On the wave of revolutionary sentiments of the second half of the 19th century a prominent place in literature was occupied by works whose authors are little known. Partly because many of them were not democrats, but, nevertheless, their work carried enlightenment ideals. Among them, the name of the Russian writer, poet, publisher and journalist Alexander Vasilyevich Kruglov stands out.

Short biography
Alexander Kruglov was born in Veliky Ustyug on June 5, 1853 in the family of a superintendent of schools. Shortly after the birth of his son, his father died. The future writer spent his childhood in his grandfather's house - in Vologda.
Kruglov began to write his first poems with the beginning of admission to the gymnasium, which had a negative impact on his grades. Under the influence of the general fad, his views were constantly changing. It seemed to be woven from contradictions. In high school, he became a "thinking realist", actively condemned Pushkin, whom he adored, opposing Nekrasov to him. In those years, high school students were fierce ideological disputes and expressed their opinions.on the pages of handwritten editions.
Kruglov took an active part in this. He expounded the thoughts inherent in the supporters of liberal currents, and copied the writers of the Russian Word. One of them, a publicist and participant in the revolutionary movement N. V. Shelgunov, was serving a link in the Vologda province. Soon the famous Russian sociologist and revolutionary P. L. Lavrov was exiled there. It was to him that Alexander Kruglov dared to send his poems (photo above). Pyotr Lavrovich did not approve the poems for publication, but advised the beginning poet not to leave poetry.
The beginning of the creative path
Kruglov made his debut in prose. The first correspondence and a story about Vologda life began to be published in 1870 on the pages of the Russian Chronicle, Iskra, and Nedelya. The essay about M. V. Lomonosov was published as a separate brochure for schoolchildren. At that time, Alexander was still a high school student. All Vologda soon knew about the birth of a new writer.
After graduation, already established journalist Alexander Kruglov felt the need for further education. He began to prepare himself for teaching and enrolled in pedagogical courses. Soon the young man left them and in 1872 left his native Vologda for the first time. Friends found a place for him in a bookstore, and Kruglov went to St. Petersburg. He was denied a job. The search for service in the editorial offices did not bring success either. Having borrowed money for the journey, Kruglov drove back. For a year he worked as an official in the Treasury, as a proofreader in a printing house, and as a tutor in private homes.

From Vologda toPetersburg
In the autumn of 1873 he went to the capital for the second time. This time it turned out well with the service - he got a job in the library at the bookstore. At night he wrote articles and poems for pedagogical and children's magazines. On literary earnings, he could live comfortably, but the illness of a loved one absorbed all his means. I had to live in slums and eat in folk canteens. His patience reached its limit, and Alexander Kruglov turned to the Society for the Aid to Writers.
A few days later, a representative of the Literary Fund N. A. Nekrasov came to Kruglov. The budding writer was given an allowance. At the same time, a significant meeting for Kruglov with F. M. Dostoevsky took place. He handed over the manuscript of the first novel. Fyodor Mikhailovich severely criticized her and advised the author to accumulate life experience. Kruglov destroyed his essay and continued to write essays. It was regularly published in the Observer, Vestnik Evropy, Delo, Exchange Vedomosti, Historical Bulletin, and several children's magazines. Dostoevsky became a teacher for the young writer and had a great influence on his creative activity.
In 1879, the stories of Alexander Kruglov began to appear one after another in the Russian Speech. L. N. Tolstoy wrote to the magazine and asked to support the young writer. F. M. Dostoevsky also approved of the talented author, and he acquired a literary name. Soon Kruglov left Petersburg. He traveled and lived in the countryside, wrote a lot and was published in almost all metropolitan newspapers and magazines. One after another, his books began to appear.

Kruglov's Books
In total, Alexander Kruglov wrote more than a hundred books. Books for children and youth enjoyed great success, which went through several editions during the life of the writer:
- 1885 - essays and stories "Living Souls" and "Children of the Forests".
- 1886 - Provincial Correspondents.
- 1887 - "Lords of the Zemstvo".
- 1889 - "Ivan Ivanovich and Company", "From the Golden Childhood".
- 1890 - Bolshak and Kotofey Kotofeevich, Forest People and Provincial Tales.
- 1892 - "Pictures of Russian life", "Evening leisure", "Different roads".
- 1895 - 1901 - “Under the Wheel of Life”, “Simple Happiness”, “Friends - Strangers”, “Ivanushka the Fool”, “Brilliant Humor”, “New Star”, “Conscience Awakened”, “Lord Peasants » and others.
Alexander Kruglov is one of the most popular children's writers. He wrote books for kids:
- 1880 - "Christmas Present", "Winter Leisure".
- 1888 - “Kids follow me.”
- 1898 - "To Little Readers".
Kruglov's poems included in collections:
- 1894 - "For the Children".
- 1897 - Poems.
- 1901 - “Love and Truth. Spiritual motives.”
- 1912 - Evening Songs.

A writer's diary
In the 90s, Alexander Kruglov moved away from populism and moved to Orthodox-monarchist positions. Published in Orthodox magazines Soul-he althy Reading, Russian Pilgrim, Parishlife, Pilot. Later, in 1901 and 1904, his articles were published in separate collections “From the Diary of an Orthodox Layman” and “Intimate Speeches.”
From 1907 to 1914, Alexander Vasilyevich published the journal "A Writer's Diary", since 1910 - "The Light and the Writer's Diary". His wife A. N. Doganovich, a well-known author of children's literature, helped him edit the magazine. On the pages of the publication, Kruglov criticized the revolutionary movement and democratic literature.
The writer died on October 9, 1915 in Sergiev Posad. Until the last days, he did not change the instructions of his teacher Dostoevsky: the writer must be free from parties, serve his country and people, be a believer and a moral person.