Our modern world is characterized by a great variety of existing countries. And each of them has its own set of unique properties and traits. For the convenience of their analysis and comparison, such a tool as "a characteristic of the economic and geographical position of the country" is used. It describes countries according to a certain algorithm, which we will consider later.
Types of economic and geographical location
Economic and geographical position is potential and present (realized). Any undeveloped place is a potential EGP. Implemented EGP refers to the historical sequence of how EGP has been used in various social and economic contexts in time.
Change in EGP
Estimates of the economic and geographical position may change over time with the improvement and development of the global division of labor and non-stop scientific and technological progress. Transport, communication, construction changes, as well as the search for new deposits are most affected. The Age of Discovery, the exploration of America, the development of rail and road transport are the catalysts for some of the world's biggest changes.
Standards for describing economic and geographicalprovisions
One of the ideas behind the use of a country's EGL profile is to show the diversity of cultures and worlds. With modern processes of integration and globalization, it is important to see the difference between the subjects.

Typical plan for characterizing the EGP of a country, region consists of the following items:
- Location relative to neighboring countries.
- Location relative to major land and sea transport routes.
- Location relative to the main fuel and raw material bases, industrial and agricultural areas.
- Location relative to major sales areas.
- Change in EGP over time.
- General conclusions about the EGP and its impact on the development of the country's economy.
Most viewed countries
In order to track the models of economic and political development, to identify the interconnections and interdependencies between the countries of the world, as well as to find out the patterns of development of society, we will consider the most developed European countries.

Most often, countries such as Germany, France, Italy and Spain, as representatives of all parts of Europe, become the object of study.
Let's consider the first characteristic of the EGP of a foreign European country. According to the plan indicated in one of the previous paragraphs, we get the following situation:

1) Germany has borders with 9 countries: north - Denmark; east - Poland, Czech Republic; southeast - Austria; south- Switzerland; southwest - France, Luxembourg; west - Belgium.
2) Germany is the hub of European traffic.
3) In Germany, hard and brown coal is mined in the Ruhr region, a similar mining site is nearby in Poland. Oil fields are far away. Nearby is natural gas production (North Sea).
4) Domestic production covers 60% of the demand of the population. The most popular products include bakery products, dairy products, eggs, a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, meat and meat products. The production of plant products is well developed - cereals, cereals, etc. Germany is known as the largest European country importing natural food products. 38% of all natural products are German imports.
5) Germany is in a very favorable position. It is a link between the states of Central and Eastern Europe.
This is how the country's EGP characterization plan looks like. Germany is an important economic and political entity in Europe.
This country is Europe's hope. Many processes taking place in Europe are connected with it. Consider her plan for characterizing the EGP of the country. France has its own unique features and characteristics.

1) France can be called a country of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, the Rhineland and the Pyrenees. Maritime borders are longer than land borders. In the north, France borders on Great Britain along the English Channel and the Pas de Calais. Land French borders follow variousnatural boundaries, such as mountains. In the southeast, France borders on Monaco, in the northeast on Luxembourg and Belgium.
2) France has a great natural advantage in the form of a central geographical position, as a result of which it has access to the main Western European commercial routes: the Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the Atlantic.
3) France is famous for coal mining. The main regions where it is mined are Lorraine and the Massif Central. French imports consist of oil and gas. Gaz de France is known as one of the largest gas companies in Europe.
4) France is considered a highly developed country, and is one of the first places in the volume of industrial production. French products such as clothes, shoes, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, cognacs, cheeses, etc. are in great demand on world markets. France is also a major agricultural player. Separately, it is worth considering such an industry in French production as winemaking. Each province grows its own grape variety and produces its own wine. In addition to wine, France is known for drinks such as cognac and calvados.
5) At the moment, France is a member of many international organizations, such as the European Union, the UN, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), NATO and other organizations. The EGP is getting stronger every year. France is trying to extract more and more advantages from it for its development.
6) France has great potential, which can be successfully realized throughusing the advantageous sides of its geographical position.
There is one more state in Europe worthy of consideration of the country's EGP characterization plan. Italy represents Southern Europe with all its characteristics.

1) Geographically, Italy is a South European country located on the Apennine Peninsula. It has borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino and the Vatican.
2) Italy has a large number of roads and rail links to European countries. Developed sea port network.
3) In relation to the world's raw material points, south of Italy is North Africa, producing oil and gas, in the northeast - Russia with oil, gas and coal production, in the east - the Persian Gulf countries, rich in oil and gas, in the north - Germany and Poland with coal mining.
4) Italy's main sales area is in the European Trade Area, where it belongs.
5) Over time, geopolitical factors have had the most impact and influence on Italy's EGP.
6) In general terms, Italy's EGP can be described as profitable, as it is located in one of the largest markets (EU) and has access to sea routes.
This state represents the southwest of Europe. This is how his plan for characterizing the EGP of the country will look like. Spain is currently experiencing its development difficulties, but in general it has prospects for further successful development.

1) Spain is located in the European southwestern territory on the Iberian Peninsula. It has borders: in the west - Portugal, in the north - France and Andorra, in the north and west Spain is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in the south and east - the Mediterranean Sea.
2) Spanish roads are centralized six-lane highways connecting Madrid and the Basque Country, Catalonia, Valencia, Andalusia, Extremadura and Galicia. Highways also run along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts.
3) One of the most industrial sectors is mining. Spain is rich in minerals, listed as one of the world leaders in the extraction of mercury and pyrite, polymetallic and uranium ores, as well as silver. Oil and gas are classified as imports.
4) For Spain, the sales markets are Western and Eastern Europe, and little by little the country is entering the Asian and African markets. Exports are mainly finished products in the form of machinery, equipment, fabrics, and fruits. The largest trade turnover was recorded with Switzerland and the USA.
5) EGL of Spain changes over time under the influence of all the processes taking place in Europe.
6) Spain is in an advantageous position and has good and sustainable development prospects, as we can see from the above country's GEO profile.
Developed skills and abilities
Any task involves the improvement of any skills and abilities. The use of such a tool as drawing up a description of the state according to the plan for characterizing the EGPcountry, allows you to develop the ability to assess the impact of the situation on development.

The history of how the country was settled, the national traits of citizens and the workforce help to identify areas that have the potential for development. Another skill that is formed when using the plan for characterizing the country's EGP is the ability to identify and highlight similarities and differences and their interpretation and application. Forecasting future trends and development prospects is an essential analytical tool.