As Vladimir Putin says, politics is a very complicated and dangerous business. There are few leaders in the current European Community who have the courage to speak their mind. One of them is Czech President Zeman. Milos, that's his name, has repeatedly caused a flurry of criticism in his address over the past few years. His direct and honest position endangers European solidarity. And President Milos Zeman himself is a very interesting figure. Let's talk about him.

Milos Zeman: biography
A person is forged by the circumstances that he has to face in life. Childhood has a special influence on the formation of character. President Zeman proves this truth like no one else. Miloš was born in September 1944. It was an extremely difficult time. The Second World War was on. In addition, his mother soon after giving birth divorced her husband, who left her son only the surname Zeman. Milos grew up in an incomplete family. Therefore, he had to learn at an early age to make decisions and take responsibility. Mom taught at school, the son was the only man in the family. For a future career, he chose the economic direction. But in high school he wrote an essay that caused criticism from teachers. Zeman Milos was denied the right to enter a university.

Had to earn a living. He worked for a construction company. Only in 1965 he was allowed to study further. He chose the Prague HES. The future leader of the Czech Republic was engaged in it in absentia, since his mother could not provide him with enough funds for higher education. In 1969, he received a diploma and became a lecturer at the Higher School of Economics.
The beginning of a political career
You probably remember that Czechoslovakia belonged to the socialist camp. Speaking out against the order in those days was a punishable act. As a member of the Communist Party, Zeman Miloš managed to openly criticize the entry of Warsaw Pact troops into the country. He called this act an occupation, for which he was expelled from the HRC. It was his first political experience. Further, until the collapse of the socialist camp, he was not engaged in social activities. Zeman devoted all his time to research work. Considering that his diploma was called "Futurology and the Future", it is clear that he devoted himself to researching methods for building a prosperous society. Since 1990, for two years, the future president Milos Zeman worked at the Academy of Sciences, more precisely, at the planning institute. At the same time hiswas elected to the country's parliament. Research experience and acquired knowledge seriously helped in state activities. Zeman's popularity grew. However, there were troubles ahead, which can be called a test of fortitude.

Responsibility is the main quality of a politician
Zeman's work in parliament was noticed by voters. He was considered a very responsible figure, a reliable leader. In 1998, he took the position - deservedly, and the Prime Minister, being the leader of the Czech Social Democratic Party. His decisions and political position made it possible to hope for the support of the people in the upcoming presidential elections. The calculation, according to experts, was correct, but the reality presented an unpleasant surprise. Zeman announced his candidacy in the 2003 presidential election. At that time he was a member of the ČSDP (Social Democratic Party). This force was considered very influential, that is, Zeman had to be supported. However, he lost the election in the first round. He was just betrayed. The second person in the party, Stanislav Gross, staged a provocation, as a result of which even members of the SDHR gave their votes to Zeman's competitor. This situation led to an irreconcilable conflict in the leadership of the party. In 2007, the future president broke up with his comrades, who turned out to be unreliable schemers.

Between the people and the elite
It's no secret that the electorate often supports the wrong candidate in terms of leadership. With exactly the same situationfaced the Czech Republic. Zeman Milos rightfully enjoyed the love of the population. He is respected for honesty, adherence to principles, openness. In addition, working in the state system, he proved by his deeds that he puts the interests of the country and its inhabitants at the forefront, and is ready to protect them in every possible way. Such a "revolutionary" did not fit into the tolerant elite of the European Union. Moreover, the situation in the world began to escalate. The West rallied ranks in the face of threats from Russia and China.
The pinnacle of power
In 2012, the first direct presidential elections were held in the Czech Republic. It was a chance. And Milos Zeman took advantage of it. He announced his candidacy for the presidency. In the first round, 25% of the population of the republic voted for him. In the second, he was the winner, overtaking his competitor, Karl Schwarzenberg, by 9%. He took office in 2013. After some time, Zeman was again on the front pages of the media. His integrity has shown itself again.

Zeman and Russia
With the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict, the world faced the threat of a new cold war. The opinions and assessments of Western leaders diverged from the position of the President of the Russian Federation on this issue. Things got to the point that the heads of other countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition, together with the peoples of Russia, did not want to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Czech President Milos Zeman turned out to be the only representative of the collective West who dared to go against the majority. He arrived in Moscow on May 9, stood next to Vladimir Putin,thus emphasizing that he opposes lies and injustice. In his opinion, Europe must be grateful to the Russian soldier for the liberation from fascism. Which he demonstrated on behalf of his people by inciting another series of attacks on himself. However, this did not break President Zeman. He is consistent in his own views and never bows to commands from Brussels and Washington. At the Victory Parade in China in September 2015, he was again in the ranks of those who consider the defeat of fascism an important milestone in the development of mankind. The story doesn't end there. The future will judge who is right: the elites of the Czech Republic, who treat Zeman with contempt and fear, or the people who gave him sympathy and expressed confidence.