Remy Gaillard - biography of the prankster, his motto, photo and filmography

Remy Gaillard - biography of the prankster, his motto, photo and filmography
Remy Gaillard - biography of the prankster, his motto, photo and filmography

Native of Montpellier, French citizen was born on February 7, 1975. A man loves to surprise. It doesn't matter who, it just gives him pleasure. Knock out wandering citizens from the usual rhythm of life, shock, make them smile in any way - this is the main task of Remy Gaillard.

It cannot be said about him that since childhood he dreamed of becoming a comedian or a prankster. Gaillard, like many of his acquaintances, had other plans for life: family, work, a faithful and loving wife. Chance turned a man into a comedian.

The start of the journey

One day he tried to get a job in a shoe store. This was a turning point in the biography of Rémy Gaillard. He passed the interview, but later learned that he was not accepted. The man did not despair, but on the contrary - he decided that he would devote the rest of his life to humor and entertainment.

The first step towards humor he took with his friend. Together, they filmed their first sketch in their hometown in 1999. Prior to that, he was shooting documentaries in Paris, distinguished from others by the presence of humor.

Then in 2001 Rémy Gaillardcreated a personal website. There were few visitors, and the comedian discovers YouTube as a platform for promoting his work. The quality of the pranks gradually increased, as did the media attention to the young man.

Gaillard Remy
Gaillard Remy

The first prank that caused a strong reaction and attracted the first fans was the prank with the football team. During the celebration of victory in the French Cup, prankster Remy Gaillard dressed up in a football uniform and went out with real players for the awards. At first, no one noticed anything unusual - the team and the audience rejoiced at the victory. Even ex-president Jacques Chirac, who thanked Gaillard for a good game in the match, was not surprised by anything. However, later the journalists, checking the information, found an unfamiliar face among the professional players. All the newspapers were full of this incident the next day. After this incident, the number of his subscribers increased. And in honor of this, he uploaded a video in which he competes with Ronaldo in the skill of football tricks.

Remy Gaillard loved sports since childhood, he especially liked football, but he could not achieve high results - he remained at the amateur level. Craving for sports led him later to the French volleyball team. Again the trick with dressing up, only now the prankster came out before the start of the match and clearly stood out among the team members, who silently listened to the anthem and mentally prepared for the game. Gaillard, at that time, was singing the text of the song with might and main. Despite this, he managed to spend a few minutes on the field. He even managed to say hello to some members of the teamopponents. But then the coach calmly took him aside. The commentators of the event laughed at this on the air and thanked Gaillard for the gift of mood.


Soon, to prevent such situations, all sports security services had a photograph of Rémy Gaillard. However, the comedian did not despair, because in addition to sports in humor there is where to turn around.

Gaillard football
Gaillard football

Blind on the road

Departing from the sports theme, Gaillard releases a video in which he appears as a blind driver. While driving, the comedian stuck his stick out the window and tried to navigate with it, "probing the area." For greater effect, he drove a snake, drove onto the sidewalk and crashed into fences. Road users were shocked and tried to help.



In addition to pranks, Gaillard also deals with parodies, which also enjoyed great success on YouTube. In his arsenal are parodies of such people and characters as Rocky Balboa, Mario and Santa Claus. Gaillard also likes to use costumes in his jokes - he has already been in the role of many animals and even felt what it was like to be a bomb.

Gaillard in film
Gaillard in film

Participation in films

In addition to practical jokes, there are films by Rémy Gaillard where he participated as an actor:

  • The Antics Roadshow (2011) - a movie about the famous graffiti artist Banksy.
  • "WTF! What the heck?" (2014) - autobiographical picture about Gaillard.
Gaillard with a girl
Gaillard with a girl


Gaillard's main life idea - you can become anyone, if you do anything for this. This motto helps him get into places where only personnel are allowed to enter. He manages to bypass security and surveillance systems in order to achieve his goal of making people laugh.


For more than 10 years, Gaillard has followed his motto. Today he has 6.7 million subscribers. The most popular video "Kangaroo", uploaded 9 years ago, continues to gain views and has already collected 81 million viewers. The total number of views exceeds 1.5 billion.
