Social support is Definition, concept, goals and objectives, a set of measures and technology of social work

Social support is Definition, concept, goals and objectives, a set of measures and technology of social work
Social support is Definition, concept, goals and objectives, a set of measures and technology of social work

Difficult living conditions in modern society often cause the development of social problems and an increase in the number of socially unprotected citizens. Many people, finding themselves in a difficult situation, are not able to cope with the problems of a psychological, social and domestic nature. A special technology of work aimed at solving these problems is the social support of the individual.

What is social escort?

Social support is a special form of social support for citizens, people who need it.

This concept includes not only the work of social services, but also participation in the process of socialization and assistance to a particular person (or family) of representatives of various fields of activity (medical workers, lawyers, teachers, psychologists, etc.).

In the Russian Federation from January 1, 2015 and untilToday there is a law that regulates the work of social services. It discusses in detail the issues of social support, reveals the basic principles, tasks and technologies for the implementation of this process.

According to this resolution, social support is support for the needy segments of the population and those who find themselves in difficult life circumstances:

  • guardians or legal representatives of children;
  • families with children with disabilities and children with disabilities;
  • poor families;
  • families raising three or more minor children;
  • incomplete families;
  • people with alcohol and drug addiction leading an asocial lifestyle;
  • children (teenagers) registered in the children's room of the police;
  • pregnant women who find themselves in difficult circumstances.
alcohol addiction
alcohol addiction

Goals and objectives of social support

The main goal of social support is to help the client in overcoming those life difficulties that have fallen to his lot; reducing their negative impact on human life and he alth; and ideally, support in completely getting rid of the consequences of these life troubles.

The tasks that are set for specialists who provide social support are:

  • helping the client in social adaptation, adaptation to new living conditions;
  • rehabilitation of a person and getting him out of the crisis;
  • care forhe alth status, help in the fight against bad habits;
  • restoring or raising the status of a person in society;
  • teaching the client how to interact with members of society and self-realization.
adaptation of the disabled
adaptation of the disabled

Social escort service

Social support is provided by qualified social workers.

The social support service is not one organization, but a whole system of bodies that, interacting with each other, ensure the equality of all members of society, give them the opportunity to rehabilitate themselves and take an active position in society.

This is an official organization that has its own regulations, charter and regulations. CCC employees can only be qualified specialists with supporting documents.

team of specialists
team of specialists

Absolutely anyone can apply to the CCC for help, regardless of gender, age, social status, ability to work.

Technology of social support varies depending on the specific situation and type.

Principles of social support

The activities of the social support center are based on the following fundamental principles:

  1. Services for social rehabilitation and adaptation are provided only by highly qualified specialists with appropriate professional training and knowledge of the methods and technologies of social support for citizens.
  2. Social support is carried out withvoluntary consent of clients. This process cannot be forced. Specialists working with a person in need protect his rights and without fail take into account the interests of the ward.
  3. The client himself must take an active part in social adaptation. The task of specialists is to reveal the personal potential of a person, to help him find himself in society.
  4. All professionals involved in social support should have the same access to documentation, monitor and record the dynamics of each individual case.
  5. The principle of consistency and coordination of actions for social support of citizens must be taken into account without fail. All stages of the relief work must be clear, consistent and thoughtful.
  6. Confidentiality in the process of social escort is one of the fundamental principles.
  7. A specialist providing social support for children and adults is personally responsible for their actions and the result of their work.
social support
social support

Services provided in the CC process

What are they?

This is informing citizens (about the right to receive social benefits, about the contacts of the necessary services and organizations).

Psychological services:

  • diagnosis of psychological characteristics of a person;
  • psychological counseling;
  • psychocorrectional work;
  • training in psychological methods of interaction with society;


  • educational work;
  • help in resolving conflicts between children and parents;
  • Teaching parents how to effectively communicate with children, effective educational impact;
  • organization of joint events;
  • pedagogical counseling for parents.
family psychological support
family psychological support
  • medical services aimed at improving and maintaining the he alth of the client;
  • legal services, which consist of advisory work and direct legal protection of citizens;
  • social and economic services.

Types of social support

Social support can be of several types. We list the main ones:

  1. Social and domestic.
  2. Medical and social support. It is aimed at creating conditions that favorably affect the client's he alth, help in recovery and control the human condition.
  3. Social and pedagogical support. This is preventive work to prevent deviations in behavior, creating conditions for the correct educational impact on the personality of the child, the formation of value orientations.
  4. Psychological and social - support of psychological adaptation to new social conditions, correction of the psychological state of a person.
  5. Social and labor - assistance in employment and professional self-determination of the individual.
  6. Social and legal support - assistance to the client in resolving legal issuescharacter.

Socio-pedagogical support

This is a system of measures to create an enabling environment for the development of positive relationships between children and adults in the educational environment. You need to understand that this is a professional activity carried out by teachers and psychologists together with children and their parents.

SPS can take both collective and individual forms. Their choice depends on the specific problem and the characteristics of the participants in the educational process.

family conflict
family conflict

Family social support

Very often SS is necessary not for a specific person, but for the whole family as a whole. This is especially true for dysfunctional families or those in which parents cannot cope with their own child.

Social support is provided by the Social Services Centers for families, children and youth. Their activities are clearly regulated by law.

The primary task facing the employees of this organization is to identify families in difficult life circumstances. Further, the staff of the center assesses the needs, develops and implements a number of activities aimed at supporting and helping a particular unit of society.

family of alcoholics
family of alcoholics

In some cases, when parents lead an asocial lifestyle, drink and do not work, the social service may temporarily remove children and transfer them to state care.
