Krasnoyarsk is the youngest million-plus city in the Russian Federation. The anniversary resident was born on April 10, 2012. At the beginning of 2015, the population of the city of Krasnoyarsk was just over 1,052,000 people. For the first time in many decades since 2009, there has been a positive trend in the birth rate, that is, the number of births is greater than the number of deaths over a certain period. However, labor migrants still form the basis of the rapid growth of the population of the regional center.

History in numbers
Krasnoyarsk is a rare example when an ancient Siberian prison, founded by pioneer Cossacks and merchants in 1628, was reborn into a modern metropolis. Other settlements founded in the 16th and 17th centuries - Tobolsk, Mangazeya, Okhotsk, Verkhoturye, Narym, Tara and others - were destined to either disappear or lead a quiet provincial life.
However, large industrialThe city did not immediately become the center. For two centuries since its founding, the population of Krasnoyarsk did not exceed 3,000 people. Only by the middle of the 19th century it increased to 6000, when the settlement became the administrative center of the Yenisei province, formed in 1822.
Since the 1830s, the area, its natural resources began to be actively developed by large industrialists. In 1833, the Znamensky glass factory was erected, and in 1853, a faience factory. The organization of shipping along the Yenisei, the construction of the railway (1895), the development of gold mines attracted thousands of migrants from other Russian provinces. By the beginning of the 20th century, the population of Krasnoyarsk exceeded 30,000 inhabitants.

Soviet period
With the advent of Soviet power, there has been a sharp increase in the industrial potential of the capital of Krasnoyarsk. If in 1923 there were 60,000 inhabitants, then in 1939 there were already more than 180,000. It must be admitted that the population of Krasnoyarsk increased dramatically during the Great Patriotic War. Being in the rear, the industrially developed region became a convenient "safe haven", where large enterprises from the west of the USSR were evacuated. Many of the workers who arrived remained in the city to live. Over the next 15 years, the number of citizens almost doubled - to 328,000 in 1956.
Recent Times
By the end of the era of the Soviet Union, Krasnoyarsk became one of the largest Siberian centers, second only to Novosibirsk and Omsk. The birth of a millionth inhabitant was expected by 1990. However, the collapse of the USSR and the ensuing economic depressionresulted in a massive exodus of residents. The city has never known such a mass exodus: in five years, the population of Krasnoyarsk has decreased by 40,000 (to 869,000 in 1995).
The gradual improvement of the economy, the discovery of new mineral deposits, social and demographic projects have increased the population: the population of Krasnoyarsk reached 900,000 in 2002. Ten years later, in the spring of 2012, the one millionth resident was registered.
Dynamics of number by years
- 1856 - 6400 people.
- 1897 - 26700 hours
- 1923 - 60400 hours
- 1939-186100 hours
- 1956 - 328,000 hours
- 1967 - 576,000 hours
- 1979 - 796300 hours
- 1989 - 912600 hours
- 1996 - 871,000 hours
- 2002 - 909300 hours
- 2009 - 947800 hours
- 2015 - 1052200 hours

Forecast for the future
The Krasnoyarsk Department of Social Protection has made a demographic forecast for the medium term. According to officials, the urban population will continue to grow, but the growth rate will slow down a bit. According to the master plan for development, in 2033 the number of inhabitants should reach 1,300,000 people - mainly due to displacement from other parts of the province.

Labor migration
It's no secret that the explosive growth in the number of residents of the metropolis in the past 10 years is due to labor migration. Moreover, the largest flow of migrants comes fromother regions of Krasnoyarsk. As a result, despite the steady increase in the population, there is an acute shortage of personnel in the regions. For example, 600,000 people are not enough to develop the resources and settle in the Lower Angara region! The richest reserves of hydrocarbons have been explored here, the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station is being put into operation, large plants are being built (pulp and paper, the production of MDF boards, aluminum), but there are not enough labor resources. Obviously, no matter how much the population of Krasnoyarsk is persuaded to move to Lesosibirsk, Kodinsk or Boguchany for permanent residence, people will prefer more comfortable conditions for living in the regional capital.
Migration to the territory of the region of immigrants from the CIS and B altic countries is noted. In the mid-90s, the leadership was held by the inhabitants of Ukraine, and starting from the 2000s, the largest percentage of migrants came from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. From January 1, 1992 to January 1, 2004, the total increase in migrants from abroad in the Krasnoyarsk Territory amounted to 64,500 people.
Mostly migrants settle in large cities. Thus, most of the migrants live in Krasnoyarsk, Sharypovo, Achinsk, Lesosibirsk. Emelyanovsky and Berezovsky are leaders among the districts, which is explained by their territorial proximity to the metropolis.

Krasnoyarsk Territory
If the main city of the region is growing steadily, the population in the Krasnoyarsk Territory as a whole has not yet reached the levels of the early 2000s. Demographic statistics are as follows:
- 1959 - 2204000 people.
- 1970 –2516000 hours
- 1989 - 3,027,000 hours
- 2000 - 3022000 hours
- 2100 - 2828000 hours
- 2015 - 2858000 hours
At the moment, natural population growth is observed in most regions of the region with a coefficient of 0, 1-0, 2 per 1000 people. It is gratifying that positive dynamics are also observed among the majority of indigenous peoples.

National composition of the region
According to the results of the All-Russian census of 2002, 2966042 people lived in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which is 2.4% less than in 1989 (including 39786 people living in Taimyr, 17697 in Evenkia).
From 1989 to 2002, the share of Russians in the region's population decreased slightly (by 0.8%) and amounted to 88.9%, or 2,638,281 inhabitants. In most districts and settlements (with the exception of places densely populated by ethnic communities), the Russian population is the vast majority. In Taimyr and Evenkia, their share reaches 58.6% and 61.9%, respectively. The proportion of the non-Russian population in the Krasnoyarsk Territory by 2002 (compared to 1989) decreased from 12.4 to 11.1% (from 378,051 to 327,761 people).
At the same time, the number of nationalities represented in the population structure of the region increased from 128 to 137. The results of the 2002 census draw attention to a significant increase in residents who did not wish to name their nationality: their number increased 3.6 times (from 4395 to 15822 people.).
Ethnic composition of Krasnoyarsk
City statistics differ little from regional statistics, which is natural. The latest 2010 census did not reveal significant deviations from the 2002 data. The administration collected information about 974,591 people, including determining their number according to the national composition. The population of Krasnoyarsk was distributed as follows:
Percentage | Numbers | |
Russians | 91, 96 | 861855 |
Ukrainians | 1, 02 | 9610 |
Tatars | 1, 01 | 9466 |
Azerbaijanis | 0, 75 | 7039 |
Armenians | 0, 72 | 6714 |
Kyrgyz | 0, 67 | 6274 |
Tajiks | 0, 46 | 4310 |
Uzbeks | 0, 45 | 4266 |
Germans | 0, 44 | 4101 |
Belarusians | 0, 35 | 3325 |
other nationalities | 2, 16 | 20224 |
Due to the difficult situation in Ukraine, the region is placingrefugees from Donbass and Lugansk region. So far, there are no statistical data on how they affect the composition and structure of the population. There are many women and children among the visitors, and it is not clear whether they will stay in the city forever, or return to their homeland after the resolution of the military conflict.

The population of Krasnoyarsk at this stage of development is rapidly increasing. It is the fastest growing city with a million population in Russia. Several key factors contribute to this phenomenon: the presence of a developed industry and a relatively high standard of living, a positive birth rate, a favorable average age of the population - 37.7 years (according to the 2010 census), external and internal migration.
According to experts, Krasnoyarsk is attractive for labor migrants for several reasons. First, the city is characterized by the development of the construction industry, which is predominantly employed by migrants. Secondly, an important role is played by the active work of the relevant national-cultural associations, whose tasks include social assistance to migrants.
Many visitors from neighboring regions and republics. Most migrants come from Khakassia, Tuva, Buryatia, Irkutsk and Kemerovo regions. First of all, they are attracted by the favorable socio-economic situation, the well-being of the city, the availability of programs to support immigrants, and the availability of jobs. Krasnoyarsk is a modern city where both locals and visitors feel comfortable.