Distinctive features of a person

Distinctive features of a person
Distinctive features of a person

What are the distinguishing features of a person? This question is of interest to many. After all, people are not animals at all. They are somewhat different. Humans have a variety of skills and abilities, as well as traits that primates do not and will not have. You need to know about them. What points are worth paying attention to? What features do people have? All this is not as difficult to understand as it seems. It is enough to simply compare a person with ordinary animals. You can immediately see the difference.

distinctive features
distinctive features


The first trait is intelligible speech. That is, a person can talk. And with words, not just sounds. This is due to the structure of the larynx. In primates, it is located higher in the throat. It does not allow talking.

Yes, animals also communicate with each other. And they even try with people. For example, through meowing - this is what cats do. Nevertheless, this is still not speech, although such sounds have a communicative function. Only a person can speak meaningfully, clearly, in separate words and sentences. What other distinguishing features are there?

Upright walking

The next distinguishing factor that takes place is bipedalism. The person walks upright and straight. Primates and animals do socan not. Usually they still lean on the forelimbs or hold the torso not quite straight.

Movement on two legs is characteristic mainly for people. In the animal kingdom, there are also some species that walk on two legs. But, as already mentioned, the body is not completely straightened. Only man is able to walk perpendicular to the ground.


A person has distinctive features in terms of hairline. Even with the naked eye, you can see that many representatives of the animal world are covered with wool or feathers / scales. It was designed by nature to protect against enemies, cold and for camouflage.

has distinctive features
has distinctive features

People are a little different. A person does not need wool to escape the cold, so the hairline has been preserved only in some places. For example, in the armpits and on the head. In men, vegetation appears on the face and chest, but the whole body is not completely covered with a continuous layer of fur or down.

A person has distinctive features. But what exactly? What else can make it stand out on Earth?


The brain is the next point to consider when considering the differences between humans and animals. And this is quite obvious. It's no secret that a typical representative of Homo sapiens has a fairly large developed brain. But this is not the only trait that people have.

The point is that a person's brain is arranged and developed in such a way that it can be used to the maximum. It allows you to create and reason. Yes, in animals and primates, the brain is also arranged in such a way as to ensure the safety of life. Only the level of development is much lower. What other distinguishing features of man from the inhabitants of the animal world can be distinguished? There are quite a few items that have not yet been listed.

distinctive features of a person
distinctive features of a person


Clothes and shoes are two more features that make a person stand out. It is with the help of them that people provide themselves with warmth and comfort. This is the replacement for the wool cover. No one else in the living world wears clothes or shoes. They have become distinctive features only for humans.

True, at the moment even special clothes are created for animals. Fortunately, such innovations take place only in relation to pets - mostly dogs and cats. But animals can do without clothes. But people are not. Therefore, do not neglect this point. A person makes shoes and things on his own, and then wears them.


The presence of a blush has become a characteristic distinguishing feature of humans from animals. It's hard to believe, but only humans have it. Animals, birds and other living creatures do not know how to blush. This is a feature that only humans have.

However, the appearance of a blush is still a mystery to the world. It is not clear why people blush when they are embarrassed, for example. Scientists attribute this phenomenon to a sudden rush of blood.

distinctive features of steel
distinctive features of steel


Distinctivethe characteristics of people are varied. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the period of childhood in humans lasts longer than in primates or any other animals. Human cubs depend on their parents for a long time and are not able to provide for themselves.

But the animals are somewhat different. The childhood of most of them lasts no more than a year. At the same time, during this period, parents usually have time to teach the cubs to survive and live. Learned the basics - childhood is over. A person is considered a child under 18 years of age. That is how long this period lasts. True, you can provide for yourself from about 13-14 years old.

If we talk about babies, then human cubs, compared to baby animals, depend on their parents for a longer period of time. Approximately 2 years it takes a person to learn to walk and communicate with their own kind. For animals, this takes no more than a few months. So pay attention to this.

are distinctive features
are distinctive features


The distinguishing features of a person from an animal consist of a whole list of factors. What can you pay attention to after all of the above? People have a lot of moments that can distinguish them from the inhabitants of the animal world.

For example, you can take into account reproduction. The period of gestation of human cubs has significant features, puberty - too. But this is not the most important thing. It's no secret that animals reproduce until they lose their reproductive function. This helps to continue the race. In nature, no oneso it does not stop multiplying, this desire for procreation is instinctive.

But people are a little different. The thing is that a person is able to continue to lead a familiar lifestyle, even if he does not feel the desire to reproduce. That is, this process is selective. There is no instinct that calls for mandatory reproduction. People in general are able to completely refuse the birth of children, and this is done consciously, or to postpone childbearing "until better times." In animals, as already mentioned, this feature is determined by instincts, so there can be no "delays".

distinctive character traits
distinctive character traits


A characteristic distinguishing feature of a person is work. Only humans are able to consciously create. A society is forming a culture that includes material values created with one's own hand. No animal in the world is able to work and invent. A person has everything for this: the brain, and special thinking, and hands that are ideal for using a variety of tools. A completely understandable phenomenon. Animals simply have a body structure unsuitable for work.

Also, people have abstract thinking. In other words, one can easily imagine how this or that object looks like, which does not exist in nature. Animals are not capable of this. Plus, a person strives for cultural development. He is able to create, create a variety of cultural values. As they say, labor distinguishes man from animal. And thisindeed.


Each person has distinctive character traits. But this point applies even to animals. Everyone has character. Only it manifests itself in people and animals in different ways.

People are more perfect in this regard. They demonstrate their emotions and experiences richer, they know how to hide certain qualities. Their characters can be called more detailed than those of animals and primates.

characteristic distinguishing feature
characteristic distinguishing feature

Every living being somehow reacts to certain stimuli. That is the manifestation of character. It is laid at birth and is not corrected in any way. Only people know how to restrain themselves in some cases. Animals are not used to this. A person knows how to control himself and understands where you can show character, and where you should restrain yourself. As you can see, people and animals are somewhat similar. But they have a lot of differences.
