Resource management and environmental protection are a set of measures and activities aimed at reducing and eliminating the negative impact of human activity on the environment. The main directions of these complexes are the protection of atmospheric air, the purification and neutralization of wastewater, the protection of water resources, measures to protect soil cover, as well as the protection of forests.
All environmental protection activities can be divided into several categories:
1. Economic.
2. Natural sciences.
3. Administrative and legal.
4. Technical and production.
Depending on the area of impact, environmental protection activities can be classified as regional, national and international. Such complexes allow various organizations to carry outmonitoring nature, make appropriate decisions and effectively implement them. The result of these measures is the reduction of the danger of extinction of life on Earth, the legal regulation of the expedient and efficient use of various natural resources, the protection of rare representatives of flora and fauna.

List of environmental protection measures aimed at protecting atmospheric air:
1. Use of fuels, materials and raw materials to reduce emissions of harmful substances, development of methods for the use of environmentally friendly renewable energy sources.
2. Acquisition of new equipment that meets the specified standards. Implementation of technologies for more efficient processing and use of extracted materials, substances and fuel resources.
3. Implementation of installations for the recirculation of exhaust and flue gases, both industrial and individual.
4. Development of systems for cleaning and neutralizing exhaust gases, as well as systems for measuring and controlling the content of harmful substances in them.
5. Improving conditions for emission dispersion, removal of fugitive and reduction of organized emission sources.

Environmental measures to protect the planet's water resources:
1. Construction of new and modernization of old complexes for the collection, treatment, transportation and release of wastewater.
2. Well developmentwater supply.
3. Creation and maintenance of the required regime for the maintenance of water protection zones, as well as ensuring proper sanitary standards at water intake points.
4. Elimination of pollution of underground and surface waters by sewage and waste products of animals and humans.
5. Wastewater treatment, neutralization.
Environmental protection measures that aim to prevent and reduce the harmful effects of waste:
1. Development and implementation of innovative technologies, the purpose of which is the neutralization of waste products.
2. Construction and modernization of facilities for the storage and neutralization of waste, as well as the selection of special areas for their disposal.
3. Widespread use of containers and containers for the collection of specialized types of waste and vital products.