Social protection of the population is part of the state policy, which is aimed at maintaining an adequate material and social situation of those in need. In Russia, it is implemented in many areas and is enshrined in legislation. The social protection management system in our country is quite well developed.

Why is social protection of the population so relevant
During difficult times of crisis, many sectors of society face challenges in meeting basic needs. There may not even be enough money for food. In the presence of he alth problems, a person may require expensive medicines and the provision of qualified medical care. Such layers can be called socially unprotected. With the spontaneous development of capitalism and market relations, many of those who find themselves in these categories are left with practically nothing. The task of the state is to provide them with an acceptable existence at their own expense. System developmentsocial protection of the population goes on many fronts in most countries of the world.
The rights of citizens to social protection are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993. Measures for social support and protection are set out in article 7 of this issue. It creates a legal framework for the work of the system of state social protection of the population.

What is social protection
Most often, this concept means precisely the maintenance of an acceptable level of income for those persons who, for various reasons, are not able to do it on their own. Basically, the groups in need include the sick, the disabled, orphans, the unemployed, the elderly, large families and mothers.
Ideally, social support of the population should contribute to:
- improve the he alth and lifestyle of citizens;
- meeting both the material and spiritual needs of people;
- increase material security, living standards of the population;
- leveling social contrasts between we althy and needy people.
When carrying out activities for social protection of the population, the following basic principles are taken into account:
- Providing targeted support to those in need.
- The principle of humanity.
- Comprehensive approach.
- Respect for the rights of citizens.
What is the system of social protection of the population
This system is a collection of activities, laws and aid organizations,which ensure the implementation of programs for social protection of the population. It includes sections such as social security, social insurance and social guarantees.

The tasks of organizing the system of social protection of the population include the following items:
- Fulfillment of the requirements for ensuring the state-guaranteed minimum wage.
- Implementation of a set of measures for labor protection and human he alth.
- Maintaining social service systems.
- Fulfillment of requirements to support the disabled, the elderly, children, large families.
- Paying pensions, various benefits, providing other guarantees for social support.
Maintenance of the system of social protection of the population requires significant effort and resources.
Social Security
It appeared in Russia in the 20s of the 20th century and was created to provide for the elderly and those who are not able to work, at the expense of public funds.
Social security included many activities. Among them are:
- Regular payment of pensions.
- Disability benefits, childcare, etc.
- Preferential payments to the disabled, their material support, training in professions.
- Payment of family allowances and other assistance to families.
- Ensuring the work of boarding schools, kindergartens, nurseries, pioneer camps and so on.

Social Security
This type of action provides compensation for damages under various adverse circumstances (accidents, injuries, illnesses, death of a spouse, unemployment, etc.). For this, funds from extra-budgetary funds are attracted, filled at the expense of state subsidies, employers' funds, and voluntary contributions.
Social insurance can be state and voluntary. It is implemented through the payment of various benefits, pensions, medical insurance.
What are social guarantees
These include state-guaranteed payments of funds and the provision of services free of charge.
There are several social guarantees in Russia:
- Free and affordable education.
- State-guaranteed minimum wage (SMIC).
- Basic he alth care that is legally free.
- Minimum level of pensions, scholarships.
- Child care allowances.
- Various social pensions, including pensions for the disabled, elderly pensioners, orphans, people without work experience.
- Burial benefit.
Also includes social benefits. They are a type of guarantee intended for certain categories of citizens: labor veterans, disabled people, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, etc. Since 2005, the classic benefits that were in effect before were replaced by cash payments. Together they are called the social package and representmonthly payments.
The social package includes free purchase of medicines, travel in public transport, treatment in sanatoriums and the way there. According to the law, privileged categories of citizens can choose the form of benefits themselves: in the form of cash payments or classic price breaks.
The largest payments (coefficient 2) were provided for disabled veterans of the Second World War. Payments for non-disabled veterans are much lower (factor 1.5). Other beneficiaries, including combat veterans, can take advantage of even lower payments (coefficient 1, 1).
The smallest benefits are provided for those veterans who during the Great Patriotic War were involved in ensuring the functioning of rear facilities. For example, in the construction of military bases, defense facilities. The same amount of benefits is provided for those who are members of the families of disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the event of their death. In this case, the payout ratio is 0.6.
The amount of cash contributions depends on the degree of disability. For the first degree (for restriction in labor activity), the rate is 0.8, for the second - 1.0, and for the third - 1.4.
If a person with a disability has no restrictions on work, the rate of benefits will be minimal and will be 0.5.
Social support
This type of assistance to the population is provided for the most vulnerable categories of citizens, that is, for those who cannot independently provide for their financial situation. The nature of this assistance is twofold. These include cash payments and in-kind assistance:stuff, free food.

Funds for social support come from tax revenues. However, this type of assistance is not easy to use. First you need to get tested. The main condition is the total income below the subsistence level.
Social services
Assistance to the population can be psychological. For this, social services have been created that are engaged in the adaptation of a person in difficult life situations in which they find themselves. Measures of psychological assistance may be required in connection with various tragedies, diseases.
This form of support is called social services for the population. It includes assistance in everyday life, solving legal issues, pedagogical and medical assistance. This is the system of social and legal protection of the population.
This form of support developed intensively in the early 2000s. So, for example, during this period the total number of social service centers for citizens increased by 1/3. The number of institutions to support the disabled and the elderly has increased since 1985. In 2004, there were already 1.5 times more. Also, new types of institutions of the system of social protection of the population were created: crisis centers for various categories of citizens, mainly for women.
Who is the object of social work
The professional activities of social workers are aimed at such groups of the population as the disabled, pensioners, people with serious illnesses, children, drug addicts, refugees, difficult teenagers, the unemployedand prisoners.
Who does social work
It involves the system of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population. The highest is the state power, which develops laws, issues decrees, which are implemented through state programs. This is also done by public organizations, as well as organizations engaged in charitable activities, such as the Red Cross.
Direct executors of social work are voluntary or declared social workers. There are several tens of thousands of professional social workers in Russia, and in total there are about 0.5 million people in the world. However, a significant part of the work is performed by persons without special education, who agreed to this type of work due to circumstances (for example, emergency situations), or out of inner conviction.
Thus, the system of social protection authorities is now quite numerous.
What is social work effectiveness
Usually, efficiency means the ratio of the effort expended to the value of the result obtained. In the field of social performance, it is quite difficult to measure effectiveness. After all, its result is determined by the general satisfaction of citizens with the work of social services, and this indicator is qualitative, not quantitative. Material indicators are closer to quantitative calculation. If the main part allocated for benefits, pensions and benefits reached the end consumer, then the work of social services can be calledefficient.
If we consider the situation as a whole, then an indicator of the effectiveness of social activity can be an increase in the birth rate, a decrease in mortality, an increase in life expectancy, a decrease in drug addiction, crime, poverty, etc. The effectiveness of the social protection system in Russia depends on the specific region.

Not all results of social services can be assessed as positive. With excessive development of the system of social support for the population, people may have a reluctance to work, get married, and so on. This problem exists in the United States, but for Russia it is not relevant. The system of state bodies of social protection of the population is not always able to provide effective and full assistance to citizens.
Social support for the population of Russia in 2018
Currently, the main focus of social assistance is on payments to those in need. The cost of living is taken as the basis. If a person's income is below this value, then this is the basis for providing such assistance. Main directions of payments:
- Subsidies.
- Cash rewards.
- Payouts for compensation purposes.
- Humanitarian assistance.
Social benefits are provided free of charge and can be spent at will. Their value is regulated by law and depends on the specific category of citizens. In the regions, surcharges are possible by decision of the regional authorities.
Subsidies alsoare paid free of charge and occur by transferring money to the recipient's bank account.
Payments for the purpose of compensation are made after spending money for certain purposes. They are carried out in cases specified in the legislation. This requires proof of spending funds for specific purposes.
Humanitarian aid is provided in kind: goods, clothes, food. Fundraising is usually done by the public.
What you need to get help in 2018
Help is provided to low-income citizens, as well as those who are faced with temporary financial problems due to reasons beyond their control. To obtain it, you will have to provide certain documents. The most important of them are a passport and an application, but they may require a dozen more different papers. The set of documents may depend on the type of social support.
You should contact the department of social protection of the population, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the branch of the Pension Fund.
How to get social assistance
To do this, contact the relevant authority or the MFC and provide an application and the required documents. The application is considered within 10 days, after which a decision is made to provide assistance or to refuse it. In some cases, this period is not enough. Then, after ten days, a preliminary conclusion is issued, and the consideration is extended to 1 month. In the period of 10-30 days, documents are checked and a more detailed study of the application is carried out.
The grounds for denial of social assistance may be the concealment of true income and / or property, or the provision of false information about the structure of the family.
If the financial situation of the recipient improves, social payments to him are terminated. An increase in income above the poverty line must be reported within 14 days.
Help for poor families
It is provided to families whose incomes are below the established minimum level. It includes birth assistance, maternity benefits, subsidized mortgages. Also, such families can count on free medical services, in-kind assistance (food, fuel, medicines), tax benefits, psychological and legal support.

The following types of assistance are provided for families with many children:
- Free use of public transport.
- Discounts on utility bills.
- Children under 6 get free medicines if prescribed by a doctor.
- The right to free school meals for children.
- Compensation payments related to school clothes.
- Admission of kids to kindergarten out of turn.
What is maternity capital
This is a one-time payment that is made in the event of the birth of the second and subsequent children. In 2018-20, it is 453,000 rubles. The maternity capital law was adopted in 2007.
It can be spent only on needs specified in the law.
Thus, the system of statesocial protection of the population is aimed at providing comprehensive social assistance to citizens. In Russia, it is quite well developed. A lot of work in this direction is carried out by volunteers and charitable organizations. The institutions of the system of social protection of the population are quite numerous. Their number has increased dramatically over the past 20 years, since it was during this period that a significant stratification of society on the basis of financial income occurred.