Why is everything so complicated? Life is complicated. Reflections

Why is everything so complicated? Life is complicated. Reflections
Why is everything so complicated? Life is complicated. Reflections

Why is everything so complicated? This is the question we ask ourselves when something goes wrong, and problems fall on our shoulders with an unbearable burden. Sometimes it seems that there is not enough air, free flight due to the feeling of constant pressure of time and circumstances that cannot always be influenced.



The question "Why is everything so complicated?" comes to the mind of almost all people on planet Earth. Were it not for these very difficulties, we would not know what life is, because it is a font of positive and negative events to which we can only develop a certain reaction. By the way, the right reaction already helps to simplify the complexity. But first things first.

And dig a hole ourselves…

Why is everything so complicated? This exclamation is usually inherent in people who want to do too much without spending the proper time and effort on it. Life, at its core, is not complicated. Our perception is the stumbling block in the fate of man. The word either destroys a person's life, or inspires him, giving a portion of magical inspiration. Did you know that for the sublimestate does not need a muse? You yourself, with your hard work, are able to grow sprouts of inspiration in yourself, it remains only to cling to them with all your might and hold out as long as possible.

prism of perception
prism of perception

Life is complicated for a person who tries to take control of too much. The “director” of his life often faces obstacles like:

  • lack of investment (lack of education, connections, funds);
  • unexpected or irrational expenses (illness, gifts, helping others, repairs);
  • social factor (unsuccessful relationships, quarrels with loved ones, fruitless disputes or persuasion), bureaucracy (certificates, passports, certificates and other paperwork), etc.

Assessing the scale of what is happening, the average person can fall into the final despondency. “Life is a complicated thing!” the “directors” exclaim, but they do not even know that a change in the spectrum of perception would help them gain the long-awaited freedom. Of course, we will always depend on external circumstances. But the fetters of the universal burden can be thrown off only when you reach a new level. Why is everything so difficult? Thinking about this question leads to one simple truth - we cannot control everything. Of course, this phrase is not an axiom. You can try it for yourself, but as many people's experience shows, the desire to put everything in order, sooner or later, can lead to a nervous breakdown.

It's not just like that…

Opinions differ on this issue. Some say the universeprepared a certain scenario for us in advance, while others are convinced that we ourselves are both a great good and the greatest evil for ourselves. And indeed, everything is not just the way we would like it to be. The fact is that we are the product of our actions and thoughts, and sometimes one phrase like “I refuse to eat meat” already radically changes our lives. Have you noticed that with a different mental attitude, even the course of fate proceeds differently? Fallen ice cream is either bad luck or a funny farce that haunts us for half our lives.

Why is everything so difficult
Why is everything so difficult

Our well-being will depend on the emotions we put into this event. Genuine self-laughter or nervous excitement can set the tone for an entire evening. Now think about the totality of such evenings. All this becomes a motto for life. Each lived moment imposes another layer in your treasury of experiences. Why not learn to take advantage of the moment - instead of momentary anger, feel the comedy of your own situation and allow yourself to enjoy even the moment of your own failure. After all, it is the pleasure of life that is what every living person subconsciously strives for. The only thing left to do is step into the light.

Truth is in the eye of the beholder

We get so used to the role of "director" that we forget that we are gradually turning into puppets of another leadership. Any individual desire for power or control obliges us to obey those to whom these privileges belong to a greater extent. One's freedom ends where another's freedom ends.

stop fighting life
stop fighting life

But if you do not encroach on the freedom of other people and, first of all, yourself, you can realize that we do not belong to ourselves or anyone else. We are just a shadow of our actions and thoughts - this is the result of reflection. Why is everything so difficult? Because, without understanding ourselves, we try to build other matters and, as a result, remain in a knockout.

How to find the truth?

And while this concept will forever remain a mystery of philosophy, we can produce new versions of truths in our subconscious. To do this, it is enough to turn off the "director" in yourself and allow the "observer" to go outside.

Who is an "observer"? This is a person who knows how to abstract from everything that happens. To enter the role of an “observer”, you need to learn to view your life through the prism of a distant viewer. The viewer worries about the hero, but in sad moments does not lose the feeling that everything that happens is just a picture, a story whose outcome is impossible to predict. The "observer" learns to enjoy any plot, and this is far from masochistic. He empathizes with the "main character", but in his head he does not have the conviction that this happens only to him. All events are the product of consistent actions, which can be admired endlessly. You can always go over the scenarios in your head, but the real pleasure is to look at yourself from the point of view of the "observer" - the situation is released and turns into another exciting blockbuster / thriller with you in the first role.

Why is everything so difficult or how to live easier?

You don't have to become a brainless idol to get rid of the feeling of being cornered, as many people think. Happiness is not in ignorance. Happiness is in knowledge and its correct application. This is the result we get in life - any knowledge is meaningless without practical application. Is it really all that complicated? Why do we forget that truth is in the eye of the beholder? Despite all social attitudes and rules, freedom is achievable, and it begins with you. A thought upon awakening can create a new day for you. A pleasant event is to turn your head and lift you up to heaven. Sad - to lower into the darkness of hopelessness and bleak existence.

overcoming obstacles
overcoming obstacles

The human subconscious is a collection of experiences that continues to influence us in the future. By changing our attitude to something, we allow ourselves to break through a new path that will change the given vector.
