"The plant of eternal life" - this is how the mysterious annual dried flower, or immortelle, is called. It is used as a home decoration, because cut and collected in bouquets, it can stand for a very long time. People have also heard about its healing properties: for many centuries, dried flowers have been used to treat various diseases.

Description of the plant
This plant belongs to the Asteraceae family. The height of an annual dry wind (as the immortelle is sometimes called) is usually 10-50 centimeters. The stems are straight, the leaves are very narrow. The flowers of the plant are small, their color can vary from pink to purple. The size of the flowers is 1-2 centimeters. The fruits of immortelle are achenes with a tuft, which consists of two bristles. The root of the plant is taproot, extremely poorly developed and little branched. An annual dried flower blooms and bears fruit from July to November.
The immortelle got its name not by chance. It's all about its ability to be stored for a long time in a cut form. Even laterfor several months, the flowers hold well on their legs and are fragrant.
Dried annual flower habitat
Helichrysum is widespread in the south-east of Ukraine, in the Crimea and the Caucasus. It grows in Western Europe, in the Mediterranean, in the Balkans. Usually he prefers steppes, meadows, dry slopes. You can find this plant on the forest edges, in thickets of bushes.

Rules for the collection and storage of dried flowers
Harvest immortelle should be during flowering. Usually the plant is pulled out of the soil along with the root. It should be dried in the attic under a roof made of iron or under sheds, scattered on paper or cloth. The layer of grass should not be more than five to seven centimeters. It must be stirred regularly. It is very important that the place where the dried flower is dried has good ventilation.
Dried annual dried flowers should be packaged in small bags and stored in a ventilated area for no more than three years.
Healing properties
Among the useful properties of the annual dried flower:
- hair strengthening;
- improve overall skin condition;
- cleansing the body of toxins.
It is worth noting that in folk medicine this plant is used as a remedy for insomnia, a sedative. It also helps with heartburn. It is advised to use it for the treatment of hypertension, gonorrhea, colds, cholecystitis. In ancient times, the medicinal properties of immortelle grass were known, allowing it to be used for the bites of rabid animals.

By the way, immortelle has absolutely no side effects. Due to this, it is part of the gastric and choleretic fees. The only drawback of dried flowers is its taste. Decoctions with him are very bitter.
Cure diseases
Healing properties of immortelle herb help to get rid of a number of diseases. The infusion of this plant is an excellent remedy for toothache. In addition, dried flowers are often used as a heart remedy, it is often prescribed for various nervous disorders. An annual dried flower helps with cholecystitis and low acidity of gastric juice.
By the way, this plant is also actively used in scientific medicine! Dried flowers are part of the unique Zdrenko collection, which doctors prescribe to patients for the treatment of bladder papillomatosis. In folk medicine, immortelle is often used for dermatoses. There is an opinion that decoctions and infusions of this medicinal herb can heal even mental disorders. A plant of the aster family also helps to cleanse the body of cholesterol.

Despite all the advantages and useful properties, immortelle has a number of contraindications. Certain rules should also be observed, adhere to the exact dosage, use all the ingredients that make up the decoction or infusion based on the annual dried flower.
It is not recommended to use immortelle during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also contraindicated in children under seven years of age. Carefullyit is worth using immortelle for individual intolerance.
We offer you the most popular immortelle recipes.
In the treatment of heart disease, cholecystitis and nervous disorders
Of course, immortelle cannot replace a visit to the doctor and medication. But it should be used as an aid. Two teaspoons of dried flowers should be poured with a glass of boiling water, then wrapped and infused for three hours. Immortelle infusion should be taken one tablespoon three to four times a day.

For painful periods
For one liter of boiling water, you need to take 15 grams of dry crushed immortelle and 10 grams of horsetail. It is necessary to insist the composition for at least half an hour, then carefully strain. You need to take this infusion three times a day, 50 grams each.
Uterine bleeding
Folk medicine is well aware of the hemostatic effect of the annual dried flower. For 2 cups of boiling water, 15-20 grams of dry chopped grass will be required. You need to insist immortelle until the water cools down. Then you should strain the infusion. It is recommended to take 1/3 cup three times a day.
For the treatment of stomach ulcers and intestinal disorders
To get a collection that helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to take 15 grams of horsetail and 20 grams of the following herbs:
- annual dried flower;
- large plantain (necessarily with roots);
- St. John's wort;
- centaury;
- yarrow.
Dry mixture must be poured with a liter of boiling water and infused in a warm place for half an hour. The resulting infusion is recommended to drink three times a day. The best option is half a glass at a time.

Annual dried flower: a description of an infusion that helps with cancer
The history of the monastic collection, which helps in the treatment of malignant tumors and neoplasms, dates back to ancient times. Initially, a collection of 16 herbs was used by the monks of the northern monasteries of Russia. For a long time, the recipe was considered lost, but at the end of the 20th century, the rector of the Holy Spirit Monastery, Archimandrite Georgiy, managed to recreate a unique remedy that could restore even the seriously ill to their feet.
To collect you will need:
- 100 grams dried flower;
- 200 grams of cumin flowers;
- 350 grams of sage (leaves);
- 150 grams of wormwood;
- 200 grams of bearberry;
- 250 grams of nettle;
- 200 grams string;
- 200 grams of rose hips;
- 100 grams of yarrow;
- 100 grams of thyme;
- 100 grams of motherwort;
- 100 grams of chamomile flowers;
- 100 grams of tripoli leaves;
- 100 grams of birch buds;
- 100 grams of buckwheat bark;
- 100 grams of cudweed.
To prepare the infusion, you will need only 1/24 of the total collection for 2.5 liters of hot water. It will take about 3 hours to prepare.so much time the mixture filled with water must be kept in a water bath, not allowing it to boil. It is worth noting that this tool can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. And you can use it as the most ordinary tea, in unlimited quantities. Before use, the collection should be warmed up (but not boiled!).