Petr Petrovich Orlov - Soviet coach and figure skater

Petr Petrovich Orlov - Soviet coach and figure skater
Petr Petrovich Orlov - Soviet coach and figure skater

Figure skating is one of those sports that fascinates absolutely everyone. This ice dance is so beautiful and so dangerous. Each performance is a great work, which begins long before the competition, the concert. We always admire figure skaters, Petr Petrovich Orlov is no exception. It is he who is not just a fantastic skater, but also an excellent coach who raised a worthy generation. The biography of Peter Orlov is very interesting and instructive.


Peter Orlov was born on July 11, 1912 in a small village in the Tver province. Initially, no one thought that the boy from the village would become the real pride of the people.

Tver province
Tver province

In 1933, Peter graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical College GOLIFC named after the biologist and anthropologist P. F. Lesgaft. Today, this educational institution is referred to as the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and He alth named after the biologist and anthropologist Petr Frantsevich Lesgaft.

Since 1934, Pyotr Orlov has played for the Dynamo sports society in Leningrad, and since 1948 he has been involved in"Petrel". Figure skating continued until 1946.

After the Great Patriotic War, Peter was awarded the Order of the second degree.

After the end of the Second World War, Petr Orlov found acquaintances from Leningrad figure skaters. Together with his comrades, Peter made every effort to revive the figure skating sections.

Sports results

Peter Orlov is an excellent athlete who never gave up. He participated in many competitions, won prizes. The biography of Peter Orlov is full of achievements, prizes and awards, the main of which are presented below.

Peter is the champion of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in single skating in 1946, 1947 and 1951.

Pyotr Orlov is the second and third winner of the USSR championships in single skating.

He also became the champion of Leningrad in 1935, 1950 and 1952, the second prize-winner of the Leningrad championship in 1938 and the third prize-winner of the Leningrad championships in 1933 and 1934.

In addition, Pyotr Orlov is the winner of the All-Union Championship of the CA "Dynamo" in 1949, 1950 and 1952.


Sooner or later, every athlete is forced to leave big sport. This is due to he alth, age, the presence of injuries and the need for a family. Petr Orlov ended his sports activities as a figure skater. Soon he became a coach, and after that a senior coach of the Leningrad Regional Council "Dynamo".

In 1958, Petr Petrovich was invited to work as a judgeRepublican category of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic in figure skating, and he agreed.

In 1960, Peter decided to move from Leningrad to Kyiv. From 1960 to 1962, Orlov was the coach of the promising Ukrainian ensemble Ballet on Ice. In addition, Petr Orlov is an honored coach of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. He also worked as a coach of the national teams of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Leningrad.

New items

Peter Orlov was a true innovative coach. He took risks, invented new elements so that his wards could not only win prizes, but also develop their own abilities to the maximum.

A classic example is the couple of Nina Bakusheva and Stanislav Zhuk, who was trained by Orlov Petr Petrovich.

Nina and Stanislav
Nina and Stanislav

In 1957, a pair of figure skaters competed at the European Championships, where they won silver. Prize-winning second place in a championship of this magnitude is more than worthy, but the coach did not think so. Pyotr Petrovich knew that the guys were only worthy of gold. Orlov decided to slightly change the couple's performance. He introduced one of the most difficult elements into the program. Stanislav had to lift Nina over his head with outstretched arms.

Hard training, debriefing, and constant repetition went on for what seemed like an eternity. One fine day, everything turned out perfect and the first time. This could only mean one thing - the skaters are ready.

Nina and Stanislav
Nina and Stanislav

1958 - European Championship. This was the first championship in which the couple showed their secret, very complex, technically prepared move. The arbitrators did not know how to react to this. They came to the conclusion that this element is very dangerous for life, so they did not count it to Nina Bakusheva and Stanislav Zhuk. The guys were given silver again.

However, Petr Orlov did not give up. He continued to hone the technique of this element with the skaters and brought it to such an extent that Stanislav's ability to perform this incredibly complex element became not only masterful, but truly aerobatics. Each pair wanted to repeat the lift, which both the coach and the pair of skaters had painstakingly worked on.


Pyotr Orlov was a great skater and also a coach worthy of real respect.

Trainer's students
Trainer's students

Thanks to him, many skaters who were not noticed have achieved success. Pyotr Petrovich brought up many, including Igor Moskvin, Lyuda Belousova and Oleg Protopopov.
