Under the indexation of pensions, it is customary to understand the process of increasing labor benefits solely on the basis of the relevant decision of the Government of our country, mainly in order to improve the general standard of living of pensioners.

According to experts in this field, it is possible to recalculate the insurance part of labor payments in several cases: due to old age, disability, after the loss of a breadwinner, etc.
Indexation of pensions is also taking into account the expected increase in prices for popular goods and services. The average cost of living for the past year is also taken into account.
In 2013, it is planned to index pensions three times, in total by 10%.
For example, in April, labor pensions were recalculated by an average of 3.3% depending on the region of the country.

Moreover, in the same month were also indexed and the amount of UDV (monthly cash payments) by 5.5%. In our country, as a rule, almost all former participants in the Great Patriotic War receive such payments.
It is safe to say that the Government of our country has not paid suchclose attention to the military, as in 2013. The current political situation in the world, constant conflicts, as well as an unstable military climate forces the state to do everything possible to ensure the country's constant combat capability. However, in order for only professionals in their field to serve in Russia, it is necessary to provide them with a worthy future in advance. One of the aspects of this state of affairs is, among other things, the pension.

For example, in the period from 2011 to 2012, thanks to such a process as the indexation of military pensions, the amount of monthly payments increased significantly. In some regions, it is 16,000 rubles. It is important to note that in Russia the indexation of pensions and the corresponding increase in wages in relation to the average annual inflation growth takes place annually in several stages.
As you know, the size of the pension in Russia for the military is calculated as follows: half of the salary + salary by rank + district coefficient + all kinds of bonuses for length of service. Due to the fact that last year the Government significantly increased the salaries of the military, there was a problem with payments, as there is a shortage of funds.
So, now the pension of absolutely all the military will be paid taking into account inflation. For example, this year, inflation is expected to be no higher than 7%, therefore, payments will not be increased above this figure. However, some sources claim a possible increase of up to 30%. In fact, the figure of 3.7% is more realistic. However, the indexation of pensions will still begradually occur as the new system is established.
It should be noted that in the past 2012, the recalculation of cash payments was carried out three times. In February, the amounts increased by 7%, and due to the additional transfer in April, they increased by another 3.41%. Moreover, social pensions were also increased by approximately 14.1% in April. As a result of these changes, the average amount of benefits in the country amounted to 5,938 rubles. In conclusion, we note that the total increase in labor pensions in 2012 amounted to 10.41%.