Jupiter is the god of the Roman pantheon. He was identified with the supreme god of the ancient Greeks - Zeus. He had two brothers - Neptune and Pluto. Each of them ruled in a certain area of the Universe - the sky, the water element, the underworld. However, there were also some differences. So, Zeus, despite the fact that to some extent controlled the destinies, could be ousted from the supreme position by other gods, if, of course, they managed to do this. He had more power and strength than the rest, but he was not omnipotent and omniscient, unlike Jupiter, who was the king of the gods and all living things, the patron of the state, the protector of its laws and public order.

Its evolution can be traced back to the primeval deity of nature. He was the spirit of oak and, in general, trees. From there, the epithets - fruitful ("frugifer"), beech ("fagutal"), reed ("vimin"), fig tree ("rumin"). The worship of Jupiter had an impact on the entire Western European world. The largest planet in the solar system is named after him. In English, the word "jovial" comes from his alternative name "Jove".

In general, he hadvarious functions, he combined the features inherent not only to the Greek Zeus, but also to many Italic gods. In accordance with his flattering epithets, Jupiter is the god of light (Lucetius), thunder (Tonans) and lightning (Fulgur). It was also associated with vows and contracts. For example, Roman citizens, taking an oath, called him to witness.
Many temples in the Roman Empire were dedicated to a supreme deity. The largest of them was on the Capitoline Hill, in which Jupiter, a god who was part of the triad along with Juno and Minerva, was revered as "Optimus Maximus" (omnipotent). The construction of the shrine began under Tarquinius the Ancient (Lucius Tarquinius Priscus), the fifth king in ancient Rome, and was completed under Lucius Tarquinius the Proud, the seventh and last king. Officially, the temple opened at the beginning of the Republican era, in 509 BC. The consuls sacrificed a white ox, thanking the deity for protecting the state.
Given that he is the supreme god, Jupiter widely used his privileged position, started many novels, thus producing many descendants. He is the father of Vulcan, Apollo and Diana, Mercury, Venus, Proserpine, Minerva.

Throughout the existence of the Roman Republic, the "almighty" is the central figure of the cult. Not only the Capitol Hill, but all the hilltops on the territory of the state were places of worship of the deity. In addition, as the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, Jupiter was considered the owner of those places where lightning fell. These places were limited by a circular sacred wall. Thunder washis main weapon, and he had a shield known as the aegis, which was made by Vulcan.
Its popularity somewhat decreased at the beginning of the reign of Emperor Augustus. Apollo and Mars began to compete with him. However, Augustus went to great lengths to ensure that Optimus Maximus was not deposed from his throne. Under him, Jupiter - the god of the ruling emperor - was, accordingly, the patron of the entire empire, just as Augustus himself was the defender of a free republic.