Gray alder: description, application in medicine

Gray alder: description, application in medicine
Gray alder: description, application in medicine

Alder gray is a real harbinger of spring. It begins to bloom when there is still snow around. Leaves appear much later. The tree belongs to the Birch family.

Alder gray: description

Depending on habitat conditions, it can look like a deciduous tree up to 25 meters high or as a large shrub with a trunk up to 50 cm. Alder is a fast-growing species, which is especially noticeable in the first 15 years of life. Later, the process slows down. It is frost-resistant and shade-tolerant, but at the same time it is quite photophilous.

Average age is 40-60 years, but there are known plants that have reached 100 years of age.

gray alder
gray alder

Alder gray (or white, as it is also called) has a superficial root system. It is deepened only by 20 cm. Nodule growths and stump growths are found on the roots.

Alder has a slender trunk with smooth light gray bark. In young shoots, it initially has a greenish tinge, later becoming brown. A weak non-sticky fluff is especially striking, which disappears after a while.

Oval-shaped leaves, wide and slightly pointed at the top. Grow up to 10 cm, while the upper side is brightgreen, lower - lighter. The leaves on the branch are arranged in three rows.

Up to 30 species of this plant are known, but only two are most often found on the territory of Russia: gray alder, black alder. The second is also called sticky.

Flowering and reproduction

The first earrings appear in March or April. Male and female in appearance differ from each other. The first inflorescences are long and usually collected 3-5 pieces together. Earrings "female" oval, on short legs, up to 1.5 cm long. They are collected in 8-9 pieces. Pollination occurs with the help of wind.

gray alder useful properties and applications
gray alder useful properties and applications

By autumn, the female buds become firmer and look like small cones.

At the same time, seeds ripen every year and remain viable for 2 years. They look like nuts 1.5 cm long with membranous wings.

Alder gray propagated by seeds, offspring of roots and cuttings. Can form wild growths very quickly.


The tree grows on the territory of Russia, mainly in its northern part, it is also common in Siberia, up to Kamchatka. It is found in North America, Asia Minor, Transcaucasia, Serbia, Italy, France, and also in almost all of Europe.

Gray alder prefers to grow in the forest zone, but it is also found in the forest-steppe and forest-tundra zones. In North America, the tree poses a threat to local vegetation in places.

alder gray description
alder gray description

Due to good germinationseeds quickly forms thickets. Unlike black alder, it easily adapts to wetlands. Due to this property, the plant is often used to strengthen the banks of rivers, the slopes of ravines, as well as to create forest reclamation landscapes.

Grows in moist calcareous soil, which it enriches with nitrogen. Does not tolerate drought well. Its presence on the plain indicates the presence of groundwater.

Alder gray: useful properties and applications

Wood has a soft but dense wood with a reddish tint. Alder gray is used in the production of turning and joinery. It is rot resistant. Popular in furniture production, matches and paper are also made from it.

In the presence of constant humidity, it acquires increased strength, therefore it is used in the construction of underwater structures, barrels, log cabins of wells, fixing poles. Shavings serve as a good packaging for fruit.

alder gray or white
alder gray or white

Gray alder firewood is not very popular, it burns well, but does not hold heat. Previously, they were used to burn soot out of the furnace.

The bark of the tree is a good dye, it can be used to give red, black and yellow shades to fabrics, leather and wool.

Gardeners use alder twigs to fight pests such as mice and bears. It is enough just to place them on the beds and near fruit trees.

Alder gray is very popular among beekeepers, pollen is formed on the shoots and young leaves before flowering.

Effective in the formdecorative hedge, but in this case requires constant cutting.

Medical applications

For medicinal purposes, the bark, leaves of the tree and cones are used. Preparations, which include gray alder, have a hemostatic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent effect. They are popular in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, these parts of alder are used for colds and rheumatism, are part of medicines and are suitable for making decoctions.

Fresh tree leaves have a good diaphoretic effect, they contain phenolcarboxylic acids, provitamin A, ascorbic acid, vitamin C.

The composition of gray alder cones includes alkaloids, aliphatic alcohols, fatty oils, steroids, triterpenoids, tannins. The last two substances are also found in the bark of the plant.
