For a he althy couple who dream of becoming parents of a beautiful baby, the method of calculating ovulation will help to see two cherished strips on the test as soon as possible. The fact is that even he althy young spouses can have problems with conception. The reason for this is simple. Days of intimacy may simply not fall on the most "fertile" period of the cycle - ovulation. There are many ways to calculate the day of ovulation to increase the likelihood of conception.
Ovulation: when it comes
As a rule, women planning a pregnancy begin to think about the peculiarities of their own menstrual cycle. Although the calendar method of protection is also common: the couple refrains from intimacy on “dangerous” days, when there is the greatest chance of becoming pregnant. To understand how to calculate the day of ovulation and in order to prevent pregnancy, and to conceive a child as soon as possible, it is worth returning to the school anatomy course.
Ovulation is the release of an egg ready forconception, from the follicle. This usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, although within the normal range if ovulation occurs a few days earlier or later. With a standard 28-day cycle (this is the so-called golden mean), ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle.

As soon as pregnancy occurs, the next eggs cease to mature, ovulation (as well as menstrual bleeding) falls for a while. After the birth of the child, the cycle is restored, and the woman can become pregnant again. The first ovulation occurs shortly before menarche - the first menstruation. The last one is about two weeks before the last period before menopause.
The egg, ready for fertilization, travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus (it may meet a sperm along the way) - this happens within about 24 hours. Ovulation occurs only once a month. For a woman to become pregnant, unprotected intercourse must occur at this time. If intimacy happens a little earlier, there is also a chance of conception, because the sperm can remain fertilized in the woman's genital tract for about a week.
Calendar calculation method
How to accurately calculate the day of ovulation? There are several ways to do this with varying degrees of probability. The simplest, but somewhat unreliable method is the calendar method. How to count? The egg matures approximately 14 days before the next menstruation (a deviation of two days in one direction or another is possible). To calculate the dayovulation, you need to know the approximate start date of the next cycle. This is where the difficulty of determining this important day using the calendar method comes in.
With a 28 day cycle, ovulation will occur around day 12-16 (28-14 and ±2 days). Cycle - 26 days? Calculating ovulation is easy. This should be done according to the same scheme: 26-14 \u003d 12 and ± 2 days. So, the egg will be ready for fertilization at about 10-14 days. The exact date depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body, the presence of stress, nutrition and other factors.

Another example: how to calculate ovulation? The cycle of 30 days is the initial data. Subtract 14 days from the duration of the cycle (30 days). It turns out that ovulation will occur approximately on the 16th day, if you count from the first day of the last menstrual bleeding. Now you need to leave ± 2 days. So, to make attempts at conception should be more active in the period from the 14th to the 18th day of the cycle.
The calendar method cannot be relied upon for irregular menstrual cycles. In this case, it is better to turn to other methods for calculating the day of ovulation.
Ovulation Calculator
The calculator is based on the calendar method. There are many mobile applications that will help you calculate the day when you are most likely to conceive. In such an application, a woman can mark not only the dates of the start of bleeding, but also her feelings, the nature of the discharge, basal temperature, the amount of water drunk, weight and other indicators.
The only advantage of applications over calculating auspicious days on paper is thatthe intelligent system analyzes all the data entered by the woman. If there are patterns between the state of he alth and the phase of the cycle (they are, but not all women are so sensitive as to determine ovulation and the approach of menstruation only by subjective sensations), then the calculator will correct the cycle. Of course, for this to work, observations must be made over several months.

The following mobile applications can calculate ovulation with cycle days:
- Flo.
- Period Calendar.
- Love Cycles.
In all you can set reminders to take pills or auspicious days, see the fertility forecast, create graphs of temperature and weight. Applications are convenient, have a beautiful interface and many functions. Flo offers more helpful articles, quizzes, and the opportunity to connect with other women. By the way, useful materials are selected taking into account the peculiarities of the woman's he alth status. So, if you notice heavy menstrual bleeding, the application will offer articles explaining the abundance of discharge.
Subjective feelings
How to calculate ovulation days with an irregular cycle? Many women complain of ovulatory syndrome. It is characterized by pains of varying intensity in the lower abdomen. As a rule, unpleasant sensations are localized either on the left or on the right. This is an indicator of which side of the egg has matured.
Some women notice increased sexual activity(this is inherent in nature, during the period when there is the greatest probability of conceiving a child, a woman will feel more attracted to the opposite sex), a surge of strength and energy. Some complain of breast sensitivity and soreness, swelling caused by fluid retention in the body, exacerbation of feelings and sensations: smell, sound, smell.

Mid-cycle spotting can be caused by a sudden drop in estrogen prior to ovulation. If at the same time there is a lack of progesterone, then slight bloody discharge from the genital tract will appear. A sign of ovulation is the softening and opening of the cervix, it rises, takes a position in the upper part of the vagina.
Ovulation Discharge
The nature of the discharge also changes - this helps to calculate the day of ovulation. With a cycle of 25 days, from about 8-9 days, the discharge becomes watery, and closer to ovulation, if it occurs in the middle of the cycle, mucous, transparent and well stretched. They may resemble raw egg white. The number of days with such secretions decreases with age. So, for a twenty-year-old girl, they can last up to five days (longer discharges are easier to notice), and for a woman at forty - a maximum of one or two days.
Ovulation test
How to calculate the day of ovulation with an irregular cycle? A very informative method is the use of test strips to determine the most favorable days for conception. Tests operate on the same principle as those that determinepregnancy. The reagent determines only not hCG (the so-called pregnancy hormone), but LH, a hormone that is released during ovulation. There are strips that need to be lowered into the research material, previously collected in a clean container. You can use inkjet tests, which are enough to substitute under the stream of urine.

You can start using tests from about the eighth day of the cycle, if it leaves an average of 28 days. If the cycle is irregular, then you need to calculate the arithmetic mean between the longest and shortest, and start from the resulting duration. Tests should be done once or twice a day (morning or morning and evening). Shortly before ovulation, a second strip will appear on the test. This means that the favorable time will come in a few hours. You can try to conceive a child.
BBT charting
Basal temperature graphs allow you to determine ovulation even with an irregular cycle. To do this, it is necessary daily (immediately after waking up, while sleeping for at least 4 hours) to measure the temperature in the rectum or in the vagina. You can use both an electronic and a mercury thermometer. It is only important to take measurements with only one tool and in one place during the entire cycle.

Shortly before the auspicious day, the temperature drops slightly, and then rises by a minimum of 0.4 degrees Celsius. An accurate sign of the release of the egg from the follicle is a temperature of 37 degrees or more for threeconsecutive days. This method is bad only because the most favorable time can be found out only after ovulation has already passed.
Calculation of ovulation by ultrasound
This is the most reliable way to calculate auspicious days. Monitoring with ultrasound is a dynamic observation of the growth and maturation of follicles. The examination is carried out for several days in a row to establish the fact of the presence of ovulation and determine the time of its onset. This method is used in the treatment of infertility and preparation for IVF.

When irregular cycle
If the cycle is not regular, then when planning a pregnancy, you should rely on test strips, basal temperature charts or ultrasound calculations. These are the most informative methods that will allow you to determine the most favorable days and quickly conceive a long-awaited baby.