Polar scientists and weather forecasters jokingly call Antarctica the “weather kitchen” for the entire planet. Experts know exactly when the conditions are more or less favorable for traveling in the vicinity of the South Geographic Pole. Ordinary people are often at a loss: “What is the warmest month beyond the Antarctic Circle? Are there positive temperatures in Antarctica? It is not easy to figure out what is going on in the "kitchen of the weather", everything is different here, not like on other continents.
The white continent becomes more accessible
Until the 20s of the 19th century, scientists and travelers argued about the existence of land near the South Pole. Many believed the famous navigator J. Cook, who declared that the territory south of 71 ° S was inaccessible. sh. The Russian expedition to Antarctica on the ships "Vostok" and "Mirny" on January 20, 1820 discovered unknown lands, despite many insurmountable obstacles. After 120 years, the first excursions to the waters of the Antarctic began, another 50 years were needed for the development of a newtourist destination.

Hundreds of adventurers travel to the white continent every year. Expeditions and tours are held during the most favorable period of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. What is the warmest month in Antarctica? - the inhabitants ask in bewilderment. Of course, at school everyone was taught the climate of the southern continents, where our winter is summer. It is difficult for many to say exactly which month is best for a tour to the South Pole.
Antarctica and the Arctic are two opposites
Let's briefly dwell on geographical terminology. The land in the south owes its name to the Arctic. This word, denoting the northern polar latitudes of the Earth, is of Greek origin, given by the position of the constellation Ursa Major. The weather at the North Pole remained a mystery for a long time, because the way for the explorers of the 18th-19th centuries to the cherished point with the coordinate 90°N. sh. blocked by the cold waters of the ocean, ice and snow.

The territory in the south, opposite the northern polar region, was called "Ant(and)arctic", the mainland - Antarctica. The South Pole is located almost in the center of the continent. The geographical coordinate of this point is 90°S. sh.
The southernmost and coldest continent
Severe climate south of latitude 70°S. sh. called "subantarctic" and "antarctic". During the year, areas of the surface free from snow and ice warm up better on the coast, in oases. In winter, on the coast and in the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula, the temperature is comparable to the Arcticbelt of the Northern Hemisphere (from −10 to −40 °С). In the summer in Antarctica, you can find many islands of land among the icy silence, where the thermometer rises above 0 ° C.

Climate features of Antarctica:
- Winter lasts from June to August, the coldest period.
- The average July temperature is between -65°C and -75°C.
- Summer comes in December and lasts until February.
- The temperature in the continental part rises from -50 to -30 °С.
- The warmest month in Antarctica is January.
- Polar day lasts from September to March. The sun remains above the horizon, warming the surface more.
- The night lasts almost half a year, illuminated by bright flashes of the aurora.

Inland climate
Antarctica is a continent where regular meteorological observations began later than on the inhabited continents. In the last 50–60 years, the data obtained at stations in the mainland and coastal parts of the white continent have received special attention from weather forecasters. The coldest regions are the southeastern ones, where the average annual temperature is about -60 °C. The temperature maximum in the area of the Vostok station is −13.6°C (December 16, 1957). The average monthly temperature from April to September is below -70 °С.

The weather at the South Pole is a little milder, this part of the mainland is closer to the coast. Meteorological information at a point with a coordinate of 90 ° S. sh. collected by employees of the American station "Amundsen - Scott", named after the "Napoleon of the polar countries" Norwegian Roald Amundsen and another discoverer of the South Pole - Englishman Robert Scott. The station was founded in 1956 at the South Pole and is gradually "drifting" towards the coast. Antarctica has the shape of a dome, the glacier slowly slides from the center to the edges, where its pieces break under their own weight and fall into the ocean. In winter, near Amundsen-Scott station, the thermometer shows -60 °C, in January it does not fall below -30 °C.
Weather on the coast of Antarctica
In summer, on the shores of the oceans and seas washing the southernmost continent, it is much warmer than in continental regions. Over the Antarctic Peninsula, the air warms up to +10 °C in December–February. The average January temperature is +1.5 °C. In winter, in July, the average monthly temperature drops to -8°C on the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, to -35°C - in the area of the margin of the Ross Glacier. One of the climatic anomalies of the mainland is cold katabatic winds, the speed of which reaches 12–90 m/s on the coast (hurricanes). Rain, like high temperatures, is rare in Antarctica. Most of the moisture reaches the continent in the form of snow.

Antarctica is a "multipolar" continent
"Pole of inaccessibility" - this is the name that Russian polar explorers came up with for their station. Soviet expedition to Antarctica conducted scientific researchbeyond the 82nd parallel in the most difficult mountainous region of the mainland to travel.
There is a "Pole of Cold" on the mainland - this is the area of the research Antarctic station "Vostok", created in Soviet times. Here, with the help of ground-based measuring equipment, the lowest air temperature in the history of meteorological observations was recorded: -89.2 ° С (1983).
Researchers from the US, armed with satellite data, tried to challenge the "record" of the Russian station. In December 2013, the Americans reported that the coldest place on Earth is located in the area of the Fuji Dome station, owned by Japan. The absolute minimum temperature for Antarctica was -91.2 °C, which was found out using a satellite.

Antarctica is the prototype of a "multipolar" world without borders and an arms race. The international legal regime was introduced here in 1961. The mainland and the parts of the oceans adjacent to it do not belong to the states parties to the treaty and observer countries, they can only conduct scientific research.
What to do in the warmest month in Antarctica and the Arctic
Explorations of the North and South Poles, the white continent in the south and the ice of the Arctic have always been the lot of the brave and patient. Today there are quite a few people on the planet who have been to Antarctica more than 100 times. Some carry out scientific research, while others provide transport accessibility, security, and medical assistance.
There are more and more of those who go beyond the Antarctic Circle in search of fantasticimpressions. Tours to Antarctica at first glance seem like pure adventurism. In fact, all flights, sailings and excursions are prepared at the highest level. Polar scientists act as consultants, icebreakers, research vessels are used.

Peak of the "tourist season" in the polar regions
The high cost of a flight or sea cruise to the North and South Poles, the high costs of organizing expeditions do not stop modern adventurers. Let's rephrase the famous statement of the foreman from the film "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik." Now dozens of ships with tourists "surf the expanses" of the Arctic and Antarctic. The day is not far off when there will be many more of them. The "high season" at the South Pole starts in December and lasts until January. At this time, the hemisphere is better illuminated by the Sun, the height of summer comes.
The weather at the North Pole is warmer than at the South. The climate also depends on the small angle of inclination of the Sun above the horizon, the strong reflectivity of snow and ice. The temperature in winter in December–February and in summer in June–August is much higher than in Antarctica. The average winter temperature at the North Pole is -30°C. Often there are thaws (−26 ° C), cold snaps (−43 ° C). The average temperature in summer is around 0°C.

Are there any "white spots" in Antarctica
The era of the Great geographical discoveries was completed in the 20s of the last century by S. V. Obruchev - the son of a scientist, traveler and writer V. A. Obruchev (“Geology of Siberia”, “Sannikov Land”). Sergei Obruchev explored the last "blank spots" in Eastern Siberia and Chukotka. By that time, a significant part of Antarctica was still little studied.
Gradually, the researchers found out the thickness of the glacier and the features of the under-ice relief, collected detailed meteorological information. Many "white spots" on the sixth continent have been closed, but the south polar continent still holds many mysteries and secrets. For avid travelers, a warm month in Antarctica is a new experience, an opportunity to see rare representatives of the animal world and take unique photographs.

Are expeditions to the Antarctic Circle dangerous
Reports of any unforeseen situations with tourists in Antarctica happen, but rarely. For example, in November 2009, the Russian ship Kapitan Khlebnikov got stuck in the ice off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. Among its passengers were tourists and a film crew from the UK. The reason for the stop was the weather, but as soon as the tide began, the ship managed to free itself from the "white captivity". A Russian icebreaker with English tourists and TV crew on board was cruising in the Weddell Sea area (West Antarctica).
The map of the mainland and the Antarctic Peninsula gives an idea of the location of the sea, but only experienced pilots can guide ships between icebergs. In December 2013, drifting ice stopped the Russian ship Akademik Shokalsky. Passengers were evacuated aboard the Australian icebreaker in the firstJanuary 2014.
Tour to Antarctica - high dose of adrenaline guaranteed
According to the researchers of Antarctica, the mainland is suitable for organizing cruises, dog sledding and other outdoor activities. The history of sea cruises in Antarctica has more than 90 years. In 1920, enterprising ship owners began to take on board the first tourists who wanted to see the white continent with their own eyes. The cost of modern cruises and other types of travel to the shores of Antarctica and the South Pole ranges from 5,000 to 40,000 dollars. The price of the tour depends on many factors, not the last role is played by the complexity of the route, excursion support.