Dinosaur exhibition: VDNH Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod

Dinosaur exhibition: VDNH Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod
Dinosaur exhibition: VDNH Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod

The fact that huge and terrible dinosaurs lived on Earth millions of years ago, thanks to cartoons, toys and other Jurassic parks, everyone knows today without exception. An exhibition of dinosaurs was organized for admirers of huge creatures.

dinosaur exhibition
dinosaur exhibition

Feeling the genuine interest of people in this, especially among the population of primary school age, popularizers of science from commerce quickly organized dinosaur exhibitions touring the cities of the world. Last year, one of the largest of them reached Nizhny Novgorod, and then to the capital.

Dinosaurs in Nizhny Novgorod. An exhibition that amazes

Besides the profits for the organizers, the exhibition really carries a huge educational charge for both young viewers and their parents and grandparents. Allows you to find out that these are not enlarged copies of the heroes of adventure films, but recreated and made in full size thanks to the science of paleontology, creatures that actually lived on our planet.

The event took place in 2014. This dinosaur exhibit producedfurore among the locals. From February 1 to March 31, anyone could see the ancient lizards with their own eyes.

dinosaurs in nizhny novgorod exhibition
dinosaurs in nizhny novgorod exhibition

There is such a science

Paleontology studies and systematizes fossilized animals and plants of ancient times, called geological periods. This allows us to understand the process of evolution of life on Earth. Scientists have learned how to collect the skeletons of long-disappeared living beings from the remains, and later restore their external image, as close as possible to the real species. The dinosaur exhibition was organized only according to real data.

The paleontologist, Professor and Doctor of Biological Sciences, Ivan Antonovich Efremov, who has been excavating dinosaurs in the Mongolian Gobi desert for many years, was himself known to the general public in our country. He is much more famous as a Soviet science fiction writer, who wrote the most famous works: "The Nebula of Andromeda", "The Razor's Edge", "Thais of Athens".

Exhibits come alive

More than twenty species of dinosaurs were presented at the exhibitions, giving a general idea of how these mysterious, in many ways seeming unreal, creatures from the distant past of our planet looked like in nature. Dinosaurs struck almost all in Nizhny Novgorod. The exhibition delighted with its scale and plausibility.

exhibition of dinosaurs at VDNH
exhibition of dinosaurs at VDNH

Here are some of the ancient creatures on display:

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is probably the most familiar from the movies.
  • Triceratops with a huge horned skull.
  • Achillelobator, which was discovered in Mongolia as recently as 1989.
  • Pterodactyl and Pteranodon, giant flying lizards.

The dinosaur exhibition will amaze anyone who wants to see what these monsters really looked like.

Covered in multi-colored silicone skin, more like a futuristic armor with muscles rolling under it, making strange sounds and screams, dinosaurs, equipped with hidden electric drives and motion sensors, move their limbs and tails, open terrible mouths. One of them is born from an egg. Such realism causes a slight shock, turning into nervous laughter, even among some adult visitors. But children are either not afraid of dinosaurs at all or instantly adapt after the first fleeting fright and reach out to touch the exhibits.

dinosaur exhibition in the lower
dinosaur exhibition in the lower

All exhibits are made by real masters of their craft in the People's Republic of China. The descendants of the creators of the Terracotta Army tried to achieve maximum resemblance to dinosaurs, using the knowledge accumulated by paleontologists and their own unique skills. That is why the dinosaur exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod was so popular.

Where to look for the exhibition

Before the famous Nizhny Novgorod fair and the no less famous exhibition of our achievements, the fair visited Cheboksary, Yekaterinburg, Gelendzhik.

dinosaur exhibition
dinosaur exhibition

From March 31, 2015 to January 17 next year (according to the organizers) the exhibition is helddinosaurs at VDNKh in Moscow. It features more than 30 exhibits. For information: a half-hour excursion on weekdays will cost adults 550 rubles, children - 450 rubles, and 50 rubles on weekends. expensive. Discounts are provided: for a family with two children 1800 and 2000 rubles. respectively. For groups of 15 people or more, consisting of children and pensioners with one accompanying person - 350 and 400 rubles. per person. War veterans and disabled people with one accompanying person are admitted free of charge.

I would like to hope that such exhibitions will surprise and delight children and adults in many more cities of Russia and will give a desire to expand their knowledge about the history of the Earth.
