India… An amazing country with extraordinary color and old traditions does not leave any travelers indifferent. Folk rituals have been strictly observed in this area for centuries, which is why it has its own unique culture, which has been continuously developing for more than 4500 years. During this significant period of time, it changed and underwent various metamorphoses. This largely concerns the national clothes of the Indians and how the dot on the forehead looked like among Indian women. Many will agree that the Indian national dress has a special ethnic originality, which makes it even more attractive.
Colorful country with ancient traditions
The national image in clothes has been formed for centuries under the influence of various factors, but it is worth noting that it has absorbed the best and can now rightly be called elegant and comfortable. The most popular traditional women's attire intoday is a sari, which is invariably complemented by a dot on the forehead of an Indian woman (the name is bindi or tilak). This piece of clothing is a piece of fabric measuring from 4 to 9 meters, which the girl ties around her waist and throws over her shoulder, covering her chest. A saree must be worn with an underskirt and a blouse, which is also called a ravika or choli. What is the name of the point on the forehead of Indian women and why is it an integral part of the Indian image? This and much more will be discussed further.

What does the dot on the forehead of Indian women mean?
This is not just a beautiful ethnic decoration. It has its own meaning and history. Without a doubt, one of the traditional elements of the image is the dot on the forehead, famous among Indian women. It has several varieties and meanings. One type is tilak. Applied with clay, ash or other substance. So, what does the dot on the forehead of Indian women mean? Since India is a deeply religious country, it can have quite a few meanings that are in one way or another connected with the worship of the gods. But this is not the only purpose of tilak. In fact, it can tell a lot about lineage and caste. It all depends on the material, color and place where the dot is applied.
Varieties and traditional colors
Fans of this beautiful jewelry often wonder what is the name of the dot on the forehead of Indian women? Another variety is bindi. Like tilak, they differ in color. Most often in the vastness of Hindustan there is a black or red dot. It is worn by a woman bound by marriage, that is, married. Free girls by tradition should not apply bindi. Many are interested in the question of why Indian women have a dot on their forehead, and not between the eyebrows. The whole point is again in the religious worldview of the Hindus. They consider it the third eye that opens wisdom. Although tilak, unlike bindi, can be located not only on the forehead, but also in other places, which, according to some, open the wisdom chakras.

A tradition that has become a fashion trend all over the world
Today, tilak and bindi have spread widely beyond India and are more of an ethnic accessory and decoration than a symbol of religious affiliation. Today they have become additions to the everyday and even festive image of girls in different countries. However, for the Indians themselves, this remains a traditional symbol that is important in the culture and daily life of every inhabitant of India. Few people delve into history in order to find out its origin. Arriving on a tourist visit to the country, girls should be extremely careful not to accidentally offend the religious feelings of believers.

Standard Recipe
The composition of the bindi is quite simple. This red powder is nothing more than mercury sulfide, although sometimes an oil or wax base is added to it. It is noteworthy that in ancient times, cobra venom and ashes were also part of the bindi. Quite a strange recipe, but to whom,if not Indians, it is better to know what this traditional element of the national image should be made of. According to ancient legends, the composition of the bindi should be such that the point is easily and accurately applied to the forehead and does not smear. The Hindus successfully managed to create just such a combination of ingredients so that tillak was as beautiful and convenient as possible for application. For Indian women, the dot on the forehead looks really great to this day.

The favorite decoration of modern girls
Girls train for quite a long time to make it perfectly even. Today, the modern industry offers a huge amount of artificial jewelry like bindi. Girls wear it throughout almost all of South Asia. This accessory appealed not only to married women, for whom it was originally intended, but also to simply stylish girls who want to stand out and keep up with the fashion trends of the beauty world. Initially, bindi was traditionally red in color and round in shape, but over time, trends led to the fact that it changed beyond recognition, acquired a wide variety of colors and shapes.

Part of the history of the bindi is the fact that women are traditionally not allowed to draw it during these days. When India had not yet gained independence, a dot on the forehead of an Indian woman spoke of her belonging to one of the castes, the same applies to the tilak that some men applied to themselves. Indeed, eachthe country has its own inimitable customs and traditions, and bindi and tilak are part of the great history of India, which should never be erased from memory.