HF 61899: description, photos and interesting facts

HF 61899: description, photos and interesting facts
HF 61899: description, photos and interesting facts

Have you ever been to HF 61899? Maybe you have heard of her? If not, then read about this military unit in the article. HF 61899 is the 27th Separate Red Banner Guards Motor Rifle Sevastopol Brigade named after the 60th anniversary of the creation of the USSR (27th Motorized Rifle Brigade). It is called "separate", as it can interact with other units, military branches, formations, and perform special tasks. It is part of the Western Military District of the Russian Federation. Russian Guards Day, September 2, was also the "birthday" of HF 61899.


How did military unit 61899 appear? In the city of Chuguev (Kharkiv region) in 1940, in July, on the basis of the 127th territorial rifle division, the 535th regional rifle regiment was created by decree of the army commander of the military district of Kharkov No. 086 of September 2, 1940.

The army was formed from a variable composition that was born in 1904-1906. The regiment was put together by its commander, Major Kamlenko, the chief of staff, Captain Kipiani, and Commissar Baban.

vch 61899
vch 61899

In 1941, on May 18, the commander of the 127th infantry unit ordered the regiment to march along the route Chuguev - Poltava - Lubny andconcentrate in the Rzhishchev camps, where he needed to be trained. The regiment complied with this order. When the Great Patriotic War began, its fighters took an active part in the battles with the enemy. The regiment was an example of the courage and stamina of our officers and soldiers.

Interesting facts

What is HF 61899 famous for? In 1941, on September 18, by order of Stalin, for the impeccable military practice in the region of the cities of Yelnya and Smolensk, the courage and heroism of the military, demonstrated in battles with the Nazis, the 535th rifle formation was awarded the title of "Guard". In addition, Stalin in 1943, on May 31, ordered this unit to be renamed the 6th Guards Rifle Regiment. This event is associated with the successful actions and heroism of the personnel shown in the battles on the Taman Peninsula.

Further, in 1944, on May 24, Stalin issued a decree conferring the regiment the honorary name "Sevastopol" for the liberation of the city of Sevastopol. And in 1944, on August 12, the brigade was awarded the Order of the Red Battle Banner for getting rid of the Nazi invaders of Lithuanian lands in the area of the cities of Kelmi and Siauliai by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In 1954, in January, this regiment was updated by the directive of the commander of the army of the military Moscow district of December 30, 1953. In addition, it was renamed the 75th Mechanized Guards Red Banner Sevastopol formation with the preservation of the previously assigned names and distinctions.

vch 61899 mosrentgen
vch 61899 mosrentgen

In April 1957 it was renamed again to 404motorized rifle Sevastopol Guards Red Banner Regiment. For excellent performance in 1982, on December 17, he was given the name "60th anniversary of the USSR." And in 1983, on April 18, the regiment was again renamed into the 27th separate motorized rifle guards red banner Sevastopol brigade named after the 60th anniversary of the USSR.

In 1984, in December, the formation was awarded the pennant of the Minister of Defense "For military valor and courage" and in 1990, on September 26, it was transferred to the KGB troops of the USSR.

In 1991, on September 10, the brigade was returned to the formations of the OL MVO. And in 1993, on November 1, the formation was transferred to the airborne troops. In 1996, on November 2, he was withdrawn from the structure of the Airborne Forces and sent to the army of the Moscow Military District.

Composition of the brigade

What is HF 61899? Today, it includes the 1st, 2nd and 3rd motorized rifle battalions, a reconnaissance company, a support battalion, a communications unit, a biological, radiation and chemical protection company (RHBZ), a medical company.

military unit 61899
military unit 61899

The brigade serves under contract (ensigns, officers, soldiers and sergeants) and conscripts (soldiers and sergeants).

Development of the 27th Brigade

How did HF 61899 develop? In the mid-90s, the brigade became part of the Airborne Forces of the RF Armed Forces. The Sevastopol guardsmen became warriors of the "winged infantry" and, for the umpteenth time, they achieved all the goals set for them with honor. Since 1996, this unit has again demonstrated high combat readiness, strong military discipline and organization of personnel, performingtasks as part of the troops of the military district of Moscow. A significant part of his commanders participated in the battles in Chechnya, Afghanistan, and other "hot spots".

Guards under their leadership persistently mastered military speci alties, mastered the "science of winning." The military personnel of the brigade had at their disposal an excellent material and educational base, equipped with everything necessary for special and combat training classes, and a training ground. In a short time they turned into high-class military specialists, true professionals in their field.

settlement mosrentgen vch 61899
settlement mosrentgen vch 61899

Very often, members of many foreign military delegations got acquainted with the life and life of soldiers, the combat training device in the brigade. They admired what they saw, leaving laudatory notes in the Part's Book of Honored Guests.

Soldiers of the brigade took part in the liquidation of gangs in Chechnya. Demonstrating heroism and high courage, our guards honorably carried out the tasks of the leadership. The best of them were awarded medals and orders. The feat of Lieutenant A. Solomatin, who died as a hero, will forever remain in our hearts. He fulfilled his duty to the Motherland to the end.


As of January 1, 2000, 2290 people served in the brigade. It had the following main weapons: nine R-145BMs, 131 BTRs (BTR-80s), two PRP-3s, 69 BMPs (64 BMP-2s, five BRM-1Ks), twenty-four 2S12 Sani, one MTP-1, 29 T-80s, twelve 2S1 Gvozdika.

Latest transformations

What happened next with HF 61899 (Mosrentgen)? In 2008, the HF security team 83420 wasdisbanded, most of the soldiers transferred to the 27th Guards unit named after the 60th anniversary of the creation of the USSR. In connection with the dissolution of unit 83420, the composition of the 27th brigade also changed: it acquired 4 rifle battalions that guarded the objects of the Ministry of Defense in Moscow.

moscow region vch 61899 how to get there
moscow region vch 61899 how to get there

The President of the Russian Federation in 2013, in April, based on these battalions created the 1st Semyonovsky regiment.

The newest transformations again affected the device of the 27th brigade in 2013, in October. Its units based in the village of Kalinenets (Narofominsky district) were partially transferred to the Taman division (tracked heavy equipment), partially transferred to the village of Mosrentgen.

Address and phone numbers

Where is HF 61899 located today? Mosrentgen is its location. Since 2013, on October 22, all units of the military unit are deployed at the address: 142771, New Moscow (Moscow region), Leninsky district, Mosrentgen village, VCh 61899.

In letters for fighters, you must additionally indicate the unit (company, battalion), and the name of the fighter. You can call the duty officer of the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade at 8 (495) 339-33-11, the duty officer of the training center - 8 (495) 993-13-42, the parent committee of the military unit - 8 (926) 623-51-73, and with Irina Ivanovna (parents' committee) - 8 (926) 236-70-01.

In addition to finding out where your soldier is, you can call the switchboard (number 8 (495) 339-15-55) and ask for the recruitment department.

Drive by car

Does your son serve in the 27th guard (Moscow region, VCh 61899)? howget to her? You need to get to the village of Mosrentgen. If you are driving, please use the road map. Start your journey from the Moscow Ring Road and find the exit to the Kaluga highway. First, you need to go straight along it, and then turn right near the huge AUCHAN commercial center (OBI, MEGA). Then you will travel on the only road.

Follow the construction market, a little later, on the left, you will see a small forest. Further to the right there will be a large sign “Mosrentgen”. Drive straight! On the right, small ponds will be visible, and on the left, a temple and further residential buildings. Follow straight ahead and you will find a part fence and a barrier. You must leave the car in the parking lot and walk 50m forward to Checkpoint 1.

Ride on public transport

Perhaps your relative serves in HF 61899 (Mosrentgen)? How to get to it by public transport? You need to find the Tyoply Stan metro station (exit to Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, Prince Plaza shopping center). After you pass the turnstiles, you need to keep to the right side of the subway. Turn right when exiting the subway. A minibus number 804 or a bus goes to the part. Stop 804 is located near the subway exit, on the right. Get on the transport and go. On the bus you will be asked to pay a fare of 25 or 28 rubles, and in a fixed-route taxi - 35 rubles.

We hope you can easily find Tyoply Stan station. HF 61899 - this is your purpose of travel. So, you are in transport. You will not drive for long, 10-15 minutes. And this is only if you do not encounter a traffic jam on the Moscow Ring Road. Landscapes we have described above - youyou can navigate them so as not to be afraid that you are going somewhere in the wrong place.

vch 61899 address
vch 61899 address

After you see the sign with the inscription "Mosrentgen", boldly shout to the driver of the minibus 804 or bus to make a stop at the church (he will subsequently turn right). Get out of the car and go along the fence right to the corner of the part. A barrier will appear in front of you. Now you only have to walk 50m to the checkpoint.

You can also get to the village of Mosrentgen (VCh 61899) by minibus No. 504 (it has the inscription of the Ministry of Emergency Situations "Leader" on it). If minibus No. 804 turns right at the church, then No. 504, after stopping at the temple, goes straight and stops (on request) at the corner at the part. Do you need to get back to the city? The minibus will pick you up at the same turn.


Above we wrote what address HF 61899 has today. Until October 2013, the platoons of the brigade were stationed in the village of Kalinenets (Narofominsky district). After the next update of the military unit, some of its fighters (call 2-12) were transferred to the HF Taman division.

In April 2013, the 1st Semyonov Regiment was formed. His battalions are still stationed in the brigade's possessions in the village of Mosrentgen (Teply Stan).

Conscripts receive a monetary allowance of 200 rubles per month. Funds are transferred to the bank card of VTB Bank.


Do you wish to write a letter or send a parcel to a soldier serving in HF 61899 (Mosrentgen)? We indicated her postal address above.

Parcels are delivered directly to the unit, and after the transfer to the fighteryou have to go to the post office (800 meters). No need to send parcels before elections, holidays and so on. If you persuade your Muscovite mother and send a package through her, it will arrive very quickly. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to help you.


What else can you say about HF 61899? When is the oath taken and how? This ceremony has been performed since the summer draft of 2013, on the territory of the unit in the village of Mosrentgen. The celebration traditionally begins at 10 am. Young replenishment takes an oath of allegiance to the Motherland on Saturdays or Sundays. The fighter will definitely inform his relatives of the exact date and time.

vch 61899 mosrentgen how to get there
vch 61899 mosrentgen how to get there

As a rule, at first, parents wait for the celebration to begin at checkpoint No. 1. Usually, before the oath, an officer of the training company comes to them, who tells where you can stand, how to behave during the ceremony, what and how it will be after its completion. If time permits, relatives can be shown the unit and the barracks where recruits will live.

At the same time, there may be photographers near the checkpoint who take pictures during the KMB. A package of photos can be purchased from them for 900 rubles. The swearing-in procedure lasts about an hour (depending on the speeches of the congratulators and the number of soldiers taking the oath).

After the ceremony with the parents in front of the podium on the parade ground, the command is having a conversation. Officers talk about the upcoming service, allowances, tasks performed, answer questions. At this time, recruits, as a rule, hand over their weapons and undergo a short briefing. After the oath of your soldiercan be released on leave for a day.

The following options for continuing the day are possible:

  1. Family members will be invited to talk to the guys at the checkpoint (in the visitor's room or in a nearby public garden).
  2. The fighters will be released until 18 or 20 o'clock on the same day (perhaps they will be allowed to leave the next day).
  3. Vacation will be given for a day, until the next day.

Parents will also be given a certificate stating that their son is serving in the army, and a memo to communicate with the leadership of the unit. You must prepare your passports in advance, know your mobile phone number, so as not to create a queue when filling out paperwork before leaving for the dismissal of your fighter.

By the way, a dismissal can only be given when a soldier is taken away by his parents or wife (with uncles, aunts, girlfriend, siblings, friends, the guy will not be released). Bring civilian clothes to the fighter for the oath, so that there will be no problems with patrols upon dismissal.


If a fighter falls ill, he can be sent to a hospital or put in a medical unit. There is a brigade medical station (BrMP) in the HF. It is allowed to call in the medical unit, that is, a soldier can always contact his relatives. If serious treatment or examination is needed, the fighter will be sent to a military hospital.

Impressions of eyewitnesses

Military personnel call HF 61899 a "children's he alth camp" or "military sanatorium." They do not consider it "statutory". The food here is good, you can always drink tea in the tea room, there is a buffet. Civilians work in the canteen. Conscripts with the speci alties "confectioner" or "cook"command sends to special courses. Those who graduate from them will be responsible for the activities of the field (military camp) kitchens and bake kulebyaks, which are traditionally served to guests on oaths in VC 61899. The connection owns gyms, a sports complex with a swimming pool, a "rocking chair".

Soldiers stay in the barracks, in cozy rooms from four people. They have at their disposal showers and automatic washing machines (one per platoon). Each floor has a tea room and a sports corner. Underwear and bed linen are changed here once a week, the servicemen visit the bathhouse with the same frequency.
