What is the danger of sea scorpion venom? Secure your vacation on the Black Sea

What is the danger of sea scorpion venom? Secure your vacation on the Black Sea
What is the danger of sea scorpion venom? Secure your vacation on the Black Sea

The biggest danger of the sea dragon is its disguise. This cunning fish loves to burrow into the sand, which means that accidentally stepping on it is easier than ever. But even if you do not rummage along the sandy bottom with your feet, the danger still remains. The sea scorpion is very similar to the usual Black Sea goby. He has much in common with his relative, with one exception: the goby does not have poisonous needles all over its body. An injection with such a spike will cause severe pain, and in special cases, death.

Dragon in sheep's clothing

The average size of a sea scorpion is 20 to 40 centimeters. Weight within 300 grams. The fish looks inconspicuous, calling it a "dragon" sounds more like a mockery. The body is flattened from the sides, the eyes are high on the head, as if she is always in a light thoughtfulness, or simply unhappy with something. The color may vary, but there are always stripes on the body. In general, the sea scorpion is a fish like a fish. Its main feature is the similarity with the usual Black Sea goby, so it is very easy to confuse them. Take a closer look at the photo of a sea scorpion andremember "the enemy in the face".

Sea scorpion in water
Sea scorpion in water

Where does the poisonous twin brother of the Black Sea goby live?

The sea scorpion lives, among other places, in the Black Sea. The predator food chain is located at a depth of 20 meters. This, however, does not prevent him from enjoying the views of the coast. This fish breeds and lives mainly at depth, but sometimes it wants to go out into the public, swim in shallow water, “talk” with interesting people.


The love of the sea scorpion for the sand is quite justified - this is his refuge. Burrowing into the ground, the predator patiently waits for its prey. As soon as the unlucky fish swims idly past, the dragon flies out of the silt pile and ends its hunger strike with a lightning movement.

sea scorpion fish
sea scorpion fish

Sea Dragon Attack

Tourists and vacationers are rarely seen by poisonous fish. The Black Sea sea scorpion is not at all aggressive, but if you force or frighten it, it will not seem enough. Grabbing the offender with his teeth, the fish sharply stings him with his poisonous needle. If grasping with teeth does not help, the sea dragon straightens the spikes located along the body. Catching a fish at a time like this is a sure way to regret a boat trip.

Sea dragon sacrifices

The vast majority of cases of sea scorpion poisoning are purely accidental. It is difficult to notice it in the sand, and therefore it is easy to inadvertently step on it. It is also easy to confuse him with a harmless bull and behave too boldly.

Black Sea Marinescorpion
Black Sea Marinescorpion

The effect of poison on the body

Toxic poison, entering the body through a sharp spike, will cause an immediate reaction - severe pain at the injection site. The wound will begin to turn blue. The muscles will begin to go numb under the influence of the poison. Partial muscle paralysis or numbness will radiate pain to the entire limb.

The most striking symptoms of intoxication:

  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • headache and/or dizziness;
  • partial muscular paralysis around the injection site.

What to do if stung by a sea dragon

For starters, don't panic. In the vast majority of cases, such poisoning is not fatal. It is advisable to do the following steps:

Photo of a sea scorpion
Photo of a sea scorpion
  • Suck the poison out of the wound. Once in the mouth, the toxin stops its negative effect due to the bactericidal properties of saliva.
  • The injection site must be disinfected with any agent available in the medicine cabinet (hydrogen peroxide, for example).
  • To prevent further infection, the wound should be covered with a bandage.
  • Urgently go at a fast pace (you can't panic) to the nearest medical aid station.

The best defense is… caution

Of course, you shouldn't always stand around with binoculars around your neck and a bandage around your shoulder, waiting for danger. Of all the marine inhabitants, the sea scorpion is not the most terrible, but the meeting with him usually turns out to be unexpected. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is enough to follow a few simple rules.reasonable care:

Sea Dragon
Sea Dragon
  • If you saw an unfamiliar fish (especially if it looks so much like a Black Sea goby) - you should not run to "hug". If not necessary, it is better not to interfere with her important fish business.
  • You should not explore the various potholes and crevices in the rocks and stones. The spirit of adventure, of course, says otherwise, but even if you are lucky enough not to touch the dragon, many other equally interesting and much more dangerous surprises can lurk in the dark obscurity.
  • Ah, those walks along the coast! The tide gently envelops the legs, the sun is just about to fall asleep. It's hard to imagine anything more romantic. However, the sense of beauty is not alien to the sea scorpion. It would be a crime to dissuade such walks, but the advice - always look under your feet - will never be superfluous.

To summarize all of the above, this wonderful fish can cause a lot of unwanted problems. Luckily, she's not aggressive at all, and following basic safety and common sense rules will keep you out of trouble.
