Why Gaddafi was killed: everything before that was a mystery

Why Gaddafi was killed: everything before that was a mystery
Why Gaddafi was killed: everything before that was a mystery

After the fact, the American president announced the triumph of democracy and justice. He was not particularly shy about explaining to the world why Gaddafi was killed. His one statement about the resumption of American leadership in the world says enough to cool off other "hot heads". So, in order.

"Democratic" stance

Why was Gaddafi killed?
Why was Gaddafi killed?

To their voters, NATO and the United States drew a picture quite acceptable for the start of the bombing. In their very one-sided opinion, democratic changes are ripe in Libya. The people want a new political system in the country, and the dictator Gaddafi, of course, slows down these processes. His regime went with weapons against the defenseless people. Only killing Gaddafi can change the situation. Everything seems to be clear. Only the result turned out to be completely different, not fitting into the drawn television “truth”. The death of Muammar Gaddafi is a long-standing fact. Has it become easier for the people of Libya? Definitely not. Thousands of victims, destroyed cities, grief - this is the result of Obama's "peacekeeping". In what was said to voters, only hatred for Gaddafi was true: fierce, huge… Why?

For what sins they killedGaddafi

In his dying message, the leader of Libya spoke about how he cared about his people, what are the goals of the reforms proposed (but not implemented) by him. Against the backdrop of bombings and casu alties, and even the cries of the "democratic" media, this message was not given any importance. They began to understand later. As it turned out, the assassination of Gaddafi was predetermined by his too independent ideas. His sins against America consisted only in the fact that he wanted a decent life for his people. It was completely clear to the wise leader that his country was simply being robbed, shamelessly and unprincipled. He planned to change the situation in favor of the people of Libya. The forces playing the role of puppeteers did not endure the protest. The assassination of Gaddafi was predetermined. It is necessary to tell more about his “sins”. The death of Gaddafi is not just an indicator of America's very strange interpretation of the principles of democracy. Rather, this is the moment when the masks in world politics were removed. Each player has demonstrated to the public undisguised cynicism, the true reasons for their "game".

assassination of gaddafi
assassination of gaddafi

The first sin is economic

When arguing why Gaddafi was killed, it is impossible to bypass his ideas for the development of his own country. Libya is mostly desert, but rich in oil. So the money is there. Hence, it is an excellent market for corporate goods. What the latter used, earning considerable profits. Gaddafi tried to change the situation by creating an irrigation system. Water from a huge natural underground reservoir was supposed to green the desert, become a sourcedeveloped agriculture. He did not involve foreigners in the project. They immediately calculated the losses from the decrease in their sales. Conclusion: is it any wonder why Gaddafi was killed? Nothing personal, as they say, just business. Corporations don't want losses. They are not going to share the market with anyone. For the same reason, they do not need developed economies in other (backward) countries.

why was gaddafi killed
why was gaddafi killed

Second sin - raw materials

Libya is an obscenely rich country. This, according to the West, should be tightly controlled. Money cannot belong to anyone, except for well-defined individuals who decide destinies, so to speak. The leader of the country turned out to be too intractable at a certain moment. He decided that only a third of the income from oil production should remain for the country! Not completely, as it would be logical to assume, but only a part! But this was already enough for "resistance" to arise in the country, seeking to overthrow the "bloody regime"! Is it clear why Gaddafi was killed? He encroached on the holy of holies - the income of corporations. On the other hand, it was not necessary to unleash a war. It was possible to simply “squeeze out” the deposits. It is unlikely that his army would have had enough strength to fight the NATO units. And a wise leader would not resist, plunging the country into chaos. Why was it necessary to arrange this massacre that destroyed the state? So, let's get to the fun part.

for what sins Gaddafi was killed
for what sins Gaddafi was killed

The third sin is the most unforgivable

The dollar rules the world! This is a truth known to all. If you want - an axiom. Onlythe mechanisms of his "leadership" are not too willing to disclose. And the meaning is simple: the dollar rules as long as it is the world currency. Moreover, since the seventies of the last century, it has been tied to oil in a certain way. One has only to sell at least a couple of barrels for other signs, as the dollar will begin to lose its "crown". His dominance is in jeopardy. Muammar Gaddafi understood this very well. Why the too independent leader was killed becomes clear, one has only to recall his idea of creating a pan-African currency, in contrast to the dollar, backed by gold. The idea, very promising in itself, jeopardized the well-being of those who live off "loan interest." Now the answer to the question "why was Gaddafi killed" becomes clear and simple. He dared to encroach on the Western system of the world, on the distribution of cash flows. The emergence of a new currency knocked the ground out from under the unsecured dollar. How long would it last if another stable money supply tied to gold began to circulate around the world? Of course not. It was for these sins that Gaddafi was killed.

Gaddafi was killed for these sins
Gaddafi was killed for these sins

The monstrosity of "democracy"

It is clear that Gaddafi turned into a "bloody dictator" because he endangered the income of Western corporations. Why didn't they just clean it up? Why was it necessary to arrange a real massacre, to kill thousands of innocent people? A normal person cannot understand the logic of "animals" fighting for their income. How could a normal country be practically wiped off the face of the earth?! Plunge her into the horrors of civil war. For no onethe secret is that Libya did not calm down even after the death of its leader. His sons and devoted supporters do not stop the fight against the "democratic forces". The country is destroyed. Cities have turned into ruins, children and women are being killed, the population is suffering and starving. The economy has ceased to exist. Oil is produced by corporations, and Libya is left with nothing of the income. The country only receives humanitarian aid, for which it is also necessary to pay. Is the impoverishment of the people the goal of “democratic change”?

What Obama did not hide

The main "watcher" for democracy in the world quite unambiguously deciphered why Gaddafi was killed. So that others would be discouraged from swaying at the dollar! The world cannot change. The elite won't allow it. The order is determined for the ages. All roles are assigned. Loan interest, according to their concepts, should guide humanity until the end of its existence. Anyone who is against turns into a mortal enemy of the “democrats” from the USA. Lesson taught. Leaders of other countries are invited to think: is it worth becoming patriots, or is it better to continue to "sell" their countries? Obama was very clear: The US has proven to be the world's premier country. They will not tolerate resistance. Revenge will be cruel. Nobody can just die. For dissent, countries will be wiped off the face of the Earth, peoples will be destroyed. The Western version of the structure of the political and economic system does not recognize pity and compassion. The world must remain unipolar under any circumstances. Funds and forces, and most importantly - human lives, no one will regret.


Lessons from Libya

The world has heard. The dollar was left alone for a while. Nobody wants to repeat the fate of Muammar Gaddafi. Although the recent events in Ukraine took place according to the Libyan scenario. Only the bombings have been avoided… so far. The lessons learned from the Libyan events benefited the world community. They learned the manual and learned how to respond correctly. Well, in the end, how much can you "breed" the population according to the same scenario? The world is waiting. Who will be the first to dare to take a step in the direction of the fall of the States? Obama was wrong. The desire to show what will happen to dissidents only showed the renewed planet the weaknesses of the world elites. It's time to use them. Who dares?

The world is becoming multipolar… A dream?

The brave ones were found! China began to gradually abandon the dollar. So far, settlements in yuan are being made only with Japan, but this is the first step! It will not be possible to quickly create a "stronghold of democracy" in this country with a huge population. There is no suitable ground, the internal political regime is too strong. Beijing does not welcome revolutionaries on its territory. And he does not look ingratiatingly at the West. Once. China works by creating most of the world's product. Other countries began to declare the rejection of the dollar in the calculations. So, Great Britain dared to embody some ideas of Gaddafi. They began to trade with Japan in national currencies. The "watcher" does not have time to put things in order. It's too hard to keep the global community in line when your weak point is no longer a secret.

deathMuammar Gaddafi
deathMuammar Gaddafi

Russia's response to the assassination of Gaddafi

Libya, Syria, Ukraine… The “democratizer” began to operate too transparently and openly. He feels that dominance is slipping from his clutches. Already in Syria, it became clear that the world community is no longer willing to tolerate lies and violence. Tales of bloody regimes are no longer taken for granted. Yes, and terrorism, artificially created and supported to intimidate the public, no longer affects the minds. The underlying goals and methods of achieving them became obvious. The effect of the assassination of Gaddafi turned out to be exactly the opposite of what was intended. This was especially evident from the events in Ukraine. “We do not leave our own” - this is Russia's response to the “democratic” coup in a neighboring state. The world will never again be unipolar. The bloody terror must sink into oblivion. It is necessary - a "nuclear shield" will be used. It's time to stop the "watcher" who drowns countries in blood for the sake of profit. All peoples have the right to their own view of things. We are different. And that's the beauty of the world. The life of Muammar Gaddafi showed that patriotism and love for the Motherland have a right to exist. His death is the path that nations need to follow for harmonious development.
