars, moving and trade contributed to this. So Celtic names, culture and languages spread to distant territories. Quite a plausible version.
How do we know about the Celts?
We know very little about the culture of the Celts, since this people did not keep any records - they transmitted all the information orally. The information we have is taken from the documents of their opponents. In particular, we learned Celtic names from these records.

All we have is information left to us by the Greeks and Romans. However, no one will argue that it is difficult to adequately assess people when you watch them, hear the war cry of the enemy, and now and then cover yourself with a shield.
Weapons making
The fame of the Celts spread thanks to their interesting method of metal processing. These people were real weapons specialists. They made large swords from hardened steel, uniforms, shields, as well as vehicles, in particular, chariots, the huge wheels of which were equipped with metal rims, therefore, were very strong and durable.
Celtic names and their meanings
Male names
- Abelionni - emerald sprout.
- Ansgar is a fighter.
- Angus is incredibly strong.
- Bevan is a young warrior.
- Brayden - Twilight Valley.
- Belus - sparkling.
- Verkingetorix is the ruler.
- Gwolkhmei is a bird of prey.
- Kaiden is a fighter.
- Keven is an adorable baby.
- Sidmon - battle area.
- Maponus is a foreseen child.
- Eohann is the child of the yew tree.
- Trevor is smart.

Female names
- Iris is cute.
- Agrona - dead, fallen in battle.
- Arlene - vow.
- Aleena is charming.
- Breeda - powerful, independent.
- Brigantia is great.
- Brit is a strong girl from England.
- Border - love.
- Ginerva is snow-white, like foam.
- Devonian is predicted.
- Kennedy is power.
- Mackenzie is the child of a smart leader.
- Ronath is a small seal.
- Enya is an elf singing a song.
- Ena is fiery,passionate.
Most of the names sound nice, and one of them is quite suitable for a child. Moreover, ordinary names are not interesting, do not attract attention and are simply tired. What good is it if there are several children with the same name in the class where the child is studying? Although you need to understand that when choosing a name, one should not forget about common sense. For example, a boy can be called Braden. This name is easy to pronounce and sounds beautiful. But Gvolkhmey is a completely different matter, it is hardly worth choosing him. It is given rather simply for reference.