Those who served military service in the army, navy, air force, interior ministry, regardless of age, often recall with warm irony the demobilization uniforms in which they returned home.

The phenomenon of hazing of military clothing is indeed common in the Armed Forces. This unwritten custom of soldiers and sergeants - to carefully prepare for transfer to the reserve (meaning a uniform embellished to the best of personal imagination and an album with photographs) - has been observed for many decades.
About the tradition of returning home in a demobilization uniform
Why is this tradition established? It originates from Soviet times. The reason is clear: the soldiers are waiting for the day of transfer to the reserve, they dream of it as a holiday … It marks a change in their rhythm of life from a regulated service to a personal one. People who have matured in the Armed Forces dream about the future arrangement of their lives: work, prosperity, finding a soul mate. But first… the demobilization must take place.
Obviously, such an event is a kind of milestone in the lives of young men who are preparing demobilization forms for dismissal. Such clothes are not intended for army everyday life, nor for the military.holidays. It corresponds to only one state of mind of one person - its owner. Her mission is quite fleeting in time: to decorate the return home, to demonstrate to relatives, friends, acquaintances that the soldier, having honestly and manly served the Motherland, is finally with them.
Sometimes its creation is a kind of kitsch, an attempt to stylize an ordinary soldier's uniform to give it features of extravagance, loudness. Stripes, aiguillettes, badges, chevrons are used.
What should be observed in the clothes of demobilization
We also note that the demobilization forms are not a complete impromptu. After all, after all, it is made by the “grandfather” (a conscript who served for a year and a half). Oddly enough, but when creating them, several rules must be observed:
- insignia are placed in accordance with the canons approved by the statutes;
- The creator of an exclusive form must observe the measure and taste when decorating it.
Curiously, the maintenance of the above tradition was not always observed by military personnel.
The demobilization uniform phenomenon is a plus for the army
Say, in the 1990s, memorable for the trend of negative attitudes towards the army, demobilized people went home in civilian clothes.
There is a paradoxical psychological trend: if demobilization forms are used for the road home, then this is a secondary evidence of the prestige of military service.

In other words, a soldier who observes such a tradition, in fact, demonstrates his loy alty to the army, expressing inpride in the very fact of his service in the kitschy form available to him.
In addition to the uniform, he also brings home a demobilization album, which is both a chronology of service and a memory of his colleagues.
Problem: preservation of the demobilization form
He who has served in military service knows that it is not so difficult to prepare such military clothing as to save it. What is the problem? It exists in the case of formal relations between company officers and soldiers.
The charter gives the right to superiors to monitor compliance with uniforms by subordinates. Commanders can and must periodically check the personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants, seizing items that are not provided for by the regulations. Theoretically, demobilization uniforms also fall into the risk group. Usually, the demobilization is kept in the company pantry (kapterka) in their registered departments.
And although everyone knows that a soldier will not wear such clothes during military service, and that such a violation of the form of demobilization should not be expected, but often commanders seize and destroy such clothes.
Is it smart in a purely human sense to put such pressure on subordinates? Not at all. Reasonable construction of relations the chief/subordinate assumes respect for the human person. Indeed, why injure a person who has expressed pride in his service by creating a personal form? A reasonable boss will try not to notice this little thing, look at it through his fingers, warmly thank the soldier for his service, tell the demob, stunned with happiness, how to get home without any problems.
On the other hand, withdrawaldemobilization uniform by the chief is justified if it implies a clear banter over the charters, a mockery of the army way of life.
Demobilization uniform strict
Of course, this article would be incomplete without a brief description of how to make a demobilization form. However, there is a nuance here. Indeed, by and large, there are two types of such clothes:
- strict form of demobilization;
- demobilization uniform is exclusive.
Which one is better? There is no single answer here. Of course, this is a matter of demobilization's taste. However, if a retiree has a sense of style, then we would recommend the first option to him. It is more restrained, it provides for individual revisions of the standard soldier's uniform, verified in practice by many generations of demobilizations.

This, for example, is the classic demobilized form of air defense. We list the improvements to the strict form of demobilization:
- tailor-fitted tunic and trousers (if necessary);
- an additional chevron of the military branch sewn onto the tunic;
- inserts for shoulder straps of the tunic (the latter from this retain a flat shape and decorate the contour of the shoulder);
- homemade epaulets on a shirt (they are not provided by the form, but the craftsmen make them to their liking);
- changed shape of the "airfield" cap (achieved by increasing the tape spring embedded in the rim);
- Standard military badges of the type of service, class, sports ranks, etc., arranged in the prescribed order.
By the way, according to experts,the naval demobilization uniform looks especially spectacular. Below we will tell you more about it.
Unique variants
Demobilization form exclusive gives more scope to the author's imagination. Here it is much easier to overdo it, expressing bad taste instead of originality. What can be said about her? This form of clothing is motivatedly hidden from the authorities. The commander is guaranteed not to understand such a flight of creative imagination.
What is she like? Firstly, it automatically includes improvements to the strict demobilization form. Secondly, it includes a number of other improvements:
- velvet-trimmed shoulder straps, flap pockets, sleeves;
- replaced buttons;
- chevrons atypical for the type of troops;
- the edges of the uniform are trimmed with white edging;
- epaulettes converted to epaulettes;
- voluminous lining for shoulder straps;
- abundance of icons;
- aigus.
Briefly about the winter version
The winter demobilization uniform additionally includes an overcoat modified with a wire comb to the state of a fur coat, judging by the length and density of the pile. It is also desirable to add an officer's hat, scarf and leather gloves to it. Similar clothes are described in the story by Yu. Polyakov "One Hundred Days Before Demobilization".

Note that such an exclusive should not be taken without proper taste and modesty. Everything is good in moderation. It’s bad if they start making fun of a soldier who has served the Motherland with dignity. After all, as you know, they are greeted by clothes …
Demobilization uniform of sailors
Modern commodity-monetary relations, coupled with smartphones, provide conscripts with a service - the opportunity not to bother with handicraft production of such clothes, but simply order the right size for themselves by selecting it on the site. There are no boundaries for perfection! Do you need a Navy demobilization uniform?
Please: the parade flank of the Navy, already equipped with a tunic, badges, aiguillette. Made to order, plus (optionally) your wishes.
The service is amazing: there is even an interest-free installment plan and (which is important for conscripts) free storage of finished products in a warehouse. Standard delivery time - 2 weeks, expedited - 1 week.
However, buying is not a trick! The thoughtful reader, of course, is interested in how the demobilization form of the Navy is made. We are quite prepared to answer this question:
- the floors of pea coats, tunics, overcoats are shortened;
- an additional chevron of the "Navy" type is sewn on, etc.;
- sea belt badge is being finalized (corners are ground down, a bend is attached, an anchor is polished);
- the belt itself is wrinkled in a special way "under the skin" and is dyed brown;
- epaulettes are made with two capital letters of the name of the fleet;
- The peakless cap is tilted, a wire rim is inserted into it for lateral curvature;
- trousers flare down to the width of the shoe and taper at the hips (the latter is an ancient navy tradition).
By the way, the demobilization uniform of the Marine Corps is similar to it. It additionally includes the replacement of flannel patches with similar ones.fragments carved from red organic glass. Aglets are additionally installed on the tunic. The vertical surface of the shoe sole was ground down to give it a slope.
Demobilization uniform of Air Force soldiers
Demobilization uniform of the Air Force is made on the basis of the field uniform. It can be purchased online by sending the manufacturer your measurements: height, chest, waist, sleeve length, headgear size. The purchase is made by 100% payment, 50% prepayment and interest-free installments.

Purchasable kit includes a tunic "finished" with blue velvet shoulder straps or chevrons attached using semi-rigid embossed linings, as well as a blue improved beret.
However, the demobilization form of the Air Force can be made independently. To do this, a serviceman must purchase a set of field uniforms made of "number" type fabric and modify it. You will need to spend money on buying additional chevrons and an aiguillette in the military trade. You should get specific flight badges and insignia. Blue velvet is purchased from a civilian retail chain.
There is one auxiliary detail for giving the perfect shape to shoulder straps, chevrons, stripes. It is handmade from cellophane and white fabric. This is a semi-rigid lining. To make it, you need a minimum of materials: cellophane and a piece of an old bleached sheet. From the tools you will need a hot iron and scissors.
The technology is simple: two layers of fabric are glued together using cellophane withusing a hot iron. Then another layer of cellophane, fabric, etc. follows.
Infantry and its demobilization uniform
Demobilization infantry uniform - the name is obsolete. Now this type of troops is called differently - motorized rifle. What is such clothing? Judging by the specimens we saw, it is similar to the Air Force uniform described above.

The differences are predictable: instead of blue velvet, black is used, specific insignia according to the type of troops: chevrons, buttonholes, badges of belonging to the troops, class, etc. Instead of a blue beret, black is used. In general, the cut of the field uniform, the vest, aiguillettes, sewn-in trousers are identical.
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops
The demobilization uniform of the MVD differs from the military one, perhaps, only in the color of the camouflage - "numbers". Grayish colors predominate (after all, belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs). Another traditional color inherent in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is maroon. The maroon beret is a special pride of the representatives of the special forces units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Military personnel receive it only by successfully completing rather difficult qualification tests, including tough and uncompromising close combat.
For demobilized internal troops, everything is much simpler, you just need to purchase the above-mentioned beret. After all, they have long chosen both maroon velvet shoulder straps and maroon velvet lining on pockets.
Similar to BB shapedemobilization form of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the department is the same). But the berets here are not maroon, but intense black.
Finishing the presentation of the material of this article, let us dwell on a small detail of the demobilization clothes - the collar, which the soldiers also succinctly call the "hem". For hygiene, it is sewn on the inside of the collar. The unwritten regulation establishes the differences between the spiritual undercollar - "herring" - from the demobilized one: multi-layered, with a piping sewn inside to maintain a smooth volumetric contour of the upper part of the hemming. Some creative demobilizations equip the collar with informative “DMB” embroidery.
Instead of a conclusion
Describing the various options, we still recommend that soldiers and sergeants treat the transformation of their demobilization uniform, adhering to the principle of minimalism. We emphasize: this is purely our point of view. After all, a military uniform should not be like a carnival outfit. Although, on the other hand, it is certainly worth modifying clothes to give a more presentable look.

Firstly, it must initially match the figure. It is allowed to take it in, but only in a military studio. You can sew (one!) Chevron of the military branch. The badges of sports ranks and combat class should first be really deserved by yourself, and only then decorate your tunic with them. Then it will be more pleasant for you to tell your relatives and friends about your service. Shoulder straps should preferably be reinforced with flat inserts. It is worth working on the shape of your headdress if it is far from the classic outlines.
Fresh vest, demobilization collar - it all makes sense.
A smart strategy for demobilization is to smuggle a specially prepared demobilization uniform folded to the destination of your train ticket. And only on the eve of leaving the train to put it on. Perhaps you can still, without advertising it, on the eve of taking a few pictures in it with the most faithful friends in the service directly in the barracks.
You shouldn't show it to idle colleagues in the service - lose it (one of the "well-wishers" can inform the "wrong" commander). Moreover, it is contraindicated to walk around the territory of the unit in it. After all, your pride in what you have done (and quite a lot of work) can be interpreted as "flat" as possible - as arrogant and causing violation of the uniform.
We hope our recommendations will help you prepare the perfect demobilization uniform for yourself.