In Russia there is a powerful transport complex - the Sverdlovsk railway. This highway passes through the territory of Western Siberia and the Urals. Railways of the Sverdlovsk region are among the top three Russian Railways. Next, we learn about the history of the construction of the highway. The article will also talk about the unique museum of the Sverdlovsk Railway existing in Yekaterinburg.

General information
The Sverdlovsk branch of the railway provides uninterrupted passage of trains from the northwestern and central regions of our country to Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Far East. This highway is built in a special way. So, it borders on the South Ural, Gorky and West Siberian railways. This transport complex provides more than 9.5% of the total loading and unloading of highly profitable cargo. Namely: oil, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, coal, construction and timbermaterials. The Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Railway is doing everything possible to ensure the safety, continuity and comfort of transportation. The head is A. Yu. Mironov, the first deputy head is V. V. Iskorostensky. Chief Engineer of the Sverdlovsk Railway - I. O. Naboychenko. The Sverdlovsk Railway provides transportation of goods for more than 12,000 industrial companies. In addition, it serves about one and a half thousand access roads. Sverdlovsk regional woodworking, coal and mining companies have developed a network of small access lines and branches.

History of Creation
The first project, according to which the Sverdlovsk railway was to be built, was put forward by the entrepreneur I. I. Lyubimov. This important event took place in 1868. At his suggestion, the scheme of the Sverdlovsk railway suggested a branch line from Perm to Tobol, crossing cities such as Yekaterinburg, Kungur and Shadrinsk. After a short period of time, the government decided to carry out survey work on the ground. After that, the main construction of the route began. Such a responsible event was entrusted to the "Society of Mining Railway". The main work on the alienation of land, deforestation and demolition of buildings began already in 1870. In the same period, they were engaged in the construction of bridges, the construction of temporary roads and the construction of a telegraph.

After eight years of construction work, the first branch was openedlength of 669 versts. The starting point of the journey was Perm, and the city of Yekaterinburg served as the final point. By the end of 1885, a railway line from Yekaterinburg to Tyumen was put into operation. And only at the beginning of 1888 this route was merged with the Gornozavodskaya road into one route, which was called the Ural highway. 1896 marked the end of the construction of a branch line from Yekaterinburg to Chelyabinsk. Thanks to the creation of this line, the Sverdlovsk railway was merged with the Trans-Siberian direction. Due to the fact that the throughput of the mining section was extremely small, in 1906 it was decided to lay a new line through the Urals. And three years later, the first trains went along this railway line. Over the following years, the Bogoslovskaya, West Ural and Omsk railways were attached to the Perm Mainline. Since the 1930s, they have been subjected to several reorganizations. However, in the end, the Perm and Sverdlovsk branches were merged. This event happened in 1953.
Museum of the Sverdlovsk Railway
In 2003, a gallery of history, science and technology of the Sverdlovsk Railway was opened on the territory of the station. For your information, the old "harbour" for trains was built according to the project of the architect P. P. Schreiber. Currently, this building is a monument of history and culture of the XIX century.
Ceremonial display
In front of the entrance to the building there is an open area, on the territory of which there are a number of sculptures. These works of architecture embody the railway professions of various eras. Tofor example, here you can find a statue of the head of the station, who, by striking the bell, notifies passengers of the departure of the train. Also, a group of "travelers" flaunts in front of the entrance to the building. With this sculpture, the author illustrates the reality that passengers face at the station. In addition, visual exhibits of the railway industry are located on the square in front of the museum building. Here you can see a semaphore, a railway trolley designed to transport sleepers, a barrier equipped with a signaling device, and so on.

The internal exposition of the gallery is represented by objects of both technical and historical nature. When creating the first category, we decided to use the principle of the game. This approach to business was due to the fact that not all visitors understand railway terminology. In view of this, the platform of the Yekaterinburg railway station of the 19th century was recreated. Tellingly, the composition turned out to be extremely realistic and similar to the original. This effect was achieved thanks to the preserved photographs of the platform. On the platform, the authors of the exposition placed passengers, benches, a stationary bell and even luggage. The historical part of the museum is represented by the first Russian steam locomotive, which was developed by the father and son of the Cherepanovs. However, this exposition is not limited to "old" exhibits. Museum visitors can get acquainted with modern railway achievements. To this end, here is detailed information on the construction of the first highways,the story of the formation and commissioning of the Perm and Ural Gornozavodskaya lines is told, and so on. It is worth noting that the museum staff, when creating expositions, sought to reflect historical and technical data in chronological order.

More information
The Ekaterinburg Museum of History, Science and Technology has a wide range of layouts and models of rolling stock. In addition, there are collections of visual exhibits. For example, visitors can get acquainted with the workplace of the driver of the L11 electric locomotive. In addition, everyone is invited to study the mechanisms, tools and various devices used in the railway industry.

The road museum of Yekaterinburg is considered to be the hallmark of the SVD. What is characteristic, the exhibits presented in it will be of interest not only to the adult part of the population, but also to small visitors. The gallery performs two functions at the same time. On the one hand, even a visitor ignorant of railway science can easily perceive the technical part of the compositions. And on the other hand, all the items in the gallery help a person to broaden his horizons, and in some cases even decide on a profession.