How to calculate the days of ovulation, or Planned pregnancy

How to calculate the days of ovulation, or Planned pregnancy
How to calculate the days of ovulation, or Planned pregnancy

Each couple sooner or later begins to plan the birth of a baby, and consciously and carefully. In this case, it is necessary that the conception is planned and as soon as possible. Reproductive function is a rather serious process, but this does not mean that every woman needs to contact a specialist in order to calculate the days favorable for conception. Therefore, everyone should know how to calculate the days of ovulation on their own.

how to calculate ovulation days
how to calculate ovulation days

Of course, this issue is much easier to solve if menstruation is regular. This means that there are no deviations from the norm, menstruation passes with the same frequency.

If you have regular periods, you don't have to worry about how to calculate your ovulation days. You need to take the average length of the cycle, subtract the number 14. The number that will result is the ordinal day of the onset of ovulation and the most favorable in order to successfully conceive a child. This date is calculated from the first day of the beginning of the cycle.

There is also the most accurate method on how to calculate ovulation days. To do this, you need to make a special calendar. A woman in this case has to spend a lot of time, about 3-4 months, and all calculations and records need to beconduct regularly and responsibly.

how to calculate ovulation days
how to calculate ovulation days

At this time, it will be necessary to measure the basal temperature, so for this you will need to get a regular home thermometer and a notebook for scheduling. The basal temperature is measured in the rectum, and readings should be taken every morning immediately after waking up. It is important not only not to get out of bed before this, but also not to make any sudden movements.

In order to know how to correctly calculate the day of ovulation, you must definitely consult a gynecologist. Sometimes for some women it is not possible to determine the most favorable days for conception in this way, therefore, in this case, the doctor may prescribe studies using ultrasound diagnostics. It is he who will help control the moment of maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg that has matured.

how many days does ovulation occur
how many days does ovulation occur

There is another way to find out how many days ovulation occurs. It is considered the simplest and most affordable. These are so-called tests that react to luteinizing hormone. To conduct a study, you need to put a sensitive body in the morning urine, and then observe the intensity of the staining of the strip. When it reaches its maximum, this is a sign of ovulation.

How to calculate the days of ovulation as accurately as possible? For each of the fair sex, the choice of method is purely individual, but it must be remembered that all of them are applicable only whencondition of regular menstruation. If something goes wrong, and the desired pregnancy does not occur, do not despair. Timely medical assistance in this situation will help eliminate all existing problems and determine the most successful days for conception. Thus, you can be sure that the desired pregnancy will come very quickly and quite naturally.
