Radio station "Silver Rain", founded in 1995 in Moscow, is the most popular among others. The repertoire of the broadcast music is mostly rock, both Russian and foreign, and a direction called pop music. Radio "Silver Rain" broadcasts around the clock to more than a million of its regular listeners, and this is quite a lot in the face of fierce competition. Among the broadcast information programs, there are also entertainment programs created for intellectual pastime. They are the main feature of broadcasting, for the sake of which a huge number of people have made their choice in favor of it.

Smart Radio
"Silver Rain" is often referred to as a radio station designed for smart people. Such a comparison is not accidental, because many educated and interesting people were among its DJs and presenters. Suffice it to recall: Alexander Gordon, Tina Kandelaki, Oscar Kuchera, VladimirSolovyov, Stas Sadalsky, Lucy Green and many others. Today we will focus on the last mentioned girl, who is famous for her original presentation of information, biting statements, and in general is an unusual and extraordinary person.
What is known about the popular presenter?
It would seem that Lucy Green is a popular media personality, about which a lot of things should be known. However, this is not the case. All available information about the girl is just what is taken out of the context of her statements in various interviews and broadcasts. For example, she once said that she was born on June 22, 1982 in a small ordinary Soviet family, no different from others.
Graduated from a higher educational institution in the direction of journalism. He has been working on the radio "Silver Rain" almost from its very foundation, that is, since 1995. Based on the fact that Lucy Green is reluctant to share facts related to her biography, we can conclude that the girl does not want to let outsiders into her personal life, clearly drawing a line between work and what does not apply to her.

Interesting facts about the mysterious girl
Despite all the secrecy and mystery of Lucy Green, some interesting facts are still known about her and her life. For example:
- The girl is an avid smoker and coffee lover. Her deep voice is the result of long-term encouragement of her bad habit.
- Lucy Green, whose real name is Julia, admits that by nature she is a very lazy person. Byin her opinion, everyone around should work, and her purpose on this Earth is completely different. Perhaps that is why the girl is famous for her special love for long weekends, which she has from Thursday to Monday.
- Lucy has never lived in one place for a long time. She led a nomadic life, staying somewhere for a maximum of three to four months. This was until the moment when the girl met the love of her life (again, according to Green herself). She traveled all over the globe. From this follows another well-known fact about the life of Lucy Green.
- The girl is a freelance radio host, that is, one who works remotely. Green records programs on the other side of the world, and then sends the finished programs via the Internet directly to the Silver Rain radio station.
- The last item on the list of interesting facts about the mysterious radio host of the popular station "Silver Rain", perhaps worth noting is Lucy Green's strange hobby of picking up discarded broken toys on the street and fixing them.

Question to the President of the Russian Federation
Lucy Green's views on life are quite bold, if not quite shocking in some moments. So, for example, the girl wants the government of the Russian Federation to legalize prostitution and smoking marijuana. At one of the press conferences of Russian President V. V. Putin, Green asked him a question regarding the above. However, the answer of the President of the Russian Federation was unequivocal and was a categorical "No".

Lucy Green herself came up with this program, the essence of which is that in a fairly short time (4 minutes), the girl comments and expresses her opinion on other programs and replicas of the hosts of the Silver Rain radio station. Also, the girl does not forget to mention the calls of radio listeners, which seemed to her the most ridiculous.
It should be said that the radio host is sharp on the tongue. You rarely hear words of approval from her, and the usual human greeting, which is "Hello", seems to be something unimaginable, in no way consistent with the image of a harsh critic worn by a girl.
In the author's program "Rewind" Lucy Green sometimes expresses her point of view on political events that have recently taken place in our country and abroad. In general, the girl has long been famous for leaving far from impartial comments regarding absolutely everything: the country, people, her own colleagues, events and other things. However, she has fans who are impressed and close to Green's point of view. Followers are looking forward to the daily broadcasts to hear who the righteous wrath of the radio host will fall on once again.

Love made the radio host change
Four years ago, Lucy Green met a guy who changed her life. The young man lives in Belgium, where the girl herself moved. Now only memories remain of the nomadic lifestyle, and noisy parties have been replaced by quiet the evenings in front of the TV in a relaxed family atmosphere. Somehow the girl admitted that her life has become a bit boring, but love is worth it, and she does not plan to change anything.