Revolver-type gun: types, specifications and photos

Revolver-type gun: types, specifications and photos
Revolver-type gun: types, specifications and photos

Probably not every even an experienced hunter has heard of the MTs-255 revolver type gun. Needless to say, the solution is really original, especially for the domestic market. It is no coincidence that this sample is the only representative of a drum-fed shotgun developed and produced in our country.

Compact and elegant
Compact and elegant

But that is why it will be useful to tell more about it - thanks to this, many lovers of hunting and just shooting will be able to purchase weapons that will serve them faithfully for many years.

A bit of history

When Colonel Samuel Colt first demonstrated his invention, the world was in shock. Indeed, the ability to shoot five times in a row without reloading was simply amazing by the standards of the mid-nineteenth century.

Samuel Colt
Samuel Colt

A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then. But drum weapons are still very popular. For example, in many countries where the possession and carrying of short-barreled rifles is allowed, revolvers of all types, calibers and sizes are very popular. Howeverthe use of this system for weapons is a relatively rare solution, although not at all new. For example, in the domestic market there is only one revolver-type gun. Of course, here we are talking about MTs-255.

It was developed back in 1993 by experts from the Central Design and Research Bureau of Sports and Hunting Weapons. And almost immediately it gained considerable popularity - someone appreciated the excellent performance, while someone liked the very idea and unusualness. In any case, today thousands of our compatriots own these weapons and do not regret their acquisition at all.


Let's start with the fact that outwardly the gun looks quite compact, elegant, lightweight. Indeed, the design is just fine. On many of these shotguns, the wide drum (and a small drum simply cannot hold 5 rounds of 12 gauge) is out of the overall design, gives visual "fullness" to the weapon and simply makes it less comfortable to use.

Here it is not even in sight. The design of the MTs-255 is superbly worked out - the drum gracefully fits into it, without knocking out at all, without thickening and without causing unnecessary problems when shooting.

In the basic version, the stock and forend are made of wood, most often painted in dark brown. The pistol grip and forearm have small notches that provide better grip when shooting. To further reduce the intensity of recoil, the stock is equipped with a special rubber shock absorber.

graceful drum
graceful drum

Also, even with a detailed inspection, it is impossible to identify any gaps or insufficiently well-fitted parts. Needless to say, TsKIB SOO takes the development of new weapons very seriously. Even the notches or ornaments that other manufacturers put on weapons are not here. However, the weapon only benefits from this approach - it looks more serious and elegant.


Now let's briefly talk about the design of a revolver-type smoothbore gun.

Drum holds up to five rounds. To charge or recharge, it easily flips down to the left. To do this, just hold down a special latch located on the receiver on the left. The location was chosen not at all by chance - you can press it with the thumb of your right hand, making it as natural and easy as possible.

The trigger mechanism is also very well designed. It has a double action, that is, you can shoot not only by self-cocking, but also with a manually cocked trigger. The first option allows you to fire in an unexpected situation, and the second makes the descent softer, which increases the accuracy of shooting.

In general, the trigger itself has a single design. If such a need arises, all the components of which it consists can be removed immediately - small springs and parts will not fly apart and be lost, as is often the case with other types of revolving weapons.

Mostly weapons are chambered in 12 gauge. But there are also other modifications - we will talk about them a little later.

Aiming mechanism

Druma revolver-type shotgun can have different options for the sighting mechanism. Of course, in the basic version, this is a standard rib with a round front sight at the end of the barrel, but without a rear sight. This option is best suited for aiming at a fast moving target at a relatively short distance.

Reflex sight
Reflex sight

But there is also a dovetail rail that allows you to significantly improve the weapon, making working with it much more comfortable and easier. After all, a collimator sight can be installed on the bar, thanks to which you can effectively fire at a considerable distance. But in this case, you will have to spend extra money on the purchase of equipment, as well as use the help of specialists for adjusting the optics.

Key features

Now let's try to figure out why the MTs-255 revolver-type hunting rifle is so popular among hunters and ordinary shooters. To do this, we list its main advantages, highlighted by experienced experts and ordinary users.

410 caliber is especially graceful
410 caliber is especially graceful

Of course, safety comes first. If the cartridge is jammed, it is easy enough to change it by pressing the trigger again. When pressed, the drum will spin and the next cartridge will be ready for battle - much more convenient than on any other hunting weapon (semi-automatic or pump-action). In case the drum itself jams, you can always turn it manually.

A serious advantage can be called the constant readinessto shooting. The weapon is not equipped with a fuse, so there is no risk that a novice hunter in a panic will forget to switch it to shooting mode. In this case, there is no need to send a cartridge into the barrel. The weapon can be carried loaded and always ready to fire. You just need to pull the trigger.

At the same time, despite the absence of a fuse, the possibility of a spontaneous shot is completely excluded. If the trigger is not cocked (and this is done only immediately before the shot, and even then not always), then even a fall of the weapon or a strong blow will not provoke a shot.

The self-cocking trigger itself is very light and soft. Perhaps no other 12-gauge revolver-type shotgun can boast of such convenience. This is possible thanks to a well-designed trigger mechanism. Of course, this makes it especially convenient to use.

Not to mention the perfect balance. The center of gravity is located approximately in the region of the drum. Thanks to this, the significant weight of the weapon is compensated and aiming becomes very comfortable, easy.

MC-255 in a computer game
MC-255 in a computer game

Finally, the drum makes it possible to load different types of ammunition - bullets, small shot, buckshot. If the need arises, you can scroll the drum to the desired slot.

Current shortcomings

Alas, any weapon that has pluses is not without minuses. Let's talk about them.

One of them is a relatively small amount of ammunition - 5 rounds is not enough for everyone. And alas, unlike anysemi-automatic weapons can not increase the capacity.

A prolonged shot is also particularly dangerous. If the cartridge has misfired, in no case should you immediately scroll the cartridge - it can fire in a few seconds. If this happens when the drum has already been turned, the gun may simply be torn apart by a shot.

Besides, not all hunters are accustomed to the drum system - after all, it is not very common in our country. However, this is not a flaw, but a matter of habit.

Suitable for

Of course, most often MTs-255 is bought by hunters - both amateurs and fishermen. Its many virtues make it an excellent choice not only for experienced hunters, but also for those who are just getting started in this exciting and exciting hobby.

32 caliber shotgun
32 caliber shotgun

Also, it can be safely advised to ordinary shooting enthusiasts. On any range, you can demonstrate excellent performance thanks to the soft trigger, long barrel and convenient aiming system.

Finally, the gun will be a good choice for home defense. The unpretentiousness and ease of use, combined with its huge power, makes it a truly terrible weapon when used at close range.

Existing modifications

The most common weapon in the lineup is the MTs-255-12. As the name implies, it uses 12 gauge cartridges. But only 12/70 ammunition - Magnum cartridges - cannot be used, as this can disable the weapon. The weapon is equipped with interchangeable muzzleconstrictions.

Only slightly inferior to him in popularity MTs-255-20. The smaller caliber allows to reduce the weight of the weapon, the recoil, as well as the size of the drum. Moreover, there are modifications, when firing from which you can use cartridges not only 12/70, but also 12/76. The barrel has a length of 645 or 705 millimeters, depending on the variety.

But MTs-255-28 is much rarer. It uses 28 caliber rounds and has significantly less recoil. The length is exactly the same as the previous modification.

Also not very common MTs-255-32. To make the weapon even more compact, the designers equipped it with a shorter barrel - 560 or 705 millimeters.

The latest modification was developed for the.410 cartridge - МЦ-255-410. Low recoil provides excellent accuracy and accuracy. Suitable for both home defense and target shooting. But for hunting, this is not the best choice due to the small amount of shot.


This concludes our article about the MTs-255 five-shot smoothbore revolver-type shotgun. Now you know more about this unusual weapon. This means that you can easily decide whether it will be a good choice for you or whether it is better to give preference to another.
