World Writer's Day - March 3rd. History and features of the holiday

World Writer's Day - March 3rd. History and features of the holiday
World Writer's Day - March 3rd. History and features of the holiday

Writing is a profession that is learned and mastered throughout life. Someone from early childhood dreams of expressing their thoughts on paper, some become masters of the pen in maturity and old age. There are no specific rules. Writers are people who are willing and able to speak to the world with a pen or typewriter. Professionals in their field have their own day on which they receive congratulations - this is March 3rd. From this article you will find out when this memorable date arose and how the holiday is celebrated in Russia.

writer's day
writer's day

History of the holiday

World Writer's Day originated at the end of the 20th century. At the 48th Congress of the Writers' Club, it was decided to establish a new holiday. Since then, namely from March 3, 1986, this date has become memorable for writers from all over the world. The holiday has become international.

Writer's Day, unfortunately, came very late. howstrangely enough, masters of the word were among people long before the advent of writing. In those days, their stories were not written on paper, but passed from mouth to mouth. To this day, the names of many creative figures simply have not been preserved and have been lost. But without them there would be no modern authors, no literature in general. For many centuries, writing was not considered a serious occupation. The authors did it for themselves. It was believed that selling works of art is a sin and blasphemy.

happy writer's day congratulations
happy writer's day congratulations

Who celebrates Writer's Day?

This holiday brought together many people involved in writing. On March 3, the day of the writer began to be celebrated by all writers, essayists, novelists, satirists, poets, playwrights, etc.

writer's day in russia
writer's day in russia

The author of the idea of creating a writers club

As mentioned above, Writers' Day was established only in 1986. At that time, the 48th international meeting of all writers was being held. Writers' congresses arose long before the appearance of this memorable date. The PEN Club was founded in 1921 in London. This abbreviation was deciphered as "poets", "essayers" and "novelists" - according to the capital letters of the words in English sound. In other words, all members of this club can receive congratulations on the Writer's Day.

An organization that brings together all writers, appeared thanks to Katherine Dawson. It was she who in 1921 decided to create her own club of like-minded people. D. Galsworthy became president. And two years later, the firstmeeting under his direction. After that, branches of the club were opened all over the world. Writers' conventions have been held in 11 countries.

President Galsworthy has been in office for over 10 years. For all the time he did not allow the penetration of politics into the club. However, after the Second World War, a large number of oppositionists appeared, led by the Belgians, who came to power. The 1932 meeting was Galsworthy's last.

writer's day events
writer's day events

Principles of the Writers' Club

Despite the fact that after 1932 Galsworthy did not appear in the club anymore, he managed to introduce a certain charter of 5 points that all members of the meeting were required to comply with.

  • Writers were supposed to distribute literature as art. PEN members were not engaged in publicism and journalism.
  • Writers should not write to stir up war.
  • PEN stands for friendship between writers from all over the world.
  • Writers' Club for Humanism. He is neither a state party nor a politician.

However, during the Writers' Congress in Dubrovnik, some rules were ignored. In those days, all Europeans and communists were expelled from the club. Delegates loyal to Hitler came to power.

Today there are already PEN clubs in 130 states. The main goal is to uphold freedom of speech. This principle must be observed by members of society from all countries that signed the final resolution.

March 3 writer's day
March 3 writer's day

Writer's Day in Russia

BThis holiday is not so well known in our country. It has a highly professional focus. But in recent years, more and more writers have received congratulations on the Writer's Day. This is due to the fact that the Russian media are increasingly mentioning this date in their publications.

Usually Writer's Day in our country goes unnoticed, but in recent years, interest in literature and creativity has grown somewhat. On the eve of March 3, 2015, a meeting of writers took place at the International Multimedia Press Center. Many important issues were discussed at the round table there. On March 2, creative figures, writers and writers talked about how the Russian language affects the development of world culture.

Writers of our time are more interested in literature than others, it is not for nothing that 2015 became the Year of Literature. This decision was made at the initiative of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He attended the Russian meeting of writers, which was held at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. There it was possible to personally ask questions to the head of state, which was done by students of different faculties. The main topic for discussion is the promotion of the Russian language abroad.

How is this holiday celebrated?

Unfortunately, Writer's Day often goes unnoticed. Even in schools they don't talk about it all the time. On March 3, Russians are accustomed to preparing only for International Women's Day. However, in recent years, a new trend has emerged to celebrate this day. On the eve of March 3 and after, meetings of writers and writers with readers are held. Usually creative people sit at the roundtable in the regional branches, which belong to the Writers' Union of Russia. On this day, competitions and various exhibitions are often held. In public libraries and literary museums, you can chat with guests represented by famous writers of our time. Teachers often bring schoolchildren to such meetings where artists talk about their latest works and talk about the role of literature in modern life. Some teachers make open lessons where writers can come and also communicate with schoolchildren. At the university level, Writer's Day in Russia is less interesting. The only ones who know for sure about the existence of such a day are the students of the philological departments.

Unfortunately, events dedicated to the Writer's Day are not held in all cities. Being a writer is very difficult and responsible, so we simply have to pay the deserved attention to writers, poets and playwrights at least once a year. Life without literature would be not only boring and insipid, but simply impossible, so do not forget about those who fill our lives with meaning.
