Iya Savvina: biography, personal life, filmography

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Iya Savvina: biography, personal life, filmography
Iya Savvina: biography, personal life, filmography

Video: Iya Savvina: biography, personal life, filmography

Video: Iya Savvina: biography, personal life, filmography
Video: Ия Саввина. Линия жизни / Телеканал Культура 2024, October

While still at school, Iya Savvina (biography, personal life of the actress are described below) participated in amateur performances. And at the university she often played in the student theater. This laid the foundation for a further acting career. After all, the girl did not have a theatrical education. Fortunately, on her life path, Iya Savvina (see photo below) met people who gave her a piece of their own knowledge. Communication with them was already a kind of training. This article will describe a brief biography of the actress.


Iya Savvina was born in Voronezh in 1936. After the end of World War II, her father left the family, and the girl was left alone with her mother. She became an idol for her daughter. Iya has always been proud of her own mother. After all, Vera Ivanovna turned out to be the only student on the course who graduated from the Voronezh Medical Institute and became an excellent doctor. But, despite the admiration for her mother, Iya Savvina chose another profession - a philologist. Here the girl was waiting for the firstdisappointment. Arriving in the capital, the future actress learned about the end of the admission of applicants to the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. After some thought, the girl applied to the journalism department of the same university. Fortunately, Iya entered, beating so many applicants. She successfully graduated from Moscow State University in 1958.

Iya Savvina biography personal life
Iya Savvina biography personal life


Perhaps, Iya's first mentor was Igor Lipsky, an actor of the Vakhtangov Theater, who headed the theatrical student group. It was he who saw in the girl with a silver voice and clear eyes a great hidden talent. When the director Rolan Bykov staged the play “Such Love” based on the book by Pavel Kogout, Lipsky recommended Savvin to play the key role. But at the first meeting, Roland did not see the main character in Ie. On the other hand, Bykov was pleased to work with her. When the first rehearsal took place, Savvina could not be heard even in the front row. Then Rolan Antonovich explained to the aspiring actress what a message to the auditorium is.

Iya Savvina learned her lesson very well. Subsequently, she so realistically embodied the image of Lydia Matisova that Bykov simply could not get enough of. The play "Such Love" has always been a success. Iya in the student environment received the status of "actress". To praise from fellow students, Savvina always smiled modestly, and pride was bursting in her soul. The girl firmly decided not to leave the theater while working as a journalist.

Also, the formation of the heroine of this article was strongly influenced by Nikolai Mordvinov, Vera Maretskaya, Faina Ranevskaya and Oleg Efremov. Iya Savvina, whose biography is in many film encyclopedias, spoke especially warmly about cameraman Andrei Moskvin. She considered him a genius and the main person on the set. Andrey Nikolaevich could always cheer up Savvina. When everything went wrong for the actress, he took her to the camera room and gave her his signature tea.

ia savvina
ia savvina

First film role

Playing in the student theater, Iya Savvina, whose personal life had not yet been arranged, did not even suspect about the imminent glory. Director Iosif Kheifits was going to stage the painting "The Lady with the Dog" based on Chekhov's story. The role of Gurov agreed to play Alexei Batalov. The female role is still vacant. Batalov himself helped Kheifits with the choice. Once Aleksey Vladimirovich watched a performance in the student theater. Savvina played one of the roles there. The girl struck Batalov with her naturalness, which, unfortunately, was absent from actresses with experience. Joseph trusted the artist's advice and approved Iya for the main role. Savvina embodied the image of the chaste and captivating Petersburger Anna Sergeevna. The picture was a great success and received several international awards. And Iya herself received a letter with words of thanks from Faina Ranevskaya herself. This was the best proof of the talent of the heroine of this article.


One of the most notable works of this decade was the aforementioned "Lady with a Dog". Also worth noting is The Sinner, filmed by Alexander Borisov based on Dostoevsky's novel. She became one of the many anti-religious paintings that came out at that time andmarked the times of the "Khrushchev thaw". It's nice to watch the meekness and kindness of Xenia, played by Iya. At the end of the film, she was punished for sinful love.

In 1967, Iya Savvina, whose photo appeared in many newspapers of the country, played the role of Dolly in the feature film "Anna Karenina". The heroine of the film is decently exhausted by the illnesses of children, restless and huge house, childbirth and infidelity of her husband, who is full of he alth and irresponsible, like a spoiled child.

Iya Savvina photo
Iya Savvina photo


These years brought the actress a lot of bright roles. Iya Savvina (biography, the artist's personal life is described in many thematic encyclopedias) participated in many projects, but only three became the most notable: "Diary of a School Director", "Open Book" and "Garage". The latter brought her even more popularity.

The plot of the satirical comedy "Garage", filmed in 1979, was based on a real case - a meeting of a building and garage cooperative. It was in it that the director of the film Eldar Ryazanov was. Throughout the picture, the issue of excluding "extra" shareholders in connection with the surrender of part of the territory for the construction of the route is being resolved. Savvina played the deputy director Lidia Anikeeva. At the end of the film, she became one of three members who were expelled from the co-op. The reason was banal - Anikeeva's car was stolen. And according to the charter of the organization, a person without a car cannot be a member. Even her high position and existing regalia did not help.


This decade was not very good for the actressfruitful. Iya Savvina, whose personal life did not interfere with her work, starred in nine films. The most notable projects were the tragicomedy "Tears dripped", the film story "Our Vocation" and the drama "Three Years".

Separately, I would like to note the picture "Private Life", which was shot by Yuri Raizman in 1982. Iya embodied the image of Abrikosov's wife Natalya Ilyinichna. The protagonist of the film, who works as a director of an enterprise, is due to retire soon. Only now he realized that he practically did not know how to live an ordinary life, being "out of work." Loneliness, jealousy and pity of loved ones make him reconsider his priorities and try to change everything… The film received many nominations and prizes at the Moscow and Venice festivals.

Iya Savvin's son
Iya Savvin's son


In the nineties, three paintings were released with the participation of the heroine of this article. Iya Savvina (biography, personal life of the actress aroused wide interest among the public) played in the melodrama "The Plot for Two Stories", the comedy drama "Chekhov and Co", as well as in the film "Trotsky". All three projects can be safely called successful.


During these years, Iya Savvina played mostly episodic or supporting roles. For example, in the film "Two Comrades", the actress embodied the image of the grandmother of one of the main characters. And in 2003, Iya Sergeevna took part in the filming of a youth film about a writer who wanted to become a director. In the same year, Savvina starred in the avant-garde melodrama Bed Scenes. Kirill Serebrennikov made it in the spirit of a reality show where people totally distrusteach other. The actress played the role of the main character's mother.

Iya Savvina biography
Iya Savvina biography

Television work

Iya Savvina (biography, personal life of the artist were regularly discussed in the media) worked hard in this area. She was the author and host of a number of television programs about Russian writers: S altykov-Shchedrin, Ostrovsky and Turgenev. In addition, Iya Sergeevna wrote several film criticism notes about the work of L. Orlova, F. Ranevskaya, N. Urgant, M. Ulyanov, S. Yursky and others. with director Torstensen.

Private life

While still studying at Moscow State University, Iya Savvina met Vsevolod Shestakov, a scientist who headed the Department of Geology. There was a legend about him at the university. As if Vsevolod Mikhailovich came up with one important formula between stage appearances in the play Arturo's Career. Subsequently, it was called the "Shestakov formula" and included in all textbooks.

Vsevolod and Iya became close because of their love for the student theater. They rehearsed and played together. And in the year of graduation, Iya Savvina, whose biography will become a role model for many actors, married Shestakov. The happy couple settled in an apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment. They always had fun and noisy - scientists, friends and actors became regulars in their house. They made fun of each other, argued about various topics and read poems until late.

Iya Savvina personal biography
Iya Savvina personal biography


The birth of a sick child - that's what trouble soon faced Vsevolod Shestakov and Iya Savvina. Son Serezha was born to a couple with Down syndrome. The actress was immediately offered to take the child to a special boarding school. But she firmly refused. Iya independently developed Sergei's ability to understand the world. Savvina also invited teachers home. Friends and colleagues advised the actress to quit her job for her son. But even here Iya Sergeevna flatly refused.

At that time, 98% of the population of the USSR was sure that such children are born exclusively in families of the mentally ill and alcoholics. And the same number of people handed them over to orphanages. “Do not listen to anyone,” Iya Savvina thought to herself. The son of the actress eventually grew up as a fairly independent person. Sergey knows English very well, loves painting and poetry. In Moscow, they even organized a personal exhibition, where his still lifes were successfully exhibited. During the tour, answering questions from her fans, Iya Savvina always talked about her son with tears of happiness and joy. In doing so, she inspired other mothers and broke social stereotypes about children with Down syndrome.

Iya Savvina personal life
Iya Savvina personal life

Interesting facts

  • Somehow Fyodor Khitruk decided to shoot "Winnie the Pooh". One of his acquaintances told him that Iya Savvina (biography, personal life, son of the actress - information about all these issues is presented to your attention above) loves this work very much. Khitruk immediately contacted her and invited her to audition. Savvina came, looked at the sketches andpraised Leonov, who played the main role. But when Fedor offered the actress to participate in voice acting, she refused. Although later she stated that she would have tried it with pleasure if a suitable prototype had been found. A few days later, Iya called Khitruk and announced the end of the search for a character for voice acting. So Piglet spoke in the voice of Savvina. Although the actress, like Leonova, had to be "accelerated". It was not the text itself that was difficult, but the intonation. Iya was very worried and worried on the recording. Therefore, Khitruk recorded it at numerous rehearsals. Fedor believes that Piglet Savvina was the biggest success of the actress.
  • In 1994, Andrei Konchalovsky released the painting "Ryaba Hen". This film became a kind of continuation of the film "The Story of Asya Klyachina". Twenty-five years ago, Iya Savvina (biography, personal life of the actress was constantly discussed in the yellow press) played a major role in it. But she refused to work with Konchalovsky. After reading the script, Iya considered it offensive to the entire Russian people. As a result, the image of Asya was embodied on the screen by Inna Churikova.
