Folk spring omens

Folk spring omens
Folk spring omens

Folk signs are a whole layer of folklore. To understand the world around us, people from ancient times tried to systematize knowledge. They observed nature, weather changes, and gradually formed a certain pattern out of them.

There are many signs associated with holidays, rituals, children, animals. Some of them are considered good, others portend misfortunes and troubles.

Spring omens, like most weather forecasts, are related to weather conditions. The awakening of nature, sowing, preparation for the summer - all this has long been of interest to man. It is enough to take a closer look at the surrounding events to make small predictions for the day, week or month.

Signs. Origin History

Signs appeared a long time ago and accompany a person to this day. Who invents them, where do they come from?

A sign is a kind of pattern between an event and a consequence. Even in ancient times, people observed the phenomena of nature. They tried to recognize the behavior of animals, followed the plants, changes in the firmament.

spring omens
spring omens

Aristotle in his treatise "Meteorology" described natural phenomena. By the nature of the wind, he tried to explain the onset of good or bad weather.

Over time, people have learned to compare the action and the event that it entails. Signs became simply necessary when a person, after a nomadic life, switched to cultivating the land. The moon, the sun, the flight of birds, the actions of fish and insects, precipitation - all this is reflected in folk signs. They are distributed by time of year and day, days of the week, church holidays.

Weather notes

Signs remain relevant to this day. Meteorologists can be wrong, but people's predictions are mostly correct.

Winter signs will tell you when to expect frost and cold, snowstorms and warming. Spring signs will coordinate when to carry out field planting and wait for rain. Predict what summer will be like. Summer will warn you when to pick berries or mushrooms. Autumn - set up for harvesting and prepare for the coming winter.

folk signs of spring
folk signs of spring
  • If the hare ran into the garden or garden - be harsh in winter.
  • Whitish moon in a halo - to the snow, clear - to a sunny day.
  • If the squirrel left a hollow and descended from the tree, expect calm, calm weather.
  • Snow creaks underfoot - to the cold.
  • If sparrows chirp loudly - to warming.
  • Late spring is a good summer.
  • If there is no evening fog and dew, there will be a night thunderstorm.
  • Sparrows bathe in the sand - it means it will rain.
  • If dew appeared on the leaves and grass in the evening - to a warm clear day.
  • Birch leaves turn yellow - to bad weather, bad weather.
  • If the cranes fly high and hum - to a warm autumn.
  • Until the last leaf falls from the cherry tree, the snow will melt.

Folk omens are passed down from generation to generation. They began their existence as oral art. Gradually, they began to write down, fix them.

Folk spring signs are based on the movements of birds and insects, the behavior of animals and plants. The knowledge of ancestors may seem unreasonable due to changes in climatic and environmental conditions. But sometimes their reliability and foresight are simply amazing.

Classification of signs about the weather

All signs related to the weather can be conditionally divided into several types. However, they most often interact with each other. It does not take into account the seasons, religious holidays or pagan beliefs. The conditional division will be based only on changes in living and inanimate nature.

  1. Objects of nature (this is the Moon, stars, Sun or sky).
  2. Natural phenomena (this is precipitation, hoarfrost, fog, wind or dew).
  3. Animal behavior.
  4. Fish behavior.
  5. Insect behavior.
  6. Plant changes.

Russian folk omens of spring

After a long winter, our ancestors, especially those living in villages, began to prepare for the sowing season. Spring weather, rainfall - all this people tried to take into account to get a rich harvest.

Folk spring omens suggested when to dig and when to plant seedlings. Planting planning guaranteed a fruitful autumn and a full winter.

  • You can't see the stars in the sky - wait for the rain.
  • If March is dry, April is wet, May is cold - this is for a rich harvest.
  • After the rain, the rainbow disappeared - the weather will be clear.
  • The rowan blossomed late - warm autumn will come.
  • A lot of May beetles fly - be dry summer.

Spring folk omens: March

In early spring the weather is changeable. March brings the first thawed patches. A frosty morning gives way to a warm day, drop by drop. Rain and snow alternate. Spring folk signs of nature were necessary in order to find out what spring and summer would be like. Wait for a drought or heavy rain.

spring folk signs of nature
spring folk signs of nature

The name of the month comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of war Mars. March is also harsh and unpredictable. It was in this month that the pagans carried out the expulsion of winter.

  • Snow lies in waves on the fields - vegetables will be born well.
  • The longer the icicles in March, the longer the spring.
  • The snow began to melt early, which means it will lie for a long time.
  • Larks and rooks have returned early - wait for early spring.
  • High clouds will bring good weather.

Folk omens: April

The second month of spring is warm and sonorous. Drops, birdsong, clear days bring long-awaited warmth. Ponds and lakes are freed from ice. The sun is shining brighter. There are fewer clouds in the sky, buds appear and the firstflowers.

spring folk omens for children
spring folk omens for children

The name of the month in Latin means "warmed by the sun". Nature wakes up and basks under the first rays. The cuckoo begins to call, streams ring along the ravines. April Spring Signs:

  • Bees have flown - wait for early warm spring.
  • If it rains in April, there will be good arable land and lush greenery.
  • The first thunder along with the north wind - to the cold spring.
  • In April, a cold night and a warm day - the weather will not change for a long time.
  • Lots of birch sap - expect a rainy summer.


The third month of spring is warm, with thunderstorms and heavy rains. But cold days are still common. Spring signs of weather associate the flowering of bird cherry, lilac with a cold snap. Greenery is blooming more and more magnificently, fruit trees are beginning to bloom. Nightingale singing is heard more often, mosquitoes appear.

Russian folk signs of spring
Russian folk signs of spring

May got its name in honor of the goddess of fertility Maya. This month is bright, characterized by lush flowering and the first garden plantings. In May, our ancestors did not allow men to sow, otherwise the greens will grow, and the fruit will not start.

  • The first thunderstorm in May - to prosperity in the house.
  • Cold this month - expect a bountiful harvest.
  • Violets are blooming - it's time to sow radishes, dill, parsley.
  • If there is a strong smell of yellow acacia during the day, it will rain.
  • Oak turns green before ash - wait for a dry summer.

Signs on the behavior of animals,birds

Birds, domestic and forest animals are of great importance in folk signs. This is due to their psychological characteristics and instincts. They instantly catch the change in the information flow, react to any changes. Therefore, spring folk signs about the weather connect the behavior of birds and animals with future changes.

spring weather signs for kids
spring weather signs for kids
  • The cat covers its head with its paw - to a cold snap. If it claws, it will rain.
  • The dog is rolling on the ground - expect a thunderstorm. Stretched out and spread her paws - there will be warming.
  • Small midges crawl into the face - to the rain.
  • Cows huddled together - soon it will rain.
  • Ants hid in an anthill - it will rain heavily.
  • The pig squeals loudly - to bad weather. If it itches, warmth is coming.
  • If the early morning lark is silent, bad weather is coming.
  • Crows walk the earth - there will be warming. They sit on a tree disheveled and hunched over - to the rain.
  • The horse snorts - wait for the heat.
  • A lot of cobwebs fly - for a hot summer.
  • Seagulls roar on the shore - to the approach of the storm.
  • If frogs croak and jump loudly during the day - bad weather.

Signs on plants, flowers

For many centuries, people have discovered the properties of plants and flowers. They are considered animate beings. The relationship between weather changes and plants has been noticed for a long time. So signs, superstitions, sayings began to appear. It is believed that some trees have a positiveor negative energy. In folk medicine, plants with medicinal effect are used.

Spring omens have long been associated with plants and passed on to their descendants.

  • The coniferous forest is noisy - it means that the thaw is approaching.
  • The burdock spread its thorns - there will be bad weather.
  • Flowers and bindweeds closed their buds - it will rain.
  • It was a starry night - you can sow peas.
  • Strong smell of meadow flowers and herbs - expect heavy rain.
  • Violet bent its stem - soon it will rain.
  • If mold appears on the thawed patch - to an abundance of mushrooms.
  • Dry grass in the morning, no dew - to rain.

Signs by clouds and wind

Shapes of clouds, wind changes - all this connected weather conditions and spring folk omens. Since ancient times, they have tried to make all predictions rhymed for children - this helped them quickly memorize. They were told on a walk, during field work. The children sailed the boats along the streams and memorized signs.

spring signs of weather
spring signs of weather
  • Clouds run like sheep - they will bring heavy wind.
  • A cloud floats against the wind - the rain will attract, the rain will fall.
  • In the evening the wind blows - in the daytime bad weather will inflate.
  • Cumulus clouds - lightning strikes, thunderstorm.
  • Saw a rook - spring has come.
  • As the fogs run in, they will bring rain for the summer.

Signs in the sky

The sky is always interesting to look at. This is a bright sun and curly clouds, twinkling stars and a thin sickle of the month. Notes associated withchanges in the sky, served as clues to what the next day would be like when it started to rain or thunderstorms.

  • Red dawn in the evening - rain is coming.
  • If the month's horns are down, it will be warm. If it is red, it will rain.
  • If the month was born with a strong wind, then the wind will blow all month.
  • Few stars are visible at night - bad weather is approaching.
  • A new moon is born - in a week the weather will change.
  • If the month is visible in a light haze, get ready for bad weather.
  • The sun rose in the fog - the whole day will be windless, stuffy.
  • After heavy rain, the sun bakes - the next day it will rain.

Signs by day of the month

Spring folk signs for every day are often based on church holidays or pagan beliefs. In ancient times, it was convenient to make calculations based on memorable dates. Therefore, most signs are associated with a specific date of the month.

For example, on Epiphany (January 19) they predicted the weather for the summer. If the day is clear, the summer will be warm.

spring folk omens for every day
spring folk omens for every day

Evdokia-Plyushcha (March 14). Frost on this day portends a cold summer. Warm wind with snow or rain - rainy.

Fedot Vetronos (March 15). Snowdrift or strong wind - the first grass will not appear for a long time.

Forty Martyrs (March 22). If the morning is frosty that day, then there will be morning frosts for another 40 days.

Daria Dirty-tub (April 1). Spring waters are stormy and noisy - to be tall grass. Quiet and muddy - the greens will be withered, low. On this day, brownies woke up and started playing pranks.

Vasily Solnechnik (April 4). On this day, widespread snowmelt begins.

Annunciation (April 7). A warm night heralds a friendly spring. Thunderstorm on this day - to an abundance of nuts. If the snow still lies on the roofs, then it will hold out in the field until Yegory (May 6).

Irina Urvi-bereg (April 29). A cloudy day and a clear quiet evening - this weather will last for a long time.

Saint Luke (May 5). Vegetable garden was sown on Luka.

St. George's Day, Egory Veshny (May 6). Grazing on the first green grass.

Yakov (May 13). A warm day with heavy rain - to plentiful bread.

Arina nursery (May 18). On this day, seedlings were planted in the ground.

Job the Pea (May 19). Abundant morning dew foreshadowed a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Nikolay (May 22). After that day, there were 12 frosty matinees. If they did not come, they were transferred to Semyonov Day (September 14).

Pahom (May 28). Warm day - to a warm summer.

Signs for children

Spring weather signs for children are simple and clear. They help the child develop observation and curiosity. They are taught in families, kindergartens, schools. There are a great many folk signs about the weather for children. Entire collections of folk weather forecasts are being published.

  • Strong wind on Palm Sunday - wait for the summer with the wind.
  • April wind to June rain.
  • The moon is bright in the sky - the weather is warm and good.
  • The dog hides in the heat - the cold is coming.
  • Cat licks itself - be rain.
