Orange level of danger in the scale of color values

Orange level of danger in the scale of color values
Orange level of danger in the scale of color values

Our nature does not have bad weather - a wise saying that came to us from the past. Of course, any weather is good for the environment, but anomalous weather events certainly bring only losses to a person. In order to warn and inform the population of the country, the Republican Hydrometeorological Center many years ago introduced the use of a scale of color values to describe the level of danger of weather phenomena. Often on TV or in the media you can hear that an orange level of weather danger has been declared in a certain area. What does this mean?

alert level orange
alert level orange

What to expect from the weather?

Reports of bad weather are often frightening. And for good reason. The orange level of danger indicates to us that there is a possibility of adverse weather conditions in a large part of the country or a specific area. Depending on the season, it can be hail, heavy rain, thunderstorm, snowfall, abnormal heat or, conversely, frost. Such natural phenomena can adversely affect socio-economic activities, as well asmaterial damage to society. In addition, the orange level of danger informs that adverse weather events can become risky for human he alth and even lead to casu alties.

Stay at home or go for a walk?

This dilemma often confronts the inhabitants of any country, regardless of its geographical location. It is so arranged in the world that bad weather periodically “covers” this or that corner of the globe. So, if an orange danger level has been declared in your area and bad weather is raging outside the window, then it would be advisable to stay at home on this day. When there is no way to wait out the bad weather, it is best to keep your time outside to a minimum. As practice shows, often bad weather conditions play cruel jokes with motorists. Therefore, if possible, leave your personal car and use the metro or any other public transport. However, if your work is connected to the road, then be careful and it is best to slow down!

orange level of weather danger what is it
orange level of weather danger what is it

Color value scale

According to international standards, weather conditions are characterized by a scale of color values. The following colors are used to indicate the severity of climatic events: green, yellow, orange and red. Is the danger level green? This means that adverse weather can be completely eliminated. Yellow color indicates the likelihood of poor climatic conditions with minimal risk to the population. If orange danger levelcharacterizes weather conditions as “risk for human life”, then the red color informs about the highest degree of danger. In order to avoid casu alties, the population is strongly advised not to leave their homes.

orange danger level
orange danger level

When planning your trip, you should listen to the weather forecasts. However, there is no need to panic and immediately cancel your plans if it was announced on TV that an orange level of danger is expected tomorrow. Just take this into account and be prepared for worse weather, even though it's a sunny morning. If the elements caught you on the way, and visibility on the road is nowhere worse, then if possible, stop and wait out the bad weather. Remember: there is nothing more precious than your life!
