Public resonance: a tool for manipulation

Public resonance: a tool for manipulation
Public resonance: a tool for manipulation

Recently, one can often hear that this or that event had a "broad public resonance". However, everyone understands this expression in their own way, so let's deal with the theory first.

A bit of physics

So what is resonance? From the point of view of a physics textbook for the 9th grade, everything is quite simple: this is a sharp increase in the amplitude of forced oscillations in the system. That is, the body or system begins to resonate in response to vibration with the same frequency as the object acting on it. So they get a reciprocal sound - unison. This is a universal term, it applies to all types of waves, not just sound. Resonance is also called amplification of sound. These processes are studied by acoustics.

Public outcry

However, in the media, this expression is used in a completely different, metaphysical sense. When we say “great public outcry”, we mean that the event resonated in the hearts and minds of many people. And this is not just a response, but some emotional agreement about a particular situation.

public response
public response

Today, many events taking place around the world receive a wide public response. But iflook for examples in our country, then first of all, various accidents involving representatives of the golden youth, controversial bills on insulting the feelings of believers and promoting homosexuality, disputes about the appropriateness of a ban on abortion are recalled.

This is a piece of the picture on a national scale, and the whole canvas is formed by dozens and hundreds of incidents. Public outcry may not be so massive and spread only in some particular region or city. For example, residents of a provincial town can discuss for months some actions of their administration, not necessarily negative, but for the whole country all these discussions will not be of the slightest interest.

Public outcry as political technology

Today it is no secret to anyone that it is possible to create artificial excitement around any, even the smallest incident. Moreover, present it from the right side - hide some facts, exaggerate other details and create a picture to get the right opinion. Public outcry in such cases is often caused artificially, with the help of the necessary publications in the media, creating a mass character and exaggerating the significance of the subject of conversation.

great public outcry
great public outcry

Why this is done, no one needs to explain. Public opinion is the strongest argument in any dispute. This method of pressure is used by politicians, as well as by different groups of people to influence the government, all types of authorities (legislative and executive), political and public parties, andorganizations. At the same time, such clever manipulators are presented as some conductors of the collective will of society, presenting everything in such a way that since we have a democracy, then the opinion of the people should not contradict the decisions made.

Methods of protection

How to protect your mind? This is primarily helped by the critical and logical thinking of each individual.

  • Don't blindly trust the whole flow of information that we pass through ourselves every day.
  • If some event caused you an emotional response, then try to abstract a little and wait. If, over time, feelings have not reduced their intensity, then try to check the information for accuracy, today it is very easy to do.
wide public outcry
wide public outcry
  • Get the other side's opinion, their account of the details of the incident and make up your own vision of the event.
  • Don't be influenced, stick to your own point of view.
  • Show more irony and sarcasm if appropriate. Attitude to any event with humor is very helpful in clearing the head of artificially invested ideas.
