How many people die per day in the world? Mortality and birth rate in Russia

How many people die per day in the world? Mortality and birth rate in Russia
How many people die per day in the world? Mortality and birth rate in Russia

Population is an extremely important factor for human development. We live and do not even think about how many people die per day in the world and how many are born. Is it time to pay attention?


Population on the planet

Today, the world's population is seven billion people. China has the largest number of them, followed by India. The United States took third place.

The average life expectancy today is about 67 years. Women, on average, live 12 years longer. However, lives in the Central African Republic tend to be the shortest.

Statistics say that an average of 55 million people die every year around the world. Sounds ominous enough. But also inexorable statistics report that 140 million children are born every year. And only 108 billion have ever lived on Earth.

Already today there is a tendency to "overpopulation" of the planet by people. The standard of living is constantly rising in developed countries and steadily tends to zero in third world countries. But despite this, scientists began to sound the alarm in connection with overpopulation. Earth.


Have you ever wondered how many people die a day in the world? Of course not. And how many people die per day in Russia?

Data related to the population census are regularly published, and much less often - with mortality, and most importantly, with the causes of death. Not so long ago, the following information was announced:

  • On average, 150,000 people die every day around the world. And only a third of infectious diseases. In Russia, at the same time, 233 people per hour die every day.
  • The most common cause of death in countries considered more developed was coronary heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and traffic accidents. Starvation and chronic malnutrition are more likely to cause death in countries that are considered to be underdeveloped in terms of development.

Most common causes of death

If we talk only about developed countries with a high standard of living, then the most common causes of death are strokes, heart disease, cancer, traffic accidents, AIDS and severe lung diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis).

From such data it follows that often people try to kill themselves and quite successfully. When tracking how many people die per day in the world, scientists have found out one interesting thing: often they themselves are to blame for their deaths. Darwin award winners alone are worth it!

If we talk about the countries of the "third world", then hunger tops the list of "killers" - the main problem of states with a low standard of living. At the same time, on the other side of the world, doctors are tired of treatingobesity.

Birth rate

Despite all these terrible numbers, it is worth remembering the general growth of demographics. Around the world, an average of 15,347 children are born every hour, 163 of them in Russia. How many people die per day in the world? 150 million. How many babies are born per hour? 15 thousand. So extinction does not threaten humanity yet.


With such rates of demographic growth, by 2083 the population of the Earth will reach ten billion. It's wonderful, no doubt, but why are scientists so worried about the already mentioned overpopulation?


The problem here is that the higher the population density, the more disease there will be. This fact has been repeatedly proven by various numerous experiments. Too many people will provoke outbreaks of diseases and infections, and it will be almost impossible to fight them, not to mention the fact that throughout the evolution of Homo sapiens, we have not learned how to properly use the resources of the Earth. The oil reserves, which have already been extracted and harvested to date, with reasonable use will last more than fifty years, but production has not been stopped. The same can be said about clean fresh water and coal.

Apart from everything else, no matter how good and beautiful our lives are, the problem of hunger has not yet been solved. There is enough food for everyone, just a person does not know how to share. How many people die every day of hunger? And how much from overeating? Is it necessary to raise the birth rate?
