Critic Nikolai Fandeev: scandals

Critic Nikolai Fandeev: scandals
Critic Nikolai Fandeev: scandals

Noize MC and Nikolay Fandeev. It would seem that what can connect these completely different people? It's simple: there is almost a real war going on between them. Critic Nikolai Fandeev spoke impartially about one of the artist's albums, publicly insulting him. If you do not already know this story and are not familiar with the personality of this person, then this article is for you.

Album review

Nikolai Fandeev attended the presentation, and later wrote an unflattering review, in which he noted that there were many pregnant women, and someone even pointed out the involvement of a young performer in this. Until that day, the critic had not heard any of his compositions and did not know that the guy was rapping. Although he said that such a performance is generally difficult to associate with hip-hop. He also noted that every Noize MC song is full of obscene language. Nikolai Fandeev spoke about the performer himself, hinting at the low level of his intellectual development.

Nikolai Fandeev
Nikolai Fandeev

The rapper performed on stage with a guitar. But if you believe the words of the journalist, then he did not use it at all, shewas an attribute of "coolness". Toward the middle of the performance, he got rid of it altogether. Another performer from the stage said that it was most unpleasant for him to communicate with music journalists. Probably, this hurt Fandeev, since he wrote such a review.

The critics did not like the CDs that were distributed at the presentation. He stated that these were ordinary "blanks", and the recording was not made in the studio. And in the end, Nikolai Fandeev called the whole event shameful.

Reply to Noize MC

Nikolai Fandeev, whose death was invented by the rapper in his track, of course, expected a reaction, but hardly such. The performer did not like the fact that he gets personal and already insults him, and does not express his opinion about the album. His song is also a kind of review of Fandeev, but only in an unusual musical format.

He says that the track was written very quickly, literally in one day, it was on the road. He recorded it at home that evening and sent it to a friend who overdubbed the music. And so this response composition appeared, which Ivan (and this is the real name of the performer) decided to call “Who killed Nikolai Fandeev.”

Noize MC nikolay fandeev
Noize MC nikolay fandeev

Later it became known why this song was not included in the first album of the young artist. The fact is that at that time he was moving from one company to another, and they refused to insert it, fearing litigation. Ivan just uploaded it to the network, calling for distribution.

Fandeev reaction

Nikolai Fandeev, whose biography was ironically revealed in the song,reacted positively to this. He stated that he was even pleased to hear an obituary about himself, and he liked the track. One can only guess what real emotions Nikolai Fandeev experienced while listening to the recording.

Nikolai Fandeev death
Nikolai Fandeev death

Noize The MC considered this to be a common manifestation of cowardice. He believes that the journalist took a safe path, fearing the reaction of the people, and he hardly thinks well of him.

Guruken speaks his mind

For the uninitiated, I will explain that a man with a strange nickname Guruken is a friend of Fandeev, who could not leave this situation unattended. He wrote a huge post where he called Ivan stupid, unable to compose good lyrics, perform them and record music. He also stated that promoting at the expense of death is terrible.

After that, Guruken never calmed down, and when Ivan recorded a track related to the accident, he called it bad and shamed the performer. It seems that Fandeev's friend himself is doing a good job of PR due to this.

What now?

It would seem that everything should end there, but this case was continued in social networks. A group was created with the same name to the song, where the fans of the artist began to collect all known information about it. They promote distribution in all resources, provide download links and detailed instructions. Topics were also created where correspondence with Fandeev was opened, and other victims of his unflattering criticism were also found.

Nikolai Fandeev biography
Nikolai Fandeev biography

The track that revolted the public,By the way, it was included in the re-release of the album. Surprisingly, the scandalous review was also deleted from all Fandeev's sites, and Fandeev did not appear at the second presentation, fortunately for the performer and his fans.

Nikolai Fandeev and Elena Berkova's husband

There are many scandals connected with the name of this journalist. One of the biggest ones happened to Berkova's husband, Vladimir Khimchenko.

The husband of the former adult film star wanted to attend her press conference in person to see what questions his missus was asking. By chance, Fandeev was also there, representing the magazine "Answer". He decided to ask Elena if she sings to the phonogram, what he will do if she suddenly stops. This question made Vladimir very angry, and he decided to lynch the objectionable journalist.

The first to fall under his hot hand was press attache Daria, who, according to Khimchenko, should not have invited those who ask such questions. On this, he did not calm down and decided to track down Fandeev in the club. It must be said that he succeeded. He approached him and asked him to go to the toilet to talk. And there he immediately stuck a whaling knife in Nikolai's side. He threatened to kill him, continuing to strike after blow.

critic Nikolai Fandeev
critic Nikolai Fandeev

Freed, Fandeev immediately ran to the guards to call the police, but Berkova's producer begged him not to move this case. He decided not to make a fuss for the time being, and the matter was decided by financial compensation. Later in his blog, Fandeev said that he did not yet know what he would do withcriminal case.

You learned about such a strange person as Nikolai Fandeev in this article. If you still want to read reviews of bands and singers, then be prepared that your favorite artist will not be presented in the best light there.
