Flirt - what does it mean? Coquetry - bait for men, women's "weapon"

Flirt - what does it mean? Coquetry - bait for men, women's "weapon"
Flirt - what does it mean? Coquetry - bait for men, women's "weapon"

To flirt is to get a man to draw attention to himself through charm. Women often resort to this in order to achieve the location of the opposite sex. Let's look at what it means to flirt with real examples. How to use this feminine feature to achieve goals?

Easy flirting

Synonymous with the word flirt - flirt. Some ladies have an innate talent for this, others need to learn it just like dancing or playing a musical instrument. Flirting is a combination of words and gestures. Using these tricks correctly is a real art, because the line between obsession and flirtatiousness is very thin.

flirt it
flirt it

How to learn to flirt: learning subtle flirting from geishas

Geishas were the best coquettes. In fact, the stereotype that many have developed in relation to them is wrong. They have nothing to do with women who own the oldest profession. Visually, a real geisha is distinguished from a lady of easy virtue by her costume. She has a belt on her kimonotied at the back with a complex knot. It is difficult to untie, and sex is not included in the services.

A real geisha is like a bird of paradise. She is beautiful, smart, educated, dances and sings beautifully, understands art, literature, and will support a conversation on any topic. They entertain men, fill their world with sensuality and emotionality. These qualities are not inherent in men by nature, but they appreciate them very much.

The external attractiveness of Japanese beauties is in harmony with the rich inner world. Little girls who were trained to be geishas were taught to rejoice in any phenomenon in this world: an open flower, dawn and sunset, rain and sunny weather. They had to keep the spontaneity of a little girl for life, to be able to sincerely admire. Geishas knew how to see a hero in every man.

Look from under the eyelashes

Flirt is the ability to play with your eyes correctly. Here, too, there is something to learn from the experience of Japanese ladies. A geisha knows how to convey the whole palette of feelings with a glance and even calm an angry man.

Deep gaze technique: every day after waking up, roll your eyes without opening your eyelids for a few minutes. Thanks to the classes, you will have a special charm - you will be able to speak with your eyes. The technique is used by fashion models before shooting.

what does it mean to flirt
what does it mean to flirt

Perfect voice

Men hate loudly speaking, vulgar and loudly laughing ladies. Learn from Japanese women to harmonize space with the help of quiet, calm and soft speeches flowing from your mouth. Whereinthink over your every word, be smart and wise, but do not try to seem like a know-it-all. Let the man have something to surprise you with. Listen carefully, never lose the thread of the story.

Coquetry - sophisticated sexuality

Pay attention to the hairstyle of a geisha. She lets her hair down only in an intimate setting for a special man. Usually Japanese women put their hair up in a high hairstyle, and they always have their neck slightly open at the back. The tenderness of this part of a woman's body excites men.

Techniques of proper coquetry

Flirty - a woman in whom there is a mystery and at the same time sincerity. The stronger sex has a highly developed hunting instinct, so a lady must first be inaccessible, but attractive, like the top of a mountain on which edelweiss grows, and then tender, like this flower.

To flirt is to get involved in a difficult game. Here you need to admire a man, but at the same time stay independent. You can not show the representative of the stronger sex that you depend on him, otherwise he will quickly lose interest.

how to learn to flirt
how to learn to flirt

Non-verbal ways of coquetry

For most women, these are innate skills. Have you noticed how little girls build their eyes? How do they know how to persuade dad to buy a new doll or dress? Liveliness, spontaneity and sincerity, combined with non-verbal ways of coquetry, work wonders!

Men love to watch girls straighten their hair, thinking, touching the collarbone. In the arsenal of every lady there are successful poses to make it profitable, as if by chance,show the figure. If you do this unobtrusively, then the man will definitely look for meetings with such a girl.

Get unavailable

The representatives of the stronger sex are not looking for easy prey. Never call first. Do not answer all calls and messages at once. Pretend that you are extremely busy, but so be it, give him an evening, and then suddenly cancel the meeting. Late for dates. All this will inflame the interest of a man, and he will want to catch a goldfish in his nets. Just be careful, use tips in doses, otherwise the guy will go in search of more accommodating prey.

synonym for flirting
synonym for flirting


Do you have a black belt in karate, can you hack into any website, sort out the carburetor and change the oil in the car yourself? In the company of a man, forget about it! You are a woman! A paradise flower that should be groomed and cherished, watered and fertilized. To make a man feel like a hero, you can ask him to install some program on your computer, citing the fact that you don’t understand anything about it. You can be scared to death of a dog in the street or squeal at the sight of a spider. Let your knight perform a couple of feats and flex his muscles. Show your personal skills little by little, proving what a unique lady is next to him. Do not brag about them and never reproach the representative of the stronger sex for anything.

coquette woman
coquette woman

Flirting with my husband, or How to revive family relationships?

A man loves when his woman is at the epicenterattention, but at the same time she should enthusiastically look only at him. In married life, wives often forget this little trick. You can’t do this, because flirting means showing your loved one that he is special, her conqueror, the hero of dreams. Just like before the wedding, he wants your attention, a shy look from under half-lowered eyelashes, delight from a cute trifling gift.

In marriage, to flirt is to prevent adultery. A husband needs more than just a hot dinner, a tidy house, and ironed shirts. Be sexy, well-groomed, lively and playful. Change roles: today is an impregnable queen, and tomorrow is a cute girl who rejoices in a balloon.

Now you know what it means to flirt. Use little feminine tricks, because they give life flavor!
