A wonderful protected area (National Park "Losiny Ostrov") gave shelter to the village "Losinoostrovsky estates", located not too far outside the city - no more than ten minutes drive from the Moscow Ring Road. This is a village with modern houses built according to the latest technologies, which are used to build cottages. All projects are individual, capable of making life a dream come true, almost a fairy tale.

"Losinoostrovskiye estates" are located in the east, near the village of Suponevo - this is twelve kilometers of the Shchelkovo highway along the Moscow Ring Road or seventeen - along Yaroslavsky. Only three kilometers from here to the city of Shchelkovo and four and a half to Korolev. People who have chosen Losinoostrovskiye Estates as their place of residence will in no way be deprived of the usual benefits of civilization, since the infrastructure is nearby.
However, the unpleasant moments that always accompany life in a metropolis are absent here: the area is ecologically clean, exceptionally beautiful nature, peace and quiet. In addition, all multi-storey "humans" remained far away in the capital. "Losinoostrovskiye usadby" is a cottage village, everything here is thought out taking into account the fact that a person can communicate with nature without interference. The houses are located quite far from each other, and the total area of the village is quite large - thirty-six hectares. Some plots are up to forty acres, so there is where to retire.
As already mentioned, "Losinoostrovsky estates" is a cottage village, there are almost two hundred land plots. The territory is surrounded by picturesque views of the forest park zone - this is the Losiny Ostrov National Park, where you can not only feed chipmunks and squirrels, but also see a larger animal right in the wild. Moreover, the nature here is protected by the state, and therefore, from an environmental point of view, "Losinoostrovskiye estates" is a more than prosperous village.
Nearby is a picturesque pond with clean and warm water, fishermen - a real expanse, because it is rich in fish. All streams and small rivers flowing through the territory are also crystal clear, since they are not polluted by storm, industrial, or sewage drains. This is also a big plus when choosing - there is hardly such a clean place as close to Moscow as Losinoostrovsky Estates. The cottage type of construction will allow peoplelive in nature, but at the same time, they can be in the capital at any time within half an hour if they miss civilization.

About the reserve
The National Natural Park did not appear here in recent decades - for many centuries Elk Island was protected. One cannot say about this area in the words of the wonderful poet Velimir Khlebnikov, who always worried about the preservation of natural we alth: "The forests have become defoxed. The forests have defoxed …", here both flora and fauna are almost in a virgin state. And this, of course, will please the new tenants who will move to Losinoostrovsky Estates. Cottage, that is, not a high-rise village, will also not interfere with the quiet life of this protected area.
The forest here is magnificent - mixed. There are slightly more coniferous species than deciduous ones, and therefore the air is saturated with the smell of pine needles. In most cases, purity is pristine. That is why the residents of the Losinoostrovskiye Usadby KP will need to support this beauty in every possible way, to help preserve the protected forests. And remember that the Russian sovereigns watched and protected this forest, because there was no better hunting ground for them than Losiny Ostrov. And even two hundred years ago this area was called the sovereign reserved grove.
Plant world
During the Great Patriotic War, this forest was closely monitored, new trees were planted to replace the obsolete ones. And now real enthusiasts work here. Therefore, even today, residents of the cottage village "Losinoostrovsky estates" reviews aboutnature is left to the most enthusiastic.
Here you can find more than seven hundred species of plants, ninety species of mushrooms, colorful lichens, more than one hundred and fifty species of algae. Many plants are listed in the Red Book. What amazing age-old lime forests, pine forests, what mighty oak forests are here, and spruce forests - a real taiga! Two hundred and fifty years of ship pines in Alekseevskaya grove! Herbs - the richest, many berries - strawberries, oxalis, blueberries, lingonberries.

Animal world
Fauna can also be admired, it is so diverse. Elk Island was chosen by numerous birds - more than one hundred and eighty species of birds live here. And there are many mammals - about forty species. There are also snakes. And food for them: there are only four types of reptiles, but eight of amphibians. There are at least twenty species of fish in the reservoirs.
Moose on Elk Island, of course, there are. After the war, spotted deer were also brought here. The population of beavers has recovered, wild boars have bred a lot. Fur-bearing animals sometimes come out directly to people: ferrets, martens, ermines, minks, this is often observed by residents of any Losinoostrovsky village, as well as numerous summer residents. At night, sometimes you can hear the rustle of flying bats and the hooting of their ferocious enemies - owls.
Famous place
In the area of the station "Losinoostrovskaya" and further in any direction - old summer cottages, and the new cottage village is surrounded by them. Zagoryansky is especially famous - a village located in close proximity, which I have heard about more than onceliterally every Muscovite. Currently, at least seven thousand people live there.
"Losinoostrovsky estates" may well rely on the already established infrastructure of this village, if they are not satisfied with the quantity or quality of their own. There are also good schools, and several clinics, and pharmacies from various chains, and many shops. It was the village of Zagoryansky that celebrities preferred. Yuri Nikulin, Vladislav Tretyak, Oleg Anofriev, Nikolai Ozerov and many others lived here at different times.

Communications and infrastructure
However, it is unlikely that even the most demanding resident of the Losinoostrovskiye Usadby cottage settlement, who used his own plot, will not be satisfied with the conditions that have been created for him both in terms of communications and in terms of the existing infrastructure. Firstly, there is street lighting and, of course, electricity inside the village. Of course, the gas supply has been established. But the fact that water supply and sewerage are central is a huge plus.
The territory of the village is not only fenced - it is guarded, barriers are at two entrances to the village - only through the checkpoint. You won’t even want to leave the village, everything is so well thought out. Artificial pond with pool, fountain and goldfish. If guests themselves come here, parking is provided for them, and it does not interfere with either the playground or the sports ground. The kindergarten is within walking distance, and the school is two kilometers away.
The village management concept is the most modern, it implies the right of every future resident to actively participate in the development of all common territories. While the Losinoostrovskiye Usadby cottage village is being built, the manager is a non-profit partnership that ensures the uninterrupted construction of the entire on-site infrastructure. He is also in charge of the subsequent technical operation of engineering and technical support systems. There is a separate administration building where you can resolve all emerging issues.
Modern cottages, individual projects. A land plot is not so expensive, given the proximity to the capital and the conservation of these territories, one hundred square meters costs from 330,000 rubles. The demand for plots is high, there are already few free ones. The numbering of each plot, its area and exact location are indicated on the master plan diagram. By the way, there are already street names there: Rowan, Central, Birch, Lesnaya, Spring, Maple, Zapovednaya, Solnechnaya, Mayskaya, Severnaya, Moose alley.

How to get there by car
You can get from Moscow by private transport along the Shchelkovo highway in this way: first, straight along the highway to the sign for the city of Shchelkovo, immediately turn off and drive about two kilometers further, where there will be a turn to the village of Zagoryansky. Here turn left and after two kilometers turn left again near the sign for the villages of Suponevo, Oboldino. On the same pointer there is also a cottage village "Losinoostrovskiye estates". The path lies along the mainroad through the village of Suponevo, where in the center there will be a pointer to the purpose of the trip - there you need to turn off. Then follow to the barrier.
Go along the Yaroslavl highway towards the region until the turn to Korolev, then there will be a sign - "Pionerskaya street". It is necessary to turn there and go straight for four kilometers to the intersection, then turn left (here, the shopping center "Royal Passage" remaining on the right will serve as a guideline). After a hundred meters, turn to Shchelkovo towards the village of Zagoryansky. On the main road, the path will pass through the village of Serkovo, then you can’t miss the sign to Oboldino and the village of Losinoostrovsky Estates, turn according to the sign, and go to Suponevo in the direction of the final destination - the cottage village.
Public transport is also quite accessible: from the Yaroslavsky railway station you need to go by train to Shchelkovo, then - by minibus number 36 to Suponevo. Further on foot, especially since it is not far away.

More about cottages
Project buyer can choose from a variety of options. All of them are built using Canadian frame technology - it's fast, the buildings are heat-intensive, economical in maintenance, durable and environmentally friendly. The lands on which the village is located are agricultural, summer cottage construction is allowed. However, if a house is built, a permanent residence permit is also possible.
At this stage, already built cottages and plots with a contract are available for purchase. The houses are designed in the same style (Catherine), they are very beautiful -with solid foundations, pastel facades, balconies, and some even with columns. Each project has two interior layout solutions - compact and free. The first option - many rooms, the second - spacious rooms. A garage can be attached to the house if desired.

Users write a lot about the fact that the village is already quite well ennobled: there are areas for recreation, walks, a very nice little pond, goldfish are often mentioned in it, as well as an existing mini-zoo, which is organized jointly with the reserve Moose Island. They also talk about well-equipped sports grounds, a tennis court. Small shop - minimarket.
The residents speak very warmly about their neighbors. They get along well, help each other in everything, celebrate holidays together - New Year, Easter, Maslenitsa. Near the pond before Christmas they decorate a beautiful live Christmas tree, the children are happy. They love to ride the slide, and they also love their own ice rink, where they spend a lot of time.
Of course, far from everything has been done, but what is conceived is wonderful, and will definitely be even better. In any case, the nature here is literally luxurious, and this is noted in all reviews, and the infrastructure will improve over time. Many buyers use the word "paradise" in relation to this village.