Humanity has always been interested in its own history. Since ancient times, leaders have been formed in society who have led the rest to development and progress. And in the article we will find out who was the first president of the United States. Who named an entire city in the land of opportunity.
A few words about George Washington
He went from a major farmer to a giant of politics, whose name is forever immortalized in the annals of history. You ask any American: what was the first president of the United States? He will answer you with accuracy and without hesitation that this is George Washington.

His power was secured by popular election, which is not surprising. After all, he is one of the founders of the United States of America. In his possessions there were a large number of slaves, he participated in many battles. Moreover, he led the Continental Army and founded the institution of the presidency.
Short biography
The life path of the very first US president began on February 22, 1732 in the city of Virginia. His father was a we althy slave owner and his black employees workedat Pops Creek Plantation. George was the third child out of five in the family, despite this, his parents devoted a lot of time to him and treated him well. When the boy was 11 years old, his father died, and an older half-brother named Lawrence became the head of the family. George attached great importance to self-education and studied at home.
Attitude towards slavery
As noted, his father was a major slave owner and amassed a huge fortune from their labor. But the first president of the United States did not inherit the traits of an exploiter from his father. From early childhood, he believed that such a system was unjust and immoral, and thought that the emancipation of slaves was a long process. It may be decades before they become free.
Lord Fairfax, one of the richest landowners in Virginia, played a colossal role in the boy's life. He replaced George's father when he died. The Lord helped the young guy in every possible way and helped build a career as a surveyor and officer.

The literature of the early 18th century had an even greater role in politics. He read the biography of the ancient Roman politician Cato the Younger, whom he considered an example to follow, and tried to behave like that. He restrained his facial expressions, used a classical style in his speech and behaved worthy of a member of high society.
The first President of the United States, George Washington, became more restrained and self-disciplined with age. He always kept his emotions in check, not letting them go free. Officially, George was a religious man, but he himself belonged to thisneutral.
He refuses to build an officer career. George marries and continues his father's work - he exploits the slaves who work on the plantation. And politics is increasingly occupying his thoughts. The first President of the United States makes several unsuccessful attempts to become a member of the Legislative Assembly of Virginia.
He actively opposed the colonial policy of Great Britain, organized an association whose goal was to boycott British manufactured goods. Which is quite natural, because Great Britain artificially restrained the development of colonies and did not allow industry and trade to develop.

Some of his allies are Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. In 1769, he drafted a resolution on rights, in which he indicated the need for the colony to resolve its own issues. Realizing the futility of the situation, the UK government decides to abolish customs duties. And people's interest in subversive activities is declining, as is support for George.
The beginning of the struggle for independence
However, the influence of Great Britain remained significant and was an exorbitant burden for the colonial government. After the first skirmishes between the colonists and the soldiers of the mother country, George decides to join the first and begins to wear a military uniform. It was a kind of symbol that meant a break with the past life and the beginning of the struggle for independence.
The first US President decides to enlist in the Continental Army. And already in 1775 he became the commander-in-chief of thisarmy. But the forces of such a formation are extremely small, because most of the soldiers are militia, which was recruited from the states.

Washington faces a number of challenges:
- Total lack of discipline among soldiers.
- There was a lack of professional military and equipment.
Every day, George reformed the military machine and made it more agile. He brought the troops into combat readiness and taught the technique of loose formation.
First fights
Together with his soldiers, he attacked Boston and laid siege to it. And that was just the beginning of his military career. In 1776, his troops defended New York, but they could not resist the strong pressure of the English troops and retreated, leaving the city of Great Britain. Exactly one year later, the siege of Boston ends, and the city passes into the possession of Washington and his soldiers. And closer to the beginning of 1777, the Colonial army takes over the British in the battle of Trenton and Princeton. This greatly increased the authority of George as a military leader.

Followed by another victory: with his army, he liberated most of the central states and won a Pyrrhic victory at the Saratoga River in the battle with the British. As soon as the Colonial Army captured Yorktown, Britain announced its surrender.
American officers were promised salaries by Congress and were hesitant to pay them. Then they decide to appoint an honest and just George Washington as the head of the country. According to the resultsThe Treaty of Paris, which was signed in 1783, officially ends the struggle for independence. After that, Washington sends letters to all the states, where it asks to rally around one person in order to prevent the decomposition of the country.
New post - new responsibilities
As noted earlier, Washington considered Cato the Younger his idol. And he did not change his principles of honesty and integrity, being an adult. In the new chair, George tried to follow the created Constitution. And from the rest he demanded an equally reverent attitude to the main document of the country.
The first US president maintained the democratic tendencies of recent years. He surrounded himself with smart and decent people, mostly with the intelligentsia, who could ensure the prosperity of the country in reproach to personal time and concerns. He was not an authoritarian leader and always consulted Congress. He tried not to interfere in internal political conflicts, considering them a dirty business. No wonder he was re-elected.

In his second term, he decides to radically change the policy regarding industrial and financial development, begins to cooperate with industrialists and other businessmen. Keeps America out of the conflicts that are taking place in Europe. In relation to the indigenous population was cruel. By force and rattling of arms he took away lands, sometimes he tried to negotiate. He sought the introduction of a ban on the distillation of alcohol. And as a result of his efforts, Congress banned distillation.
Policy in progress
All innovations naturally meet with discontent among certain segments of the population. And without a strong centralized government, which simply could not exist then, the population organizes riots. But all attempts at revolution were thwarted by the army and they were quickly destroyed.
In general, the top was favorable to the domestic and foreign policy of George Washington. And when the term of the second presidency was coming to an end, he was offered to stay for one more term. However, he refuses and decides to continue running his plantation. During his reign, he officially abolishes the slave system.
Now you know that George Washington is the first President of the United States. Briefly about his life, we told above.