The biosphere is Basic definitions

The biosphere is Basic definitions
The biosphere is Basic definitions

The biosphere is the active shell of the Earth. Today, when scientific and technical thought is accelerating progress, knowledge about the processes of life on Earth acquires special meaning. Living organisms play an important role in these processes.

Biosphere is
Biosphere is

During the existence of our planet, these organisms filled the atmospheric air with oxygen and nitrogen. To a large extent freed it from carbon dioxide, formed deposits of natural gas and oil.

In the process of development, an unusual shell has formed on our planet - the biosphere. The biosphere is an area of active life.

The name of this shell was invented by Eduard Suess. Borrowing the word “bios” (life) from the Greek language, he introduced the geological term “biosphere” in 1875.

The biosphere is one of the geological layers of the Earth.

It contains both living organisms and a habitat modified by them.

You canto admit that if life is present on our planet, then it is also in other parts of the universe. Scientists admit that the biosphere is a fairly common phenomenon. They are trying to find life beyond the Earth's borders. But for now, our planet remains the only one where it exists.

Earth biosphere
Earth biosphere

Life cannot happen by chance. This phenomenon is too complex. It should be recognized that we know practically nothing about the processes that led to the emergence of life on Earth.

But be that as it may, there is the biosphere of the Earth, which makes possible the existence and prosperity of being on our planet.

Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Scientists have divided the history of its existence into two huge eras: Cryptozoic and Phanerosa. The Cryptozoic era is the era of "hidden life". Geologists did not find traces of elementary life on the planet in the layers of this period.

The Phanerozoic epoch, which began 570 million years ago, was marked by an explosion called the Cambrian. It began with the Paleozoic. At this moment, living beings are born: worms, molluscs, chordates, etc. Therefore, this time was called the “explosion”.

One hundred million years after the "explosion", the first vertebrates appeared. Another 400 million years have passed. Life from the water began to get out on land. This is how amphibians arose.

Note that life appeared in the water, and for a long time did not have the opportunity to go to land. There was no oxygen atmosphere, and no ozone layer, which could protect all life from the deadly radiation emitted by the Sun.

Biosphere definition
Biosphere definition

With the advent of the first primitive living organisms - prokaryotes, the biosphere also appeared. The definition of this period is quite clear - the Archean eon.

In our time, life on Earth is in full swing. It is also found in the ocean, in the mountains, in ice and volcanoes.

Animals, microorganisms, plants and fungi live here.

The biosphere is, in essence, an uninterrupted space inhabited by many species of organisms. Biological bonds allow them to interact with each other, forming a huge ecosystem.

Earthly nature allows living organisms to adapt to different conditions. Thanks to this, a number of natural areas have formed on Earth with their own exclusive environment and living species.

Microsoft specialists are finishing work on creating a computer model of the biosphere. This will allow scientists and politicians to realistically assess the ecology of the Earth and make the right decisions.
