The Tula State Museum of Weapons is of great interest to both residents of the city and tourists. How did his story begin? In 1712, Peter the Great ordered the construction of the country's first state arms factory in the ancient city of Tula. Twelve years have passed. After such a long time, the Senate signed a decree, which spoke of the need to create an assembly at the plant, which would include various types of weapons. It must be admitted that the idea was truly remarkable.

During the reign of Catherine the Great, this Chamber of Exemplary Weapons began to be considered a privileged museum located at the factory. For many years, its exhibits were available only to guests from abroad, generals, ministers and representatives of the royal family. At present, the Tula Museum of Weapons, which was established by the government of the Russian Federation at the end of the summer of 1996, has opened its doors to everyone, everyone can freely come to the ancient building located on the territory of the local Kremlin. People come here in a constant stream, and this is not surprising, because there are so many interesting things here.
From the history of gunsmithing
Even in time immemorial, the beginning of the local arms business was laid. It was indeed a very long time ago. It all started 400 years ago, or even earlier. It was then that this noble cause began, the purpose of which was to serve the Russian people and native country. After some time, the city not only produced weapons, but also carried out artistic processing of wood, as well as metal. But how did it all begin?

In the 16th-17th centuries, the local Kremlin-fortress and all nearby territories were the center of a defensive line running along the southern outskirts of the country. It is not surprising that the Tula people did not know a calm and measured life, because there were regular clashes with enemies. As a result of such events, township blacksmiths ceased to make exclusively tools of production and began to produce weapons. Sooner or later it had to happen. Coming to the Tula Museum of Weapons, the photos of which are striking in their beauty, you can learn a lot of interesting facts. Visitors not only admire the exhibits, but also receive useful information.
The fact that near Dedoslavl, located thirty-two kilometers from the city, there was an iron ore deposit helped a lot with the progress of the weapons business. In general, the circumstances for Tula have developed in the most favorable way.
Some exhibits, opening hours
The museum has an exposition where you can see edged weapons. Here are samples used in the Russian army in the 17th-20th centuries. ExceptIn addition, there are weapons used in Western Europe: sabers, swords, and broadswords. All of them date back to the 19th-20th centuries. In the museum, you can also admire edged weapons common in the East. There are plenty of them here. To see it, people go to the Tula Museum of Weapons, the opening hours of which should be known to everyone who is going to visit it. The doors of this institution are open from 10:00 to 16:45. However, keep in mind that employees leave for lunch. It lasts from 13:00 to 14:00. The museum is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, the sanitary day is held on the last Thursday of the month.
Weapons before and after the accession of Peter I
Before the accession of Peter I, the soldiers used six-pointers, reeds and spears. This weapon was far from perfect. With the accession of Peter I, everything changed. Western European weapons, in particular swords, immediately became widespread. Interestingly, at the dawn of the 18th century, both ordinary soldiers and officers had them, and at the end of the century, only the latter remained.

It should be noted that the sword was no longer used in battles at that time, it served for other purposes. For example, the officer was guided by her, building a line. To see it with your own eyes, it is recommended to visit the Museum of Weapons. Tula, by the way, is very popular with tourists, and this is understandable. The museum is a magnet for gun lovers.
Checkers and sabers
At the beginning of the 19th century, broadswords and swords were replaced by all kinds of checkers, as well as sabers. This weapon turned out to be moreconvenient and reliable. A checker, unlike a saber, is notable for its handle, on which there is no guard. Caucasians used this type of weapon. The Cossacks decided that it was perfect for the Russian army. After some time, the saber began to be considered a statutory weapon and became widely used. It is among the exhibits. The only city where there is such a magnificent Museum of Weapons is Tula. The helmet, in the form of which the building is made, attracts admiring glances, it is simply impossible to pass by.
Turkish and Caucasian weapons
The exposition of the Tula Museum presents very interesting examples of edged weapons used in the East. Here you can find out what a Turkish scimitar is, which was used in battles by the Janissaries in the 18th-19th centuries, see the Syrian khopesh, which is considered a subspecies of the combat sickle. It appeared at the end of the second millennium BC. e.

There are quite a lot of Caucasian weapons in the museum, visitors become aware of the difference between a dagger called a bebut and a kama. If the first has a curved blade, then the second has a smooth one, and it ends with a very sharp and thin end, which can easily pass through chain mail. For the manufacture of handles in the east, bones were used, as well as horns. The Tula Museum of Weapons should be visited even if only to get food for thought, to learn a lot of new, previously unknown. And there will be a lot of impressions after the tour.
Chris, kukri, trumpetbash, pings
The museum also features Malaya dagger called kris, which has a very unusual curved blade, personifying the sacred serpent. It looks beautiful and original.

The Nepalese knife called kukri is notable for its rather heavy blade. Interestingly, its blade resembles a Turkish scimitar. In addition, the exposition shows cold weapons used in Africa, for example, a knife or cleaver called trumbash, common among the tribes living in the center of the country. His blade is shaped like a sickle. Attention is also drawn to exotic types of African knives designed for throwing, which are called pings. The curved and flat blade of such a weapon is notable for its peculiar branches. They are sharpened on both sides and made in the form of a sheet. One end of the weapon is wrapped in braid made from plant fibers and used as a handle. It should be noted that it is very convenient to use it.
Shots, pistols, blunderbusses, carbines
The Tula State Weapons Museum is also famous for its collection of firearms, which can only be seen here. The gaze involuntarily stops at the exhibits used in the 18th-20th centuries in the Russian army. Among other things, there are guns and pistols owned by the gunsmiths of the East, as well as Western Europe. Looking at them, visitors experience genuine admiration.

It is curious that in the Russian army of the 18th-19th centuries, all types of troops had their own type of firearms. This is enoughinteresting fact. The appearance of the weapon was identical, and the caliber, dimensions and many other points had significant differences. The infantry used officer, guards, soldier and jaeger guns, in addition, rifled fittings were also in demand. As for the cavalry, pistols, dragoon rifles, musketons, hussars, and also cuirassier carbines were needed there. But this is not a complete list of weapons. Officer, dragoon, guards, pioneer, cuirassier, hussar and artillery pistols were also common in the Russian army. The Tula Museum of Weapons also has such exhibits. Visitors stop in front of them for a long time to admire them.
Collection of S. I. Mosin
There is definitely something to see in the museum. But a large collection of firearms, which was made by S. I. Mosin, stands apart. There is nothing like it in any other country. This magnificent collection is famous for both prototypes dating back to 1885 and carbines dating back to the WWII period. People are delighted with them. This collection of weapons makes the collection perhaps the most significant and interesting in the world. And no one will argue with this. The Tula Museum of Weapons is an amazing place that deserves everyone's attention.