International Day Against Drugs - June 26

International Day Against Drugs - June 26
International Day Against Drugs - June 26

Last year, the Internal Affairs Directorate of one of the regions of our country conducted an anonymous survey among university students. Its results were shocking: a fifth of the respondents admitted that they had used drugs in their lives, about the same number declared their readiness to taste this forbidden fruit on occasion, the same number of respondents expressed their tolerant attitude towards those who are prone to this harmful passion. As they say, comments are superfluous…

Anti-Drug Day is a step towards eradication

anti-drug day
anti-drug day

In our century, the problem of combating drugs has become perhaps the main task facing people around the world. It is difficult to convey the scale of this disaster, which brings an immeasurable amount of tears, pain and grief not only to the drug addicts themselves, but also to their families, many of which are irretrievably destroyed. The fight against the criminal business that has flooded the black market with various narcotic drugs should become a matter not only for law enforcement agencies, but for all citizens without exception. It was within the framework of this initiative that the International Day ofdrug control.

First efforts to coordinate efforts

The bulk of this potion, as you know, is produced in the countries of the Asian world. Therefore, one of the ways to solve the problem is strict border control, which can limit their import into the territory of other states. The logic is quite clear: in the absence of a sales market, production itself will stop or significantly decrease. Active steps in this direction were taken at the very beginning of the 20th century. In 1909, delegations from thirteen countries, including Russia, held a conference in Shanghai to work out the necessary measures. However, the outbreak of the First World War soon prevented their decisions from being implemented.

june 26 anti-drug day
june 26 anti-drug day

Historic Decision: June 26th Anti-Drug Day

Then, for a long period, the struggle of individual states against this type of criminal business was conducted without overall coordination of actions. Only in 1987 was an important and constructive step taken. The United Nations at its General Assembly adopted practical decisions, one of which was the International Day Against Drugs on June 26. This became an expression of the will of the entire world community to put an end to this scourge, which claims tens of thousands of lives every year. In addition, a Master Plan for Further Joint Actions was developed and adopted.

Features of the problem at the present stage

Despite the fact that attempts at organized opposition to the drug business have already been made inover the course of a century, the severity of the problem does not decrease. If in former times it was mainly about opium as a smoking agent, then today the range of psychotropic substances has expanded significantly. The so-called hard drugs introduced into the body intravenously appeared.

In addition, the situation is aggravated by a significant decrease in the average age of persons subject to this addiction. There is a "rejuvenation" of drug addiction. The result of this is extremely sad: according to official statistics, more than thirty thousand people die from it in Russia during the year. In this regard, the need for the most decisive and rapid measures becomes obvious, among which both the World and All-Russian Day against Drugs occupy a significant place.

A disease that destroys a person

Day against drug trafficking
Day against drug trafficking

It is known that drug addiction is a serious disease that occurs as a result of drug abuse. Everyone who is exposed to it develops an irresistible need for their regular intake, since their psychological and physical condition largely depends on this.

The drug, to which addiction has developed, becomes extremely necessary for the patient, although it leads him to destabilize the body's activity and to complete social degradation. All this caused the need, along with other measures, to establish the International Day against Drugs.

Suffering is retribution for the illusion of happiness

The beginning of a tragedy is usually caused bythe ability of some psychotropic drugs to create a feeling of intoxication, accompanied by the illusion of comfort, both psychological and physical. Often it turns into a feeling of well-being and complete detachment from life's problems.

However, when the effect of the drug wears off, the organism poisoned by it requires a new dose, which is accompanied by extremely negative and painful symptoms. To overcome them, the patient needs another dose. Very soon, the goal of taking drugs is not to get pleasure, as it was at the initial stage of the disease, but to get rid of suffering, which drug addicts themselves call "breaking".

Harm caused by psychotropic drugs

Drug abuse is an inevitable path to the degradation of not only the human body, but, above all, his brain. It has been clearly established that 3-4-month use of Moment glue makes people mentally handicapped. With cannabis, which is generally considered a safe weed by many, this degradation can be achieved in three to four years.

Especially detrimental are the consequences for those who are addicted to hard drugs. For example, morphine or heroin are capable of influencing the patient in two or three months to such an extent that he completely loses his human appearance. In these cases, people affected by the disease stop even caring for themselves.

Hallucinogenic drugs

june 26 anti-drug day
june 26 anti-drug day

Adopted around the world, Anti-Drug Day should also contribute to the fight againstdistribution and use of such a destructive drug as cocaine. As practice shows, the human body is able to resist it for no more than three to four years. Then, as a rule, death occurs, caused by a rupture of the heart. Often, in persons who are dependent on him, the nasal septum becomes thinner up to complete destruction. In this case, bleeding occurs, ending in death due to the inability to stop it.

On International Day Against Drug Abuse, events are also held to explain the dangers posed by such a hallucinogenic substance as LSD. This drug is especially dangerous because after using it, the patient loses the ability to orientate in space. There is an illusion of lightness and the ability to fly. There are many cases when drug addicts under the influence of this drug made fatal jumps from the windows of houses and from various high-rise buildings. In this case, the threat to life is created literally from the first day of taking the drug.

Mental degradation is the path to death

Leading medical organizations, thanks to the active work of which the World Day against Drugs was established, state the fact that regardless of the type of psychotropic substances illegally used by patients, their life is not long. The reason is that as a result of general physical and mental degradation, such people lose the inherent instinct of self-preservation.

Anti-Drug Day
Anti-Drug Day

Statistics show that approximately 60% of drug addicts attempt suicide within the first two years. And unfortunately, it is not always possible to stop them. The same sources indicate that suicides are most often committed by young people under the age of twenty-six. Saving these lives is one of the reasons why Anti-Drug Day was created.

Four steps to death

Specialists in the fight against drug addiction as a result of long-term observations came to the conclusion that the path of degradation of the patient from the first appointment to inevitable death can be divided into four stages. The initial step, as a rule, is the use of the drug out of curiosity - "you need to try everything in life" - or as a result of the persuasion of "friends" who have already managed to join this pernicious passion. Very often later, remembering this day, the unfortunate people who have become addicted to a deadly potion curse themselves for their rash act.

The next step is getting used to the action of drugs and looking for more potent drugs. In most cases, everything starts with the so-called soft drugs. In this case, deceit lies in their very name, lulling with its seeming harmlessness. In reality, the use of these "light" drugs often causes severe and irreversible consequences.

International Day Against Drugs
International Day Against Drugs

The third step, inevitable on this path, is the acquisition of addiction to drugs. It is she who happensthe cause of all subsequent troubles. The Day of Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking and all other actions are aimed primarily at protecting citizens, and especially young people, from this disaster. All the consequences that inevitably follow from the enslavement of a person by psychotropic substances are well known. Among them are breaking, and HIV infection, and selling one's own property, and stealing someone else's.

The final stage comes when a sick person, completely degraded and having lost all moral character, begins to sell himself for a dose, becoming a member of a criminal business. By distributing drugs, he contributes to drawing other people into a deadly addiction. Sometimes a very wide range of people become its victims. This stage is characterized by a complete loss of interest in life.

In most cases, patients withdraw into themselves, breaking with family and friends. From now on, their entire existence is reduced to the desire to get a dose by any, even criminal, means. Well, the crime is inevitably followed by retribution - death. Sometimes an organism poisoned by poisons refuses to serve, and often a drug addict involved in the criminal world becomes a victim of criminal dealers.

An important step for the international community

Here, in order to resist trouble and protect young people from danger, the Day of the fight against drug use was established. Kofi Annan, who was UN Secretary General in 1987, delivered a speech at the signing of the document, in which he emphasized the importance of not only fighting this problem, but also eliminating the causes that gave rise to it.

world daydrug control
world daydrug control

Particular attention was paid to the inadmissibility of a contemptuous and dismissive attitude towards all who fell victim to the disease, and attempts to hush up the problem. According to the speaker, joint actions of the widest sections of the public are needed to help people who are addicted to drugs. Kofi Annan expressed his hope that Anti-Drug Day will play an important role in achieving the goal.
