Love is a topic that is interesting to any person, regardless of age, gender, skin color and the time in which he was lucky to be born. Even Archimedes said: "Love is a theorem that must be proved every day." Quotes about relationships between a man and a woman often help to better understand yourself and determine the direction in which this relationship is moving. That is why various groups on social networks that are dedicated to the topics of love and relationships are currently so popular.

What are the benefits of groups in social networks
Despite the fact that for many the very idea of participating in such communities does not seem like the most highly intellectual way of spending time, in a certain sense they are quite useful. The relationship quotes that abound in these groups help young men and women to understand themselves. Reading the words of great people and finding a response in them, they receive invisible support, without which it can be very difficult to understand various life situations. "Love, like a fire, goes out without food," said the great poet M. Yu. Lermontov. And to constantly feedrelationship, you need to feed yourself spiritually.
Remarque's words for any couple in love
One of the authors whose quotes about relationships are relevant to this day is Erich Maria Remarque. He wrote: “The one who is guilty does not always ask for forgiveness. The one who values relationships asks for forgiveness. Indeed, without mutual concessions, no lasting bond would be possible. In the modern world, there is an ambiguous attitude towards love between a man and a woman. Store shelves are full of books that contain guides on how to subjugate a member of the opposite sex (preferably more than one).

However, it is often the ability to at some point to refuse to be led by one's pride and ask for forgiveness even when there is absolutely no wrongdoing that saves relationships. In this case, a person puts love above his personal interests. There is not a drop of humiliation in such actions - in fact, this is how generosity and strength of character are manifested.
Nietzsche's philosophy to help those who love
Of particular interest are quotes about the relationship between a man and a woman by the great philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. As you know, he not only predicted the future of European civilization, but was also a very subtle psychologist who understood the most hidden depths of the human heart. The philosopher said: "Bitterness is contained in the cup of even the best love."
Many couples who have lived together for many years will agree with the correctness of this saying. Can not beperfect relationships, because each person has not only advantages, but also a set of shortcomings. And they are especially pronounced in a love affair. Therefore, in order for it to bring happiness, it is worth learning to accept another person along with these negative qualities. Quotes about love and relationships often inspire people to do so.

Of course, this is not always possible. In this case, it is necessary to weigh all the factors that keep two people close. If it is difficult for a man or woman to be with their partner, you need to evaluate the advantages that he or she receives from the relationship and compare them with the disadvantages. Some psychologists say that this ratio should be about 30% and 70%. That is, if a love affair is at least seventy percent good, it is absolutely viable.
Nietzsche is also known for his strong views on many things. No less radical is his opinion about relationships. "The will to love means the willingness to die," he said.
A little about fidelity
Loy alty is a prerequisite for love. It is often said today that her ideals are far in the past, that now both men and women should give their partner the so-called freedom. Unfortunately, in this case there is a completely banal substitution of concepts: the word "freedom" is understood as ordinary licentiousness. Quotes about the relationship of the great people of the past provide a modern person with a worthy examplebuilding a love relationship. For example, many will agree with the words of F. Voltaire: "For great deeds, tireless constancy is necessary." This also applies to fidelity in a love affair.