The southern outpost of Yamal is one of the few cities where two parallel industries are simultaneously developing (gas and oil, with a clear predominance of the latter), the failed Khanto and the workers' settlement, where the population has almost tripled in five years - all this about November. The population, national composition of local residents and other demographic factors, as well as the nature of the city's development, industry and the economy of Noyabrsk are discussed below.

All roads lead to Noyabrsk
Noyabrsk, which occupies a rather advantageous position in equal distance from the center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Tyumen - the first Russian city in Siberia - is rightfully considered the "southern gate" of Yamal. The city is located on the watershed of two large Siberian rivers, in the central part of the Siberian Uvals. Noyabrsk is surrounded by taiga with numerous small rivers andsmall lakes. The swampy area is also characteristic. The settlement is quite landscaped, which was taken care of by the local authorities. People encounter wolves, deer, elk, brown bears, vipers, arctic foxes and foxes not far from the city.
The population of Noyabrsk often jokes that all roads lead to this city. Indeed, through the settlement with a name reminiscent of long-forgotten socialist times, but at the same time with prospects that go more than one decade ahead, several important transport arteries run. The city is crossed by the railway line Novy Uregnoy - Tyumen of strategic importance and the highway leading to the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug and the "mainland".

Development of oil and gas fields
The eventful and colorful history of the settlement began with just 40 people who landed on the ice of the Itu-Yaha River in April 1975. The goal of the drillers was to develop a local oil field. Just three months after the arrival of the helicopter assault, the first fountain of black gold was received. Thus, the Kholmogorskoye, Karamovskoye, Povkhovskoye, Tevminskoye, Vyngapurovskoye and Sutrominskoye oil and gas fields in the north of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and the south of the Yamalo-Nenets region gave life to the city.
In November 1976, the next labor landing party arrived at the site of the future workers' settlement. At the same time, the construction of a new railway station on the Surgut-Urgenoy line and a station settlement began. The city began to be indicated on maps underthe name Noyabrsk - after the name of the month when the construction of the oilmen's settlement began. By the way, at some point they wanted to call the village Khanto - after one of the local lakes, but socialist thinking took over.
Becoming an oil and gas city
The station settlement and the local village council appeared in official documentation on October 26, 1977, when they were registered by the Tyumen Regional Executive Committee. Shortly before this, the formation of local infrastructure began. By August 1977, the population of Noyabrsk was already 1523 people. Most were workers involved in the construction of industrial facilities and the development of an oil and gas field.

At the end of August 1978, the Tyumen authorities moved the workers' settlement to the 213th kilometer of the Surgut-Urengoy railway. The decision was caused by the need to protect the population of Noyabrsk from possible flooding. To the north of the village was just a suitable hill. There is another analogy here with Rome, which was built on seven hills.
The railway station, which has already been invested in a lot of money and labor, was left in place. Today, the area of the railway station (today's station Noyabrsk-1) remains one of the microdistricts of the city and is called the village of Zheleznodorozhnikov.
Beautification of the settlement continued. In 1978, the city had only eight streets, a post office, a first-aid post, and two shops. Threea year ago, the population of Noyabrsk already lived in five capital five-story houses of standard construction, and the total living area was more than 40 thousand square meters. m. The foundation of the first "Khrushchev" was laid a time capsule with a message to the Komsomol members of the XXI century.
At the end of 1981, the population (the city of Noyabrsk then still remained a village) reached 23 thousand people. A year later, there were 25.5 thousand inhabitants. In five years (from 1981 to 1986), the population of Noyabrsk increased almost three times and reached 68 thousand. 77 thousand people.
The settlement continued to develop over the years. True, the collapse of the Soviet Union moderated the growth rate of Noyabrsk, and the population reached 100 thousand people only by 2005.

Population of the southern outpost of Yamal
How many people are in Noyabrsk? 2016 was not marked by an increase in the number of residents. The number of people living in the oil and gas city has generally been declining in recent years, albeit slightly. The population of Noyabrsk in 2016 was just over 106.5 thousand people - such official data are provided by the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation.
Today Nobyarsk is the second largest city in terms of population and the largest industrial potential in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Since 2000, the growth of the population of this constituent entity of the Russian Federation has already been determined by quite natural causes, while earlier the growthnumber ensured mainly the influx of labor resources. In 2014, the population of the city of Noyabrsk accounted for 20% of all residents of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
Diversity of national composition
The national composition of the Novembers is particularly diverse. As of 2010, representatives of the following nationalities lived in the city:
- Russians (65.5%);
- Ukrainians (12.3%);
- Tatars (6.7%);
- Azerbaijanis (2.9%);
- Bashkirs (2.3%);
- Belarusians (1.5%);
- Moldovans (1.1%);
- Lezgins (0.5%).
The population of Noyabrsk is also formed by Chuvash, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Chechens, Kirghiz, Kumyks.

The city is dominated by two main religions - Christianity and Islam. Orthodox are representatives of predominantly Slavic peoples, Tatars, Bashkirs, Uzbeks and other people from the southern republics profess Islam. Despite the diversity of the population, most Novembers are friendly and cultured people who are worried about the well-being of their city.
Youth population of Noyabrsk
A characteristic feature of the settlement with a short but eventful history is the young average age of the population. The average November is just over thirty-one years old, while the average age of the population of all of Russia is 39.1 years old.
Like most cities in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Noyabrsk is differenta record proportion of the working-age population among its inhabitants - more than 70%. The proportion of minors is about 21%, pensioners, there are about 9%. This situation is due to the fact that after the end of their working life, many people move to the central or southern regions of the Russian Federation with more favorable climatic conditions.
Other demographics
The small number of elderly residents also determines the fact that in Noyabrsk the number of joyful occasions associated with the birth of a child exceeds the number of mourning events. Thus, in 2015, 513 deaths accounted for 1662 births, the natural increase was 1149 people. The overall coefficient of natural population growth was 10.7, while Russia as a whole is characterized by an indicator equal to zero. Until recently, the Russian Federation was completely different in population decline.

Residential areas of the settlement
The development of the southern outpost of Yamal is typical of most northern industrial cities. Several central streets surrounded by compact neighborhoods - this is how the modern city of Noyabrsk looks like. The population, whose number (2016 is taken as the last closed one) last year was, as already mentioned, 106.5 thousand people, lives in a couple of dozen microdistricts and several villages.
Residential areas are located both directly within the city or near the settlement, and at a considerable distance. For example,Vyngapurovsky district is located 92 kilometers from Noyabrsk by road. The emergence of this residential area is associated with the development of an oil and gas field of the same name.
The state of infrastructure and the work of housing and communal services
Noyabrsk is fully equipped with roads, the proper condition of which is regularly monitored and repaired as necessary. Interchanges are carefully thought out, which saves the population from traffic jams, which occur only during major traffic accidents or adverse weather conditions.

The work of housing and communal services among the residents of Noyabrsk does not cause any complaints or complaints. True, the village of Zheleznodorozhnikov is in a completely deplorable state, from which the history of this subject of the Russian Federation once began. Now there is practically no full-fledged street lighting on the territory of the microdistrict, not everywhere there are sidewalks, public transport runs irregularly. It is not uncommon for a microdistrict to experience a sudden power outage or water supply.
Employment in Noyabrsk
The settlement today is distinguished by high employment. Noyabrsk is a city of gas and oil workers, however, the economic and political instability of the nineties did not escape it either. Then the population was directly dependent on world prices for raw materials corresponding to the economic profile of the subject. The active development of the city was replaced by a sharp outflow of labor immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Presenterthe sector of the economy was predetermined from the moment the workers' camp was founded. The industrial potential of Noyabrsk is represented by companies engaged in the extraction, processing and transportation of gas and oil. The two city-forming enterprises are Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk and the branch of Gazprom Neft - Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz.
Employment of the population of Noyabrsk is largely provided by the oil and gas industry, which employs about 30 thousand people. Another 3,000 people provide uninterrupted gas production. The share of labor resources employed in government positions, in the construction industry, communications and trade is also tangible. In recent years, the food industry has also developed in Noyabrsk: a dairy plant, a bakery, enterprises producing fish, meat, smoked-cured and sausage products are operating.

Criminal situation
Noyabrsk is definitely not the region's criminal capital, although both minor offenses and serious crimes occur in the city from time to time. One of the main problems of the settlement was and still is drug addiction. Thus, in the first half of 2015, four local drug dens were discovered and eliminated by law enforcement agencies.