The winter solstice is the period when the longest night is observed in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. In some regions of Russia, the length of the day on this day can be reduced to approximately 3.5 hours.

From the moment of the autumnal equinox, the duration of daylight hours is decreasing every day. This continues until December 21st. The solstice symbolizes the peak of the dominance of the "powers of darkness." Starting from the next day, the celestial body will rise higher and higher above the horizon every day until the spring equinox.
BC, this phenomenon occurred on December 25th. It is noteworthy that this date is the birthday of numerous mythical heroes in various traditions. The winter solstice is the day after which the "powers of light" regain power over the world.

It is interesting that the beliefs, traditions and symbols of many nations are associated with this natural phenomenon. A little about it.
The Celtic cross, for example, reflects the natural cycle of the Sun. One of the reference points in it is the day of the winterSolstice
Legends of ancient Babylon say that it was on this day that the god Nimrod left sacred gifts under an evergreen tree.
The ancient Chinese associated the increase in daylight hours with the rise of the "male force" of nature. The winter solstice symbolized the beginning of a new cycle, so this day was considered sacred. On this day, the Chinese did not work: trading shops were closed, people gave gifts to each other. On the festive table, according to tradition, there should be porridge made from glutinous rice and beans. It was believed that these dishes drove away evil spirits and diseases.
In Taiwan, on the day of Dongzhijie (the name of the holiday), a ritual of "sacrifice" was performed: the ancestors were presented with a cake with 9 layers. On this day, it is customary on the island to sculpt figurines of sacred animals from rice dough and arrange feasts.
The Indian name for the holiday is Sankranti. The onset of the holy day is celebrated by kindling bonfires, which symbolize how the heat of the sun warms the ground frozen over the winter.

The Slavs also observed the changes in nature and symbolically depicted natural cycles in their beliefs. On the day of the solstice in Russia they celebrated the New Year. Traditions ordered our "ancestors" to kindle a fire on this day, welcoming the "powers of light", and bake a loaf. Honoring the deity Kolyada symbolized the beginning of the next cycle.
By the 16th century, a rite appeared in Russia, during which the main bell-ringer had to come to the king and inform him that"The sun has turned to summer." As an encouragement, the head of state gave the "messenger" a financial reward.
Scots on this day rolled down the street a barrel, which was previously smeared with burning tar. The rotation made the burning structure look like a heavenly body, in honor of which the ritual was performed.
The deities of the peoples of the world have different names, but in all corners of the planet the winter solstice symbolizes renewal, the beginning of a new cycle. Nature itself on this day tells you to rejoice at the return of the "powers of light".