In 1961, the village of Sviblovo was annexed to the territory of Moscow. Currently, Sviblovo is a district, a municipal district, located in the north-east of the Russian capital. It has some of the characteristic features of a residential area: not too noisy, green, with the necessary infrastructure, located at a great distance from the center of Moscow. But recently, due to overcrowding in Sviblovo, many pressing problems have arisen.
Currently, about 62 thousand people live in Sviblovo.

Sviblovo covers an area of 80 hectares. There are 37 enterprises here, among which are enterprises of state importance - the Moscow Mirror Plant, an asph alt plant, Lira OJSC and others. In the floodplain of the Yauza River there is a nature reserve, which occupies a large part of the region. There is the famous manor Old Sviblovo, which in the XV-XVI centuries was a cultural centerMoscow. The nature reserve, the Sviblovo stadium and the Kapustinsky pond are favorite places for recreation for the residents of the area.
The town-planning potential of the Sviblovo area is estimated by experts as high, therefore, with the right approach, Sviblovo has good prospects to become one of the most comfortable areas of Moscow and Russia as a whole.
The environment of Sviblovo is characterized as favorable. This area is considered to be one of the cleanest and greenest in the Russian capital. However, a cement plant is actively operating here, which negatively affects the ecology of nearby streets.

Infrastructure is well developed in the Sviblovo district: there are schools and kindergartens, music schools (including the Scriabin Music School), a library, two universities, as well as other educational and cultural institutions. On the territory of the district there are two polyclinics (children's and adult). According to residents of the area, they do not cope well with the flow of people, and the quality of medical care is not at the highest level. By 2020, it is planned to commission a new large clinic.
On the territory of Sviblovo, public transport is quite well developed. There are two metro stations, buses and tram number 17. There are two railway platforms within walking distance from the Sviblovo district of Moscow.
Housing stock
A significant part of the housing stock of the Sviblovo district at the time of its accession tothe territory of the capital was represented by five-story and nine-story panel Khrushchevs. Demolition of dilapidated houses began in the 1990s and was completed in 2006. Today, many new apartment buildings have been built in the area.

Buying and renting a home
As of September 2018, the average rent for an apartment in the Sviblovo district of Moscow is a little over 43 thousand rubles. For those who are going to buy an apartment in Sviblovo, it will be useful to know that the average price per square meter in this area is 193 thousand rubles.
Interesting fact: it was in Sviblovo that an episode was filmed at a construction site from the beloved Soviet comedy "Operation Y" and Shurik's Other Adventures.
Because of the construction at the Botanichesky Sad metro station, traffic jams regularly occur. Traffic jams also occur at the exit from the area towards the center.
The cement plant located in the area has a significant impact on the environment. Nearby residents notice dark dust on their window sills and unsatisfactory air quality.
Sviblovo residents complain about the poor quality of roads and sidewalks, potholes in the yards of apartment buildings, poor housing and communal services.
The overcrowding of the area causes many problems, especially the lack of parking spaces.

Compared to the prestigious bedroom south-western districts of Moscow, Sviblovo, of course, loses. But housing is heremuch more affordable, although prices, as well as throughout Moscow, are too high. Many moving people are concerned about the questions: "What is the Sviblovo district?", "Is it suitable for a comfortable stay?" These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Security, well-developed infrastructure, cozy walking areas - all this is conducive to a calm, measured life. But those who want their children to study in prestigious schools and dream of living as close as possible to popular Moscow sights should choose the southwestern, western or central regions of Moscow for life.