Sochi is a Russian resort city with a rich and interesting history. In the modern fashionable southern city, there are fewer and fewer buildings and other objects reminiscent of those glorious times when Sochi was an all-Union he alth resort for residents of the entire USSR. Now the city sparkles with glass and metal, quaint architecture of expensive hotels and nightclubs. But there are still places in Sochi where the heart is filled with nostalgia for bygone times and warm memories. This is how you feel in the Frunze Park, which is not far from the embankment.
Summer theater in the city of summer
As befits a resort town, Sochi has its Winter and Summer theatres. And if the Winter Theater has always been the hallmark of the city, entered the list of cultural heritage and still hosts the most famous theater and musical groups, the Sochi Summer Theater has a difficult fate.

The oldest Sochi park named after Frunze was created in Tsarist Russia. It received its current name after the revolution. Later, this beautiful urban corner of nature was decorated with a theater building, where the most famous and popular performers of the country performed throughout the holiday season. Summer theater in the park. Frunze in Sochi has been a popular holiday destination for guests and citizens for a long time.
History of the theater: part 1, positive
The theater was conceived and built as an outdoor stage in 1937 by architect V. Krolevets. The place for construction was chosen wonderful. A shady large park near the sea promenade. Summer Theater Frunze in Sochi turned out to be airy, light, with an open-air stage.

The audience was greeted by an imposing façade, and behind it was an open space surrounded by openwork walls of columns. The acoustics of the hall made it possible to hold concerts of the most famous musical groups in the Summer Theater in Sochi. At that time, it was the only site with such characteristics.
History of the theater: part 2, sad
After perestroika, many objects of culture and art became useless and fell into absolute decline. Photos of the Summer Theater of Sochi from those times have been preserved, when it is clear that the theater was looted, mutilated by vandals and more like a haven for marginal personalities.
In 2001, businessman Frolenkov tried to restore the theater building and return it to its former glory. It was then that a multi-tiered fountain appeared in front of the theater building, whichis still in effect. But for some reason, he was unable to complete what he started. For several years, the Sochi Summer Theater passed from one investor to another. The concepts of its reconstruction, plans for operation have changed. There was even a threat of demolition of this historic building.

But, in the end, the rights to the reconstruction were transferred to the Buenas Cubanas company, which carried out the work to restore the legendary concert venue. The auditorium for 800 seats was rebuilt, a powerful heating and ventilation system was installed. In fact, the Sochi Summer Theater has become a year-round concert venue. New spectator seats were installed, and a modern sound system appeared.
Also, a restaurant was opened on the territory of the theater. In 2013, the new stage of the old theater received the first artists - "Cabaret Kurban" by the famous Santiago Alfonso. In fact, since its second birth, the Summer Theater has become a cabaret with vibrant musical performances and the delights of a local restaurant.
Not all locals share the new image of their favorite theatre. But many are glad that it has simply survived and continues to live, which means that the history of the Summer Theater in Sochi continues.
Who remembers the old theater stage
In the old glorious times, the stage of the Summer Theater saw many celebrities of the first magnitude. Valentina Tolkunova and Edita Piekha, the cult "Pesnyary" and "Blue Guitars" performed here. Now you can only imagine what emotions the audience experienced,listening under the open starry sky to Svyatoslav Richter or Veronika Dudarova's orchestra. Even the mysterious and mystical Wolf Messing visited the legendary theater.

Times are changing. Tastes, fashion, life values are changing. But Sochi residents hope that the best of the Summer Theater is yet to come. You may still be able to walk along beautiful park alleys and get to a joint concert of symphonic music and the starry southern sky.